Fourth of July 2013 - An
Essay on Growing People Power
Do We (Still) Care?
"Thoughts of Gavrilo
Princip and Sarajevo 1914 came to mind this morning. Back
then, a gunshot from a single freedom fighter started World
War I. Now (2013), a news leak from a single freedom fighter
might have the same effect. "
HAIKU, Maui,
July 4,
2013 - I woke up this morning uncharacteristically early - at dawn. It
happened after a dream that involved a train accident in the former
Yugoslavia. As I slowly regained consciousness, I realized today is July
4th, the 237th anniversary of the American Revolution.
My next thought was
about all the revolutions that are currently taking place around the
world... Egypt, Turkey, Brazil. People power seems to be on the rise.
Yet our 1776
revolution was really a rebellion of one elite against another. So it
was quite different from today's global uprisings. The elites are
scared of People Power. They don't want People Power. Because that
threatens the power of the elites. So our Founding Fathers invented
Electoral College - proof that America's revolutionaries did not trust
the people to cast direct votes for President. They were also afraid of
People Power. The fact that this situation endures today, 237 years
after the American Revolution, is another aspect of America's
As if reading my mind,
a friend who is a college professor back East wrote to me this morning,
commenting on the latest in the US-NSA spying saga (Barring
of Bolivian Plane Infuriates Latin America as Snowden Case Widens,
New York Times, July 4 and Wall Street Journal
Here's an excerpt from
her comments:
"This time Washington showed clearly its
imperial power and its control of Europe and the rest of the world.
All bent to its will and denied use of their airspace for the use
of the Bolivian president and his diplomatic group returning home
from a conference, even refueling was a question. There was a quote
in the NY Times where the Bolivian President said that he had to
wait because Spain was checking with the US to determine if its
airspace could be used by the Bolivian President.
Truly shocking!!! … Raw power… but no good
sense. No wonder, Latin American Presidents are angry as are
thinking people in the rest of the world. As far, as I
can tell this young man told the truth. What else does he know?
Why must he be taken at all cost? Do we care?"
Do we care? This is
what I replied to my friend:
"Happy Fourth to you and [her husband]. I
realize that this is not a "native" holiday for any of us. But it
does stand for fighting for freedom and staying true to one's
conscience. And that's what America has stood for for a century and
a half since 1776. So in that respect, it is a "world freedom day."
Alas, our country has been newly reoccupied
and enslaved by financial chains, if not by the bayonets. I wrote
about that 15 years ago in this March 1998 column: WALL
about that at the Reform Party Convention and other public forums,
and in media interviews back then. Alas, things have only gotten
worse. So you ask an important question: Do we care?
It would appear not. Yet it is once again
time to stand up for freedom and stay true to one's conscience. Lest
we forget the famous words of Reverand Martin Niemöller in reference
to Hitler's Nazi Germany:
First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.
Then they came for the trade
unionists, and I didn't speak out
because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for me, and there was no
one left to speak for me.
What better day than July 4th to be
reminded of that?
And yes, I do suspect that Snowden has more
on the Washington's unlawful and secret transgressions. Which is why
the powers that be are becoming to desperate as to even break
diplomatic immunity. I have a sense this is only a tip of the
iceberg. Thoughts of Gavrilo Princip and Sarajevo 1914 came to mind
this morning. Back then, a gunshot from a single freedom fighter
started World War I. Now, a news leak from a single freedom fighter
might have the same effect. God willing, this could be the
beginning of the end of another empire.
(A Steve Bell cartoon in today's Guardian
in London. I just added the word NSA)
And with this happy thought, I wish you and
[her husband] a wonderful holiday."
I then made a
Frankincense, Myrrh and Palo Santo fire offering in honor of this
special day and in memory of all the people who lost their lives so that
others can enjoy freedom and independence of foreign tyranny.
Sadly. America today
is still nor free of tyranny. Here's what I wrote about that in my 2000
and 2010 updated Declarations of Independence:
Back to my dream about
a train wreck in the former Yugoslavia, I now understand why my Spirit
guides and teachers gave it to me and woke me up so early to write this
essay. Here's a clue:
"Thoughts of Gavrilo
Princip and Sarajevo 1914 came to mind this morning. Back then, a
gunshot from a single freedom fighter started World War I. Now (2013), a
news leak from a single freedom fighter might have the same effect. "
Happy Fourth!
Bob ALTZAR Djurdjevic
Haiku, Maui, Hawaii
Bob Altzar Djurdjevic is
a writer, musician, video maker, thrice-ordained Inca-shaman and
business consultant based in Maui, Hawaii (,,, and He is also a
former war correspondent and geopolitical commentator whose
have been published by major media in the U.S. and around the world.
"DO WE (STILL) CARE?" - A Fourth of July Essay
For more on this topic, also
see... g%20Main%20St%20to%20Finance%20Wall%20St.html">Bilking Main Street to
finance Wall St.'s greed (May 1997),
a Nation of Morons (Washington Times, Jan 2006,
here for the TiM version),
Oct 29, 2008 ... Here's
what I wrote in a Washington Times column
“Plutocrats of the NewWorld Order,” 11 years ago
(also see “The Great
American Divide,” ...
Phoenix, Washington, DC, and many other American
cities have their own "Great American
Divide" stories, but nowhere is the
desecration of the American ...
(1998), "The Great
American Divide Widens"
- about the increasing income gap between the
various social classes in America. This was also
a lead to the TiM ...
Aug 3, 2010 ... And
guess where the Great
American Divide, which separates the rich
and the ... by then the Wall Street Hoover will
have sucked it out of the...
Sep 16, 2010... Up
in U.S., Again. Plutocracy flourishing in
America: Poor get poorer, rich get richer ... The Great
American Divide (Jan
1998). Wiping Out the ...
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