Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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TiM GW Bulletin 2000/1-7

Jan. 28, 2000

Different Strokes for Different Folks...  

Reverse Fascism, Racism of NWO Media

Anti-Slavic Slander Tolerated, Spoof of "Liberal Values" Punished



Toronto                    1. Canadian TV Anchor Fired for “Off-Color” Remark

Taipei                       2. Anti-Serb Hate Propaganda - Part I

Washington             3. Anti-Serb Hate Propaganda - Part II

New York                4. Hollywood Anti-Serbian Propaganda (by Kevin Beary)

Sydney                     5. TiM Editor’s Upcoming Australian Lecture:

                                      “New World Order and Serbia”  

Ottawa                    6. Former Ambassador Turned Away at 

                                    Canadian Embassy in Belgrade

San Diego               7. “Kosovo Crisis” (A Book by Vojin Joksimovich)

Paris                        8. “In Memoriam:” French Group Sings for Serbs

Belgrade                 9. Kosovo KFOR “Peacefarce” by the Numbers


1. Canadian TV Anchor Fired for “Off-Color” Remark

TORONTO, Jan. 19 – CTV News, a Canadian national TV network, fired its anchor Avery Haines on Jan. 17 for remarks she made unknowingly on-air the previous weekend.  The network announced the dismissal shortly after the Canadian Race Relations Foundation called on the network to "disassociate itself" from the anchor's comments.

Haine's off-the-cuff comments were made shortly after she had flubbed a live introduction to a taped report without realizing she was still on air.  After stumbling over her introduction early Saturday morning (Jan. 15) Haines said sarcastically:

"We've got a stuttering newscaster.  We've got the black, we've got the Asian, we've got the women.  I could be a lesbian, folk dancing, black woman stutterer."  She added, laughing: "In a wheelchair, with a gimping rubber leg. Yeah, really. I'd have a successful career, let me tell you."

Haines later apologized to viewers twice (!) at the CTV network's request, but it didn't save her job.  "We've demonstrated our commitment to our policy with a dismissal," said Henry Kowalski, CTV's senior vice-president of news.

Jawohl, Herr Kowalski! Horosho, Comrade Kowalski!  Good lapdog, Henry!


TiM Ed.: Now, contrast the harshness with which the New World Order’s lapdog media dealt with one of its own who dared to spoof its “liberal values,” believing she was off the air, with a far more tolerant treatment of a far more grievous offence - an “on the air,” in your face, deliberate anti-Russian slander by an Ottawa Citizen columnist, John Robson (see “Canadian Columnist Calls Russia a ‘Lump of Dung,’ Yet Gets to Keep His Job!” ).  He also apologized, and got to keep his job - as an OpEd editor, too!

What’s sauce for the goose, therefore, clearly isn’t sauce for the gander.  You can slander the Russians or the Serbs - in public and evidently without repercussions.  But God save you if you touch the select “minorities” which the NWO media commissars have placed on the “untouchables” list.

If in doubt, read on… about the anti-Serb hatemongering being condoned from Taipei to Washington.


2. Anti-Serb Hate Propaganda - Part I

TAIPEI, Jan. 4 – On Jan. 4, one Laurence Eyton of Taiwan wrote an angry e-mail in response to a copy of the correspondence he had received from one Russell G H Mathews, BCom(Q'ld) BSc(Q'ld), Member of the Standing Committee of Convocation of The UNIVERSITY of QUEENSLAND, an Accountant, Mathematician, Computer Logician, Taxpayer's Advocate and Counsel before Administrative Appeals Tribunal. Australian Securities and Investment Commission Agent… to John Ryan, an Australian member of Parliament ("John Ryan, MLC").

Mr. Eyton’s angry e-mail read:

“Dear Mr Mathews,

I am not John Ryan so I cannot imagine why you are sending e-mail meant for  him to me instead. As for the Serbs, the sooner Serbia is ethnically cleansed of Serbs the better. Europe needs a final solution to the Serbian question as soon as possible. (emphasis added)

L.D. Eyton”

So, apply the solution to the Kosovo Crisis is for Europe to apply “a final solution” to the Serbs, according to Mr. Eyton.

Now, if Mr. Eyton were just some “Internet nut,” his comments would hardly be worth a second look.  But upon additional research, the TiM editor has established that this particular Mr. Eyton is no ordinary “Internet nut.”  He is the deputy managing editor of the Taipei Times, a leading Taiwan newspaper.  And he is also editor of the paper’s opinion pages.  And he is also a correspondent for London-based The Economist.

In other words, just like the Ottawa Citizen’s John Robson, who also happens to be the Canadian paper’s OpEd editor, not just a columnist, Laurence Eyton is paid to shape his readers’ opinions.  In Taiwan, and through the Economist - around the world, too. 

And just like Haine and Robson, Eyton subsequently apologized in another e-mail sent to Mr. Mathews for his hateful racist remarks about the Serbs.  But also just like Robson, Eyton got to keep his job.  Haine did not. 

So what are reasonable logical people to conclude from such unequal treatments?  That the Serbs and the Russians rank lower than the blacks, lesbians, stutterers or the disabled wheel-chair occupants on the New World Order’s scale of hate crimes?  The more than 2,000 Serbs whom NATO has killed, along with hundreds of thousands of Russians who have died as victims of western “reforms,” serve as a reminder of it.

But the “fish rots from the head,” says an old Eastern European proverb.  To see whom the media editors in Canada, Taiwan or Australia may be copying in their hateful anti-Slavic editorials, check out the next story…

3. Anti-Serb Hate Propaganda - Part II

WASHINGTON, Jan. 7 – On Jan. 7, the Orthodox Christmas Day, the same day the Ottawa Citizen’s columnist called Russia a “lump of dung,” another peace of hateful anti-Slavic propaganda was published by the Washington Post, ostensibly a “liberal” daily published in the new capital of the Evil Empire.  The headline was, “Serbs to Serbia”:

“As the former military mayor of the Kurdish refugee camps in Zakho, Iraq, I remember the efforts made by those of us in the armed forces to get the Kurdish people in fear of their lives to safe havens. We succeeded in this mission. I had hoped some of the lessons we learned in operation Provide Comfort, which followed Desert Storm, might have been remembered and applied in similar situations--such as Kosovo. The Post correctly termed this a "test case of the merits of military intervention" ["A Police Force for Kosovo," editorial, Dec. 26].

Sadly it appears we need to learn the obvious again. The Serbs in Kosovo need to live in a safe area where they are not viewed as killers by virtue of their ethnicity. That area is not in Kosovo.

Are we somehow blinded by the notion that it would be nice if the lion could lie down with the lamb and if the lamb could be made to trust us? Let's get past that fantasy and use the military forces now in Kosovo to shepherd the remaining Serbs to greener pastures in Serbia.

BRUCE H. ALCAN, Washington”

TiM Ed.: That this Kurd would suggest the Serbs should be “ethnically cleansed” from their centuries-old native lands by the New World Order’s “military forces in Kosovo” is perhaps not surprising.  Mr. Alcan may be a victim of the NWO propaganda who is mistakenly seeing the Serbs in the role of the Turks  or Saddam Hussein - both traditional oppressors of the Kurdish people. Maybe he doesn't know that, Kosovo is Serbia! Always has been. Always will be.

But for Washington Post to publish a letter which advocates “ethnic cleansing,” and than add to it its own anti-Serbian hate-mongering headline - “Serbs to Serbia,” sends a signal to all open-minded Americans as to what the NWO media are all about.  It’s fascism and racism reincarnated!  Only reverse fascism and racism. What if the Post’s headline were to have read, “Jews Out of Palestine” instead of “Serbs to Serbia?” 

And just think, unlike Haine, Robson or Eyton, no Post editor has even apologized for it!

4. Hollywood Anti-Serb Hate Propaganda (by Kevin Beary)

NEW YORK, Jan. 18 - We received the following (unsolicited) contribution on the same subject from Kevin Beary, a TiM reader in New York:

“Anyone given to indulging in conspiracy theories will surely appreciate the Star Trek film Insurrection, available on video cassette. The film seems to be a science-fiction justification for the NATO war against Serbia, made by the Hollywood division of the New World Order both to prepare the American people for the Serbian war (the film was released in theaters in December 1998) and to ensure their continuing support of the war once it started (the video edition of the film became available on May 11, 1999--about seven weeks after the initiation of the bombing campaign).

Insurrection starts with the depiction of a tribe of hippie types--a people called the Baku--who live on a distant planet in a bucolic utopia such as might have been imagined by a 1960s Haight-Ashbury hippie through clouds of marijuana smoke. This ShanGri-La is derived from influences including Henry David Thoreau's Walden; Colonial Williamsburg; Joni Mitchell's flower-child paean to rustication, "Sisotowbell Lane"; H.G. Wells' The Time Machine; and the Gap for Kids. The Baku are of course pacifists, and a Baku version of the Kosovo Liberation Army is nowhere to be seen.

The Baku enjoy the benefits of their plant's radiation, which continuously regenerates their genetic structure, ensuring them eternal youth. Their anyone-over-thirty hippiedom is threatened, however, by an aging people called the Sona. The Sona desire to relocate the Baku onto another planet, so that they--the Sona--may enjoy the benefits of the regenerative radiation.

To the rescue comes Captain Picard, who learns of the Sona's nefarious plans and dedicates himself to the preservation of the Baku.

Just in case some viewers might miss the film's propagandistic point, Capt. Picard articulates it when explaining his dedication to the Baku cause to Anij, one of the Baku women:

"Some of the darkest chapters in the history of my world involve the forced relocation of a small group of people to satisfy the demands of a large one," Picard intones. "I'd hoped that we had learned from our mistakes, but it seems that some of us haven't."

Insurrection contains shots of long columns of Baku refugees, shots that could have been used by the news channels a few months later in their coverage of the "Crisis in Kosovo"--save for the fact that the Baku's clothes are a bit too fashionably Gappish for real-life trekking.

Of course, the producers of the film could not foresee every aspect of the Serbian war, and there are a few scenes that tend to dilute their anti-Serbian message. For example, while the Baku are evacuating their village during a Sona attack, there is a scene of a bridge being bombed and Baku falling into the water. This is of course reminiscent of the NATO bombing of Serbian civilians on bridges--hardly something that jingoistic Hollywood would want to remind the viewer of.

Again, when a Federation Admiral (who, along with the Sona, has his eyes on the planet of youth), tries to persuade Capt. Picard to accept the relocation of the Baku by saying, "We're only moving 600 people," Picard replies: "How many people does it take, Admiral, before it becomes wrong? 1,000? 50,000? A million? How many people does it take, Admiral?"--which sounds uncomfortably (from Hollywood's point of view) like an argument against the NATO bombing of Serbian civilians.

The film's multiculturalist message is somewhat marred by Anij's disclosure to Picard of her separatist inclinations: "We've always known that to survive," the flirtatious Baku woman tells the infatuated captain, "we had to remain apart."

Such a statement would seem to go against the multi-ethnic sensibility of this film and of the Star Trek series in general-- reminiscent, as it is, of Jefferson Davis' famous remark, "All we want is to be let alone." But fortunately for the Baku, Anij's separatist declaration passes over the head of the normally perspicacious Capt. Picard.

It turns out at the end of the film that the Baku and the Sona are related. We are all brothers (and sisters) after all--even if the Serbs had to be driven from Kosovo in order for them to realize it.”

5. TiM Editor’s Upcoming Australian Lecture

PHOENIX, Jan. 27 - This is to advise you of the upcoming TiM editor's lecture in Sydney, Australia, on Friday, Feb. 18, 2000 at 7PM.  The lecture will be presented this time IN SERBIAN language, and will be held at:

St. Stephen's Parish Centre, 259 Hyatts Rd, Plumpton, NSW

Tel: 02-9832-3676; Fax: 02-9625-0986

For additional details, click on: .

Or you can also e-mail Father Miletich at: .

6. Former Ambassador Turned Away at Canadian Embassy in Belgrade

OTTAWA, Jan. 28 - A former Canadian ambassador was turned away by the Canadian Embassy staff in Belgrade when he tried to pay them a courtesy visit at the building in which he represented his country in 1990-1992.  Slobodanka Borojevic, a TiM reader from Ottawa, told the TiM editor today that she had heard Mr. James Bissett personally describe the incident on CBC Radio program “As It Happens,” which aired last night (Jan. 27).  Here’s the gist of what had happened:

At the invitation of the Serbian Writers Guild, Mr. Bissett, former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania, and an outspoken critic of NATO’s war on Serbia (see “NATO Leaders Have Taken Us Back to Barbarism” - S99-96, Day 70, Item 4, June 1, for example) participated in a two-day conference in Belgrade.  The topic was "Serbia and the West."

After the conference ended on Jan. 25, Mr. Bissett wanted to pay a courtesy call on the Canadian Embassy in Belgrade (see the TiM photo from wartime Belgrade).  That’s something he said he had done each time he visited Belgrade before.  This time, however, he was prevented from entering the building.  He was told by a staff member that none of the Embassy staff are allowed to speak to him, and that the order came from the Department of External Affairs in Ottawa. Whereupon, Mr. Bissett turned around and left.  


TiM Ed.: Now, for those among the TiM readers, especially Canadian citizens, who have a problem with the treatment which Ambassador Bissett received, here’s the phone number of the Canadian Foreign Minister, Lloyd Axworthy, whose office reportedly issued such an order to its Belgrade Embassy staff: 613-995-1851.  Maybe you wish to let him know, as the TiM has just done, that Canadian embassies are supposed be a home away from home for all Canadian citizens, not just for those who support Ottawa’s fascist policies. Or you can e-mail Axworthy at: .

Jan. 28, 2000, 5:30PM (EST): Anne Flanigan, a spokeswoman for the Canadian Department of External Affairs, told the TiM this afternoon, that Mr. Bissett had exaggerated the story. What happened, she said, was that the staff at the Belgrade Embassy were too busy to talk to him, since he arrived unannounced, without a prior appointment.  So Mr. Bissett didn't want to wait, and walked out, Ms. Flanigan said.

7. “Kosovo Crisis” (A Book by Vojin Joksimovich)

Text Box:  PHOENIX, Jan. 27 - “Kosovo Crisis: A Study in Foreign Policy Mismanagement,” is the latest book released about NATO’s bombing or Serbia.  It is authored by Dr. Vojin Joksimovich, a nuclear scientist from California. 

And it is “the first comprehensive detailed volume about the war in Kosovo as told from a non-NATO perspective in the hardcopy editions,” according to some early reviews. It's also the first ''no-holds barred'' attack on the NATO propaganda machine and their dirty little illegal war.

The Foreword to the book was written by Sir Eldon Griffiths, President of the World Affairs Council of Orange County, California, and a former Foreign Editor for Newsweek.

''Vojin Joksimovich has produced a radioactive commentary so hot and so corrosive, that no historian and few journalists would dare no to indulge in it,” Griffiths says.

To inquire about the book, or to order it, write to: Graphics Management Press, P.O. Box 241811, Los Angeles, CA 90024 (Tel. 310-475-2988).

8. “In Memoriam:” French Group Sings for Serbs

PARIS, Jan. 11 - Among some TiM readers from NATO countries who went to Serbia during last year’s bombing to show their support for the Serbian people and their opposition to NATO were a couple of your Frenchmen from the Schleiter family in Le Vesinet, near Paris.  They joined the thousands of Belgrade residents who guarded the city’s bridges night after night with nothing but their lives.

Now the two Frenchmen have made a CD about it, named it “In Memoriam,” and dedicated it to all the Serb victims of NATO’s bombing.  You can order the Schleiter CD by sending a check for 120 French Francs (US$18) plus postage (which should be estimated depending on the country you’re in) to:

Xavier Schleiter, MEMORIAL RECORDS, 23 rue Lecourbe, F-75015 Paris, France - with checks made out to "Memorial Records."

9. Kosovo KFOR “Peacefarce” by the Numbers

BELGRADE, Jan. 18 - We’ve received the following account of the Kosovo KFOR “Peacefarce” from Jun 12, 1999 to Jan. 13, 2000.  Judge for yourself how much of  “peace” versus “farce” the NATO/KFOR Kosovo “peace process” has been:

1) Number of terrorist attacks: 3,688 (out of which 3,630 were committed against civilians, i.e. 3,433 against Serbs and Montenegrins, 87 against Albanians and 110 against members of other nationalities).

2) Number of abducted and missing persons: 688 (out of whom 656 were civilians, i.e. 598 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 36 Albanians and 22 members of other nationalities). The fate of 559 abducted civilians is still unknown, while 64 were killed.

3) Number of killed persons: 793 (out of whom 772 were civilians, i.e. 684 were Serbs and Montenegrins, 22 massacred, 84 mutilated and 5 burned to death, 63 were Albanians and 25 members of other nationalities in Kosovo and Metohija).

4) Number of arbitrarily arrested persons by KFOR (Serbs accused of allegedly committing "war crimes" are detained in prisons in Pristina, Prizren, Sojevo near Urosevac, Kosovska Mitrovica, Gnjilane, Lipljan and Kolokot Banja. They have been arrested only on the ground of information provided by the Albanians of the so-called "KLA" and a large number of these persons are detained without any court decision).

5) Number of wounded persons: 611

6) Reported cases of physical assault, harassment and inflicted grave bodily harm: 416

7) Registered cases of threats: 356

8) Registered number of dwellings broken into and forcibly taken occupancy of: 776 in Pristina, over 200 in Kosovska Mitrovica, 190 in Gnjilane, 124 in Orahovac, a large number in Kosovo Polje and Lipljan.

[and so on and so forth… the list goes on for pages, and it includes the destruction of 77 Serbian Christian churches]

Which is why we said on Day 1 of the NATO Kosovo “peace farce” that it would turn out to be a “peace farce.”  And a continuation of NATO’s war against Serbia, only by other means.

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Also, check out... How Gen. Clark Misled the World, Who Is the Real Putin?, Buchanan on the Stump, Death of the City, Cavorting with the Enemy (Albright), Toward a new Multipolar World in the New Millennium, Albright's State, Soros' Estate, NWO "Liberals" Cancel Christmas, Stitching Together the New World Order Flag, Chinese Embassy; Slovakia; bin Laden and Bosnia, Criminals Return to Scene of Their Crimes, "Buchanan Jumps GOP Ship," "Services-based Economy Means Cheaper Labor,"  Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up""Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street""Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan""What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam", "Lift the Sanctions, Now!" (1993)

Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"  "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe"