HEADLINES Dili, Pristina 1. Criminals Return to Scene of Their Crimes Brussels 2. Lenin Stamp to Be Issued in Belgium Canberra 3. Aussie Taxpayers to Pay for NWO's East Timor Invasion W. Australia 4. Indonesia's Revenge: Illegal Muslim Immigrants Invade Australia Perth 5. Mandatory Bicycle Helmets: Danger to Public Health, Not Only Civic Liberties -------------- 1. Criminals Return to Scene of Their Crimes DILI, PRISTINA, Nov. 24 - When this writer was a kid devouring several books a week, some streetwise policeman in one of the mystery novels whose title is a mystery to us now claimed that a criminal always returns to the scene of his crime. Well, we don't know if that's universally true. But two separate events this week, half a world apart, yet at about the same time, proved out the validity of this policeman's theory. Bill Clinton paid a brief visit to Kosovo's capital Pristina, while his U.N.
ambassador, Richard Holbrooke, did the same near East Timor's capital Dili. "We look at all your faces and we know how long you have struggled for your independence, and now you have achieved it," this erstwhile advocate of Indonesia's pogroms in East Timor told the East Timorese in the presence of Xanana Gusmao, leader of the Falintil resistance fighters. "We look forward to working with you to assist you in developing a new and stable democratic country." "Democratic" like Bosnia or Kosovo - two of Holbrooke's recent legacies? In today's New World Order double-speak, the words like "democracy" have come to mean a dictatorship by the self-styled "liberals." And the terms like "liberal" have come to stand for thinly veiled fascism. Meanwhile, let us go back to the TiM GW Bulletin 99/9-5, Sep. 19, 1999 (see ), filed from Moscow, in which we commented about the perfidious role which NWO's Washington Crisis Factory had played in recent outbreaks of violence and political tension around the world (Kosovo, Taiwan, Caucases, East Timor):
And now, we have this Assistant Butcher of East Timor back on the crime scene, glad-handing the descendants of his victims during the last quarter of a century. And taking credit for being their liberator!? Just as Holbrooke did in June 1998, for example, when he publicly supported the KLA terrorists in Kosovo (see "Thugs of the World Unite" - TiM GW Bulletin 98/6-7, June 26, 1998, and "Milosevic: A Riddle Wrapped in Mystery" - TiM GW Bulletin 98/6-6, June 22, 1998). Holbrooke being welcomed with open arms in East Timor is like George Bush being cheered by the Iraqis. Or Josef Stalin by the Gulag inmates. For, lest we forget, the Indonesian military butchers of East Timor were equipped and trained by the U.S. government in the "art" of human butchery. And the Indonesian army also received financial aid from Britain, according to a Sept. 19 London Observer article (see "U.S.-Trained Indonesian Death Squads - Butchers of East Timor," TiM GW Bulletin 99/9-6, Sep. 22, 1999). If that doesn't make you nauseous, the Nov. 23 Associated Press report by Robert Burns about Bill and Chelsea Clinton's brief visit to Kosovo's capital Pristina, surely will. As Diane Bernish, a TiM reader from Ohio put it, "would just love to see you write a rebuttal to this outrageous garbage from the AP. Well, we don't do rebuttals, but we certainly agree that the AP report was a schmaltzy piece of pro-Clinton propaganda. Here are some excerpts:
The only thing missing from this AP "Ode to Clinton" were the violins. And
any mention of the 2,000 Serb civilians whom he (NATO) had killed. Nor of some 180,000
Kosovo Serbs who were "ethnically" cleansed while Clinton et. al. (KFOR)
"liberated" the Serb sovereign territory from the Serbs after the bombing
stopped on June 10. Nor of the fact that the Clinton entourage arrived in Kosovo after
having to literally slink in and out of Athens, like stray Despite the heavy police presence (up to 7,000 officers were patrolling Athens, clearing streets of traffic and sealing off areas where Clinton, his wife and daughter were visiting during their 24-hour stay), before dawn Friday (Nov. 19), some demonstrators erected two giant banners that read ''Killer Clinton'' on a mountainside overlooking central Athens. Even across the road from Clinton's downtown hotel, an American flag bearing a large swastika was in full view. Two days earlier (on Wed., Nov. 17), more than 10,000 marchers chanted ''Clinton, Fascist, Murderer'' and other anti-American slogans in front of the U.S. Embassy (see the photo to the right). But the AP "PR soap" masquerading as a news report wasn't limited just to the Slick Willie.
If true, the U.S. military these days must be staffed by absolute morons. For, here is an example which illustrates the Clinton family's attitude toward the military, as annunciated by a younger Chelsea. Here's an excerpt from our editorial, "Ayatollah Klintonmeini," published in April 1996 (see TiM GW Bulletin 96-4 for the full text):
And now the AP tells us that such a person was being affectionately "mobbed by soldiers?" That's like Jane Fonda being hailed at a Vietnam veterans' convention! Fat chance of that ever happening, unless the Vietnam vets' minds suddenly turned to mush as the today's NWO Army recruits' ones seem to have. Clinton's return to the scene of his NATO war crimes was the last leg of a 10-day trip to southeastern Europe. He flew by military helicopter to an airfield in the Kosovo capital. As snowflakes drifted in the freezing air, Clinton and members of his national security team met with the KLA leader Hashim Thaci, marking another Pristina reunion of the world thugs (see "Thugs of the World Unite, " S99-117, "Peacefarce" 11, Item 1, July 1). --------------- 2. Lenin Stamp to Be Issued in Belgium
"Belgium's government has completely lost its mind," wrote Irene Gossens. "They are printing a series of postal stamps illustrating personalities representing the XXth century. They choose Jean XXIII, Che Guevara (!), Nelson Mandela (!), (Willy Brandt!), John Kennedy, Golda Meier and .... LENIN!! These stamps will be on sale from 6 December 1999." (see the black and white scan of the stamp at our Web site). So Ms. Gossens fired off a long letter of protest to "La Libre Belgique" ("Free Belgium"), a Brussels daily, which published it in full on Nov. 24. She accused the Belgian government of being accomplices to the crimes against humanity carried out by the Soviet communist under Lenin's leadership. And she demanded that the stamp be pulled from circulation before its scheduled release date. Meanwhile, we replied to her as follows:
Speaking of which, here's what we said, in part, last August in the text which accompanied the new proposed NATO logo (see S99-132, "Peacefarce" 26, Item 1, Aug. 5).
---------------- 3. Aussie Taxpayers to Pay for NWO's East Timor Invasion CANBERRA, Nov. 23 - In the "Kosovo vs. East Timor" portion of our lectures delivered during the TiM editor's October "Tour de Oz," we said that sooner or later the NWO parasitic clique which is running this country Down Under will reach for the Australian taxpayers' bank accounts to help pay for the NWO invasion of East Timor. Just as the un-American U.S. government has done in its neo-colonial occupations of Bosnia and Kosovo, among others. And voila! Now it is official. That "special levy" is now a reality in Australia. Boy Howard (John Howard, Australia's prime minister) told the nation on Nov. 23 that taxpayers earning more than A$50,000 per year will be hit with a special 0.5 percent Medicare surcharge to pay for the Australian troops defending the NWO Princes' wallets in Indonesia (our terminology, of course, not his). The cost of the Australian East Timor deployment is estimated at just over A$1 billion per year. And what did the leader of the "opposition" have to say about it? In a truly adversarial political system, you would think that the head of the Labour Party would be spitting nails over such an arrogant way the Liberals (the ruling party) are wasting taxpayers money and lives, right? Well, think again. Boy Beazley (Kim Beazley, leader of the Labour party), said the "special levy was highly appropriate." No surprise there. Here's an excerpt from out "Tour de Oz" lecture which dealt with that topic:
------------- 4. Indonesia's Revenge: Illegal Muslim Immigrants Invade Australia WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Nov. 28 - Reactions of some Australian citizens with whom we discussed the government's "special levy" for East Timor ranged from indifference to mild disgruntlement with the WAY (i.e., through Medicare) Boy Howard and Boy Beazley chose to help themselves to the taxpayers' wallets, not that they did it. No one we spoke to among the middle class Australians questioned WHY Canberra invaded a sovereign country (Indonesia) at the behest of foreign interests. But all of them were up in arms over Indonesia's revenge. Rather than confront Australia militarily, Indonesian ships have been dumping boatloads of Muslim illegal would-be immigrants on coastal areas of Western Australia. In one recent week, over 1,000 such illegals were picked up by the coast guard, and resettled in various temporary camps - again at the cost of the Australian taxpayers, of course. What the Western Australians find especially galling is that these would-be immigrants., most from Middle Eastern countries like Kuwait, Iran or Iraq, appear to be well-heeled. "It's travesty," one Australian resident told us. "Some of these 'refugees' are coming here with their mobile phones, and our government is laying out the red carpet for them, instead of sending them back to sea." Well, that appears to be yet another point of similarity between the NWO America and NWO Australia. The un-American Washington government has been unable or unwilling - take your pick - to stop the flood of illegal immigrants into the U.S. By the latest estimates, there are over five million such illegal residents in the U.S. If the Muslim "boat people" continue to arrive in Australia from Indonesia in the present numbers - on top of the rampant legal immigration from the third world countries, this sparsely populated country may experience the same kind of a demographic assault on its traditional European culture as Americans have since the enactment of the 1965 Immigration Act (see "Dancing 'Round the Gold Calf, Washington Times, Aug. 31, 1997, and "Toward Nations of Obedient Mutts"). And that seems to rile the average Aussies more than the "special levy" for East Timor. ------------- 5. Mandatory Bicycle Helmets: Danger to Public Health, Not Only Civic Liberties PERTH, Nov. 26 - Regular, old-time TiM readers may recall a travel vignette "Helmets Are In, Bikes Are
Out", written during our last visit to this part of the world. Having been
shocked to discover that helmets are mandatory for bicycle riders, we said to an attendant
at a bike rental place on Rottnest Island:
Well, we've now received a belated feedback about this travel vignette from Chris Gillham, a freelance journalist from Perth, WA, who has evidently done a lot of research into this subject. And the upshot of it is that the mandatory bicycle helmet legislation is not only endangering civic liberties, but also the public health in this country. Here are some excerpts from his research, the full text of which you can find at the URL shown at the end of this article:
--- TiM Ed.: Guess female vanity is a more powerful resistor to the legislation forcing people to look like Marsians while exercising in public, than is the unisex impulse to fight for lost civic liberties. But wait till the NWO Aussie government brings out posters or ads of Elle MacPherson or Cindy Crawford wearing bicycle helmets. The remaining male riders may also put away their bikes and helmets and pick up cameras instead. In front of the boob-tube, of course. To read the rest of Chris Gillham's research on "how the mandatory bicycle helmet legislation in Western Australia is damaging the democratic rights and public health of the West Australian community," click on . By the way, Chris Gillham tells us that, "the Australian government is now proposing that the sale of second hand helmets be made illegal, be compulsorily recalled or have a health warning stuck on them warning they may be dangerous, but you HAVE to wear them!" To check out this Aussie government document, click on . Also, check out... Toward a new Multipolar World in the New Millennium, NWO "Liberals" Cancel Christmas, Stitching Together the New World Order Flag, Criminals Return to Scene of Their Crimes, "Buchanan Jumps GOP Ship," "Services-based Economy Means Cheaper Labor," Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up", "Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street", "Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan", "What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam", "Lift the Sanctions, Now!" (1993) Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |