FROM SYDNEY, AUSTRALIATopic: BALKAN AFFAIRS TiM's "Tour de Oz" - Oct. 21-31, 1999 The TiM editor's lecture "Kosovo War: A Gang Rape of a Small Nation," contained 64 slides and images, some of which were photos taken by the TiM editor during his recent "Tour de Serbia." The full text of the lecture is now posted at the TiM Web site at
1. Srecko Popovic, a board member of the Serbian National Federation, welcoming the TiM editor and his wife in Sydney. The stretch limo belongs to Vladimir Kovak, a Serbian-Australian who is in the limo services business; 2. At a dinner at the "Village Grill" restaurant in Double Bay (Sydney): Front row, from left to right: Ilija Glisic, the SNF president, the TiM editor and his wife; back row, from left to right: Srecko Popovic, Marijana Miric, the SNF secretary, Ilija Vickovic, a Sydney lawyer.
3. Fr. Rade Radan kicking off the TiM editor's lecture at the St. Lazarus Church; 4. Ilija Glisic introducing the speaker; 5. The TiM editor speaking.
6. Visit to St. Stefan's Church in Rooty Hill, the largest Serbian Orthodox parish in the Sydney area. Fr. Srbo Miletich is in the center of the front row; 7. A poster at the St. Nicholas Church in Blacktown (Sydney) announcing the TiM editor's lecture.
8. Inside the St. Nicholas Church in Blacktown (Sydney). Fr. Dragan Saracevich is next to the TiM editor; 9. Beautiful frescos on the St. Nicholas Church ceiling.
10. - 11. The TiM editor delivering his lecture at the St. Nicholas church hall.
12.-14. At the end of the lecture and the Q&A, the SNF president, Ilija Glisic (second from right), presented the TiM editor and his wife each an authentic Australian Akubra hat - "An Australian Icon" - as its marketing slogan goes. Mrs. Djurdjevic then took to the microphone and shared with the audience her own "peppers and bombs" story from the Aleksinac farmers market (see "Tour de Serbia" - Aleksinac - Stage 3).
15. The TiM editor-turned-"Bushman Bob," upon his return from Sydney to WA - ready to take on the Australian bush with his new Akubra hat, a chain saw and an ax; 16. Notice that the famous TiM "Stop NATO's War" button, now a part of the Kosovo War memorabilia, has also made it to an Akubra hat and to the Australian bush. Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up", "Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street", "Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan", "What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam", "Lift the Sanctions, Now!" (1993) Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |