Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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Nov. 10, 1999

Special Truth in Media Reports on NATO's Kosovo War explosion.gif (16495 bytes)and "Peace"bomb.gif (3054 bytes)

S99-158, KFOR "Peacefarce" 52

FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA natologo-animated.gif (3783 bytes)            Topic: BALKAN AFFAIRS

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Nov. 10, 1999 - KFOR "Peacefarce" 52


W. Australia                                        1. TiM's "Kosovo War Memorial" Now Finished

W. Australia                                       2. Proposing a New "Serb Remembrance Day" - Nov. 10

Jerusalem                                           3. Furious Albright Shuts Down Israeli Satellite Link to Serbia

Oslo                                                     4. An Update: Nobel Prize Address

Washington                                         5. A Shift in U.S. Position on Serb Sanctions

Brussels                                              6. EU: No Flights to Serbia

Toulon                                                 7. Three Frenchmen Charged for Protesting NATO's War

                                                               updated.gif (168 bytes)(Nov. 12, 1999)

Virginia                                               8. USAF 's Gen. Short Gets Short End of the Stick from a

                                                                Retired USAF Colonel's Wife


1. TiM's "Kosovo War Memorial" Now Finished

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Nov. 10 - All good things must come to an end. Fortunately, the same fate awaits all bad things, too. NATO's "Kosovo War" certainly qualifies as a bad thing. It started on March 24, the New Day of Infamy, as we said that day. It ended on June 10.

The bombing ended, that is. NATO's war against the Serb civilians continued. Only by other means. We said on June 11, the day the armistice was signed by NATO and Serbian military authorities, that NATO's "peace process" would turn into a "piss process" and a "peace farce." It did.

And so, the 79 days of NATO's wartime infamy has now been followed by 151 days of KFOR's "peacetime" farce. Over 400 Kosovo Serbs were killed, and more than 180,000 driven from their ancestral homes in this phase of NATO's war on Serb civilians.

The KFOR "peace farce" continues, of course, as you can see from other articles in this Special Tim GW Bulletin. But basically NATO's job of "ethnically cleansing" the Serbs from Kosovo is now done. The few Serb civilians who still remain in this (yes, still) Serbian province present little danger to the foreign occupiers. It's probably just a matter of time before they also pack up and leave.wpe29.jpg (22169 bytes)

Throughout the 230 days of western infamy since Mar. 24, we have been there, hour-by-hour, day-by-day… building our "Kosovo War Memorial" in defiance of the "lie and deny" forces of the New World Order's Evil Empire. That job is now also finished. And today, we are dedicating the Truth in Media Kosovo War Memorial to lovers of truth and liberty worldwide. We are planning to keep it at our Web site until the next March 24 for all the (Internet) world to see.

If you visit our Web site (, you will find that the TiM Kosovo War Memorial consists of two wings. In the first one, the initial 79 days of western infamy are depicted through 106 Special TiM GW Bulletins containing 480 articles, 597 pages, 208 photo images, and totaling 199,000 words. In the second, the next 151 days of western infamy are described through 52 Special TiM GW Bulletins, including 226 articles, 383 pages, 182 photo images, and totaling 115,000 words.

You will also find at our Web site a new Kosovo War Memorial design (©Copyright 1999 by Truth in Media.  All rights reserved), which symbolizes this epic 230-day struggle. We'd be interested in hearing your interpretations of the message which it contains. For those who are not familiar with the Cyrillic alphabet, here's clue… the letter "S" (as in Serbia) is spelled as "C" in Cyrillic. And if you're really stuck… no worries, as Aussies would say. Just let us know. We'd be happy to explain our Kosovo War Memorial's symbolisms.

Now, we know that there will always be some among the TiM readers who would want us to go on chiseling away at our Kosovo War Memorial. Just as so many of you wrote to us and urged us to keep on publishing even if we missed only a day, due to the TiM editor's wartime travel, for example. We thank you for such wonderful support.

But every painter knows deep down in his heart which stroke of the brush is the last. Every composer recognizes the last note of his score. And every writer knows when he has written the last word on a subject. These are our last words on the subject of NATO's Kosovo War and "Peace" in the format of the Special TiM GW Bulletins.

Which is not to say that we are not going to cover this topic any longer. We will, when the news or our new analyses warrant it. But we will do it within the regular "Balkans" section of the TiM Global Watch Bulletins, as we had before the 1999 Kosovo War and "Peace" (click on the "TiM GW Bulletins" button in the left frame of our home page, or go directly to ).

In the end, we wish to thank the thousands of volunteers in Serbia and from around the world without whose field reports, news clips, photos and other contributions the TiM's Kosovo War Memorial could not have been built. At least not as tall and proud as it now stands. Thank you all for sharing our love of truth and liberty - the mortar which binds together the thousands of individual Kosovo War Memorial pieces.


2. Proposing a New "Serb Remembrance Day" - Nov. 10

WESTERN AUSTRALIA, Nov. 10 - At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918, the WW I ended. Ever since, Nov. 11 is celebrated by the WW I allies worldwide as the Remembrance Day, and marked by wearing on one's lapel a red poppy, symbolizing the flower of the Flanders killing fields.

WW I was a world war in which the Serbs had suffered proportionately more than any other nation. And the war to whose end the Serbs had contributed so much. Having been informed that Bulgaria had capitulated and signed an armistice agreement in the U.S in September 1918, German King Wilhelm II sent a telegram full of bitterness to his ally in World War I, Austro-Hungarian Emperor Karl: "62,000 Serbs have decided the outcome of this war. Shame on us!"

By the time WW I ended, over one million Serbs had perished, a quarter of the country's prewar population, and 55% of the nation's male population. That's as if over 66 million Americans were to lose their lives defending our country. No wonder the then U.S. Secretary of State (1915-1920), Robert Lansing, paid Serbia a special tribute:

"When the history of this war is written, its most glorious chapter will be called - Serbia. The Serbian army has displayed incredible heroism; the Serbian nation has suffered untold hardships... Such sacrifices and determination must be rewarded," he said.

They were, in the year 1999 - with American bombs and missiles, and those of other former Serb allies. And by the Washington-sponsored "ethnic cleansing" of the Serbs from Kosovo.

Which is why we propose that from this day forward, Nov. 10, one day before the allied Remembrance Day, be dedicated as the new Serb Remembrance Day, a day to remember and honor all Serbian victims of the NATO aggression in the year 1999, especially the innocent civilians. Anyone seconding the idea?


3. Furious Albright Shuts Down Israeli Satellite Link to Serbia

JERUSALEM, Nov. 4 - The U.S. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, is reportedly "furious" with Israel for allowing the government of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to use the Israeli Amos-1 satellite for its television broadcasts, according to an Associated Press report. The Israeli satellite company said it had stopped the broadcasts.

The U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Albright raised the issue with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak when she met him at the U.S.-Israel-Palestinian summit in Oslo last week.

An official with Spacecom, which operates Amos-1, said the company had stopped the Yugoslav television broadcasts by order of the Israeli government.

U.S. embassy Spokesman Larry Schwartz confirmed that Washington has been discussing the broadcasts with Israel. "We are concerned about any assistance extended to the Milosevic government in broadcasting its propaganda and I can confirm that we have had discussions with the Israelis about the matter," he said.


TiM Ed.: Quite apart from the fact that the Israeli satellite broadcast was clearly labeled a "test," a fact which even the State Department's "lie and deny" sources confirmed, did it ever occur to the Washington and Jerusalem government "reds" that they had just shut down a private (Israeli) company's business deal? While that was a common practice in the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites, it's interesting to note that the West Gang, after "winning" the Cold War, is now rushing to implement the same type of censorship practices in the West. Welcome to the "Kremlin at the Foggy Bottom!" And at Barak's Wailing Wall. At least now all truth and liberty lovers have something to wail about…


4. An Update: Nobel Prize Address

OSLO, Nov. 10 - In response to our report about the Greek doctors being expelled from the Medecins Sans Frontieres (SNF - Doctors Without Borders - see S99-155, "Peacefarce" 49, Item 4, Oct. 30), and our appeal to TiM readers to write to the Nobel Institute and demand that it revoke the 1999 Nobel Peace Price which had been awarded to the SNF, one TiM reader who had already done so, sent us the mailing address of the Nobel Institute. We posted it immediately to the subject story at our Web site. And now, we are pleased to share it also with the TiM readers of our e-mail reports:

Norwegian Nobel Institute, Drammensveien 19, N-0255 Oslo, Norway


5. A Shift in U.S. Position on Serb Sanctions

WASHINGTON, Nov. 4 - Under pressure from the European Union on humanitarian grounds, the U.S. last week relented and said that it is prepared to lift an oil and air embargo against Serbia - if the country holds free elections. Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, announced the new strategy after meeting Serb opposition leaders in Washington. She said the policy would help Serbs in their struggle for the right to choose their own leaders.

Previously, the lifting of sanctions had been tied to the removal from office of President Slobodan Milosevic. Albright said she believed it was highly unlikely that Milosevic would remain in power if the elections were free and fair.

Albright also announced a more favorable attitude to a European Union initiative to supply fuel oil for winter heating to two cities run by the Serb opposition. She said the U.S. would monitor the project to see if oil reached the right people.


TiM Ed.: "The right people?" Isn't EVERY Serb taxpayer entitled to equal share of the heating oil regardless of his/her political affiliation? Is this a preamble to a plan by Madam Halfbright and her Klinton Amerikan cohorts to ration the energy delivered to Americans along the party lines?

As for the Serbs, have they forgotten WHY they are having to freeze during the harsh Balkan winter of 1999? It's because Bill Clinton, Madam Halfbright, Gen. Wesley Kanne Clark, Gen. Michael Short and others turned off the heat in their homes by bombing the heating plants during the "79 Days of American Infamy." And enjoyed doing it, judging by a recent testimony of Gen. Short before the Senate Armed Services Committee (see the Defense Department web site at ).

And now, the same NATO war criminals want to ration the delivery of the oil to the survivors of their war on Serb civilians?

Honorable Serbs should spit in the face of any Serb politician who sat in the same room with such war criminals. And should deport to Kosovo any of the Serb leaders who shook the western war criminals' hands, or asked for their handouts. After all, (such Serb opposition politicians) should feel right at home in a Marxist-terrorist province which Kosovo is becoming. They just may not get to keep their heads for very long…


6. EU: No Flights to Serbia

BRUSSELS, Nov. 4 - Serbia's pro-western opposition leaders expressed hope last week that the European Union would soon ease a flight ban on Serbia. They argued that such sanctions hurt ordinary people, rather than Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, according to a Reuters report.

But an EU official in Brussels poured cold water on the belief that this could happen as soon as a meeting of the bloc's foreign ministers in Brussels on November 15. "There is not too high a probability of that," he said. "Some member states want it but others are opposed."

Specifically, Britain and the Netherlands have so far opposed a removal of the flight embargo, which came into force in the summer of 1998, and was extended last spring. "There is no indication they will reconsider their position," said one diplomat in Belgrade told Reuters.


TiM Ed.: Of course, not. For, every child, if not some Serb pro-western opposition leaders, should know by now that the anti-Serbian western sanctions - old and new, along with NATO bombs - old and new, have only been killing and maiming the Serbian people, not the nation's leaders - Milosevic, pro-western, or Buddhist. J

As much as it pains us to repeat it, over and over again, the preceding EU attitude only underlines what this writer told the Serbian people during his September "Tour de Serbia." That they can only rely on themselves ("uzdati se u se i u svoje kljuse"). And in the long term, perhaps also on a few real friends. Such as some Western European, Greek, Russian or Chinese PEOPLE (not those countries' governments).


7. Three Frenchmen Charged for Protesting NATO's War updated.gif (168 bytes) (Nov. 12, 1999)

TOULON, France, Nov. 3 - We received the following communique from Solidarite Franco-Balkanique in Toulon, France, which we post here belatedly, along with our reply:

"Wednesday 3rd of November 1999, three militants will appear in front of the section of thePenal Court (TGI) in Toulon, France, for having last spring, written slogans in public buildings against the war in Yugoslavia.

Through their bold action, Jacques JULEN, Marcel-Paul MAGAGNOSO and Pierre MINERVA did through their action not only denounce this criminal war but also the disinformaiton of the servile French media.

Today the murderous agressions against the people of Yugoslavia continue, in Kosovo through expulsions, putting in ghetoes, the massacre of serb-speaking populations, and in the rest of Yugoslavia through the murderous embargo added to the massive destruction of the infrastructures.

Faced with this dramatic situation of systematic bombing of Yugoslavia by the NATO forces, what do some inscriptions on the wall of our town represent, if not the legitimate expression of rejection of the war, an expression of a popular feeling ignored by all the traditional information media.

This is why, we call on you to:

  • To demand the release of our three friends and militants for Peace.
  • To express your support on wednesday teh 3rd of november 8h30, Palais de Justice place Gabriel Péri in Toulon
  • To write to the minister of the Interior - place Beauvau 75008, PARIS - e-mail:
  • The minister of Foreign Affairs - e-mail:
  • Fax us directly you messages of support so that we can communicate them to our lawyer

Please do let us know of the actions you have undertaken."

Solidarité Franco - Balkanique

Comité Var


Hameau de Chaumes - 83550 VIDAUBAN

Tél./ Fax. : +33-4 94 73 06 36

The following is our reply which we faxed on TiM's letterhead to Toulon on Nov. 12:


 Nov. 12, 1999

TO: Solidarité Franco-Balkanique

RE. Jacques Julen, Marcel-Paul Magnanoso, Pierre Minerva

Dear Sirs,

You have our full support in your efforts to have the subject three individuals released. Even to have detained and charged them for protesting France's participation in the gang rape of a small nation (Serbia) is truly a hitleresque move by the French government. Shame on the governments and courts which persecute decent people for standing up for justice and liberty.

Best regards,

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Bob Djurdjevic, Editor and Founder

TRUTH IN MEDIA, Phoenix, Arizona


8. USAF 's Gen. Short Gets Short End of the Stick from a Retired USAF Colonel's Wife

VIRGINIA, Nov. 5 - You have seen our earlier reference to the U.S. Air Force Gen. Michael Short's testimony before a U.S. Senate committee. Now, one retired U.S. Air Force colonel's wife, Stella Jatras, is mad as hell over things he said on that occasion. Steaming mad!

This Vietnam era bride gave the man who directed NATO's bombing raids against Serbia from his Aviano (Italy) base a well deserved short end of the stick. Her open letter was addressed to: The Commander, 16th Air Force, United States Air Forces, Europe Commander, Allied Forces, Southern Europe (i.e., to Gen. Short). Here is an excerpt from what Mrs. Jatras had to say to Gen. Short:

"Dear General Short:

On 21 October, Reuters reported: 'His voice breaking with emotion at a Senate hearing, the U.S. Air Force general who headed NATO's spring bombing of Serbia lashed out at France on Thursday for repeatedly vetoing proposed targets in Belgrade.' You were also quoted as saying, 'This is a personal thing with me.' You explained that your son flew 40 missions in the A-10 in Kosovo and that he was hit by an SA-13, and that, 'He called me that night on a secure phone and the first words were 'Don't tell mom'.'

As the wife of a retired Air Force fighter pilot and the mother of two sons, I share your concern for the safety of those whom we love; however, General, just as my husband was a legitimate target when he flew his missions over Vietnam, your son was a legitimate target, unlike the civilians he bombed.

Lest what I have to say be misconstrued as being anti-military or anti-American, let me make it clear that I love our country and I have always supported our military. However, I deplore the fact that young Americans such as your son were ordered to attack a sovereign nation, in violation of international law and the basic tenants of NATO. When the initial attacks against the military and political structure of Yugoslavia failed, those young men were ordered by you and your superiors to wage a war of terror against the civilian population. Our warriors go into battle trusting in the honesty, honor and ethics of their superiors. 'Theirs is not to reason why. Theirs is but to do or die.' You and the other lackeys of the Clinton administration failed them.

I now ask you, General:

- Was it your son whose bombs hit a bridge in central Serbia crowded with traffic and pedestrians on a Sunday afternoon, where 17 people were wounded and nine people died, including 'a priest with his head blasted away?' (Reuters, 30 May). Or was it your son who, four minutes after the initial attack, hit the bridge again just as help arrived for the surviving victims?

- Was it your son whose bombs decapitated a Serbian child? 'We found the head of a child in a garden and many limbs in the mud. But you don't want to report that. CNN filmed the bodies, but they don't show them on television' (The Independent, 29 April).

- Was it your son whose bombs dismembered Serbian children making it almost impossible to match the children's torsos with their arms and legs, although several were recognized by their sneakers? (The Guardian, 18 May).

- Was it your son whose bombs buried people alive under tons of rubble from destroyed apartment buildings?

- Was it your son whose bombs hit the convoy of ethnic Albanians reducing the victims to ashes, and then have your NATO pimp spokesperson, Jamie Shea, have the gall to deny that NATO pilots, possibly your son, were responsible for this atrocity by blaming it on the Serbs?

- Was it your son who bombed hospitals, schools, orphanages, cemeteries, churches, 14th century monasteries on the World Heritage list, in a barbaric act to destroy Serbian culture, society and religion?

- Was it your son whose bombs hit oil supplies polluting the air so that civilians couldn't breath, as well as water supplies, civilian apartments, civilian factories so as to destroy the quality of life and terrorize those who were not killed? And let us not forget the pollution of the Danube caused by NATO bombs which has affected all the surrounding nations' international trade costing them millions of dollars.

- Was it the depleted uranium from the shells of the Gatling Gun on your son's A-10 that poisoned the soil and the air of the Serbian people so that their children will be born deformed, and rendered the soil unfit to produce food for the people to eat?

- Or perhaps it was your son who bombed the Chinese Embassy in another 'mistake.'

Besides hitting the Chinese Embassy, your not-so-smart bombs damaged the embassies of Italy, Switzerland, Pakistan, India, Libya, and Iraq. Not only could your smart bombs not find the right target, they couldn't even find the right country as they hit Macedonia once and Bulgaria five times.

NATO pilots bombed Yugoslavia more in 78 days than Hitler did in all of World War II. Can you understand what that means to a people who were our allies in two world wars? It was the Serbian nationalist leader, General Draza Mihailovich, who rescued over 500 downed American pilots while Croatian and Bosnian/Kosovar/Albanian Muslims at the same time were turning them over to the Germans for execution. […]

And the horror we have wrought on innocent (Serb) civilians doesn't stop there. NATO cluster bombs continue to kill children. And just what has our illegal and immoral air campaign against a sovereign nation accomplished?

Since KFOR entered Kosovo, General, this great victory of which you are so proud, these 'peacekeepers' have stood by while the 200,000 Serbian men, women and children who remained in Kosovo have been reduced to fewer than 12,000, with the number steadily approaching zero. While the eradication of Serbs is taking place, NATO and the media remain silent. Serbian nuns are being gang raped or forced to stand naked before their KLA tormentors, Serbian priests are being beaten and murdered, 'Grannies' have been targeted for special horrors, such as decapitation, drowning (in bathtubs), stabbing or raped and the atrocities continue.

The demonization of the Serbian people is complete. Christian humanitarian organizations are collecting millions of dollars to help ethnic Albanians but not one penny goes to a hungry or suffering Serbian child. […]

The American people are finally beginning to realize that they have been lied to in order for this President (Bill Clinton) to justify NATO's war on innocent civilians and to send our sons and daughters into harm's way. […]

And with whom have we jumped into bed? We have jumped into bed with a bunch of narco-terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army(KLA)cutthroats who were trained in Osama bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan and who have now established their own mini-Afghanistan in Kosovo. The most disgusting picture that sticks in my craw is the one of Hashim Thaci, leader of the KLA, kissing Secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, on both cheeks after he had just executed six of his top officers. And just what have we succeeded in doing? We have succeeded in turning over Serbia's Jerusalem to these cutthroats.

And finally, I return to the Reuter's dispatch where you said, 'this is a personal thing with me.' Just what did you think, General, was happening to Americans of Serbian descent, many of whom still have fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers living in the Mother country, watching your son destroy a nation and a people? Was that not 'a personal thing' for them?

The Serbian people survived 500 years of suffering under the Ottoman Empire. They survived the atrocities committed under the Nazis by their fascist Croatian and Muslim enemies. They survived under Tito's brutal communist system. Now through our ignorance, our gullibility and a deliberate, concerted campaign of lies and disinformation to destroy these heroic people, they are facing annihilation by a hostile (western) world.

And finally, General, welcome to the New World Order you have helped to create. Maybe the job you did in Kosovo and your performance at the Senate hearing will get you another star on your shoulder. Wear it in shame."

Stella L. Jatras, Virginia


TiM Ed.: So there it is… it's all finished now. Love it or hate it… that's it. We've let Mrs. Jatras place the last stone in our Kosovo War Memorial.  Goodbye!

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Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up""Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street""Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan""What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam", "Lift the Sanctions, Now!" (1993)

Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"  "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe"