About the Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins


Hard-Hitting, Exciting, Often Witty, Unique, Always Insightful, Sometimes Even Explosive...bomb.gif (3054 bytes)...Interpretation of Current World Events Which Shape Our Lives

Each issue of the Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins interprets in everyday terms, the significance and impact of global events on lives of average citizens in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world. It goes well beyond the news to present the strategic, moral and geopolitical implications of each event.  Check out some sample TiM GW Bulletins.

Djurdjevic is a globe-trotter in every sense of the word (he often travels over 150,000 miles per year). His stories show the Truth in Media readers the "real world" in far away lands. And he does it in his own, unique, "salt of the earth" style, not seen elsewhere in the media. Djurdjevic's Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins have been filed from, or written in, Paris, Sarajevo, Vienna, Toronto, Moscow, Sydney, Zurich, Belgrade, London, Prague, St. Petersburg, Singapore, Warsaw, Perth, Hong Kong, Stuttgart - to mention only some international cities.

The crudely-written sign on a dilapidated East Berlin building depicted in the above photo, for example, taken personally by the TiM editor in July 1995, reads: "The border runs not between the peoples (i.e., the East vs. the West), but between the top and the bottom" (of the social classes).  This line became a lead to the TiM GW Bulletin 98/1-1 (Jan. 1, 1998), "The Great American Divide Widens" - about the increasing income gap between the various social classes in America.

This was also a lead to the TiM editor's WASHINGTON TIMES column, "Plutocrats of the New World Order" (Mar. 9, 1997), our first piece on such social discrepacies which also noted:

"Nowhere is this (class difference) more pronounced than in the U.S.  This is where the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, and the Great American Divide between the relative 'haves' and 'have nots' has been growing wider and deeper in the last 30 years."

Of course, the Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins also take our readers on coast-to-coast journeys across the U.S., mixing in the charmingly funny "travel vignettes" with complex geopolitical and economic issues. The result is inimitable blend of human interest stories, and sophisticated philosophical messages. Both enrich the lives of everyday Americans and other English-language readers around the world.

greenint.gif (18462 bytes)The Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins have covered a diverse range of current events - from Wall Street’s manipulation of Main Street; to the PC and Internet's revolution empowering individuals and small companies to compete with industry titans on a level playing field; to the wars in the Balkans and Chechnya, to the current U.S. government's indifference toward, and neglect of, our armed forces; to the moral corruption of our foreign policy; to the "dumbing down of America" - a deliberate lowering of educational standards in our country; to the rampant immigration which threatens to turn America into another Bosnia by the middle of next century...

  • Each piece focused on an important lesson to be learned about the way current events mold, shape and effect the live of all of us.
  • Each piece heard the unspoken; read the unwritten; uncovered the concealed...
  • In other words, each story in each issue revealed another layer of truth about the world in which we live.

Index of Topics Covered in Recent Global Watch Bulletins

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| Why TiM? | TiM reader testimonials | About the founder | Djurdjevic's columns | About TiM Bulletins | Sample TiM Bulletins | TiM Bulletins Index | TiM activism | Djurdjevic's speeches | Travel vignettes | Surprising specials | How to become member | TiM feedbackSearch |


We welcome and appreciate feedback from our readers and supporters. We enjoy learning about your perspectives and thoughts about the articles which we publish. Tell us when we do something right. Tell us when we fell short of your expectations.

Also, please feel free to send us any stories, press clips or coverage of any global events that you feel merit further, worldwide distribution. While we cannot necessarily use every news tip we receive, we try to include as many diverse perspectives as possible.

Remember, our goal is to bring new stories and insights to the of the FREE WORLD - to educate, to challenge, to enlighten, to empower, to inspire...

Truth in Media
e-mail: publisher@truthinmedia.org