Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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Oct. 21, 1999

Special Truth in Media Reports on NATO's Kosovo War explosion.gif (16495 bytes)and "Peace"bomb.gif (3054 bytes)

S99-153, KFOR "Peacefarce" 47

FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA natologo-animated.gif (3783 bytes)            Topic: BALKAN AFFAIRS

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Oct. 21, 1999 - KFOR "Peacefarce" 47


W. Australia                      1. TiM Editor's Perth Lectures updated.gif (168 bytes) (Oct. 22, 1999 - see the photos)

W. Australia                      2. Excerpt from the Lecture on Similarities and Differences between

                                              American vs. Australian Politics and between Kosovo and East Timor

W. Australia                      3. Visit to Serb Club in Maddington (Perth) updated.gif (168 bytes) (Oct. 22, 1999 - see the photos)


1. TiM Editor's Perth Lectures

PERTH, WA, Oct. 21 - As previously announced, this evening Bob Djurdjevic delivered a lecture at the "Alexander Lecture Theatre" at the University of Western Australia (Arts Department building) in Perth on the subject of:

NATO's Kosovo War


Kosovo vs. East Timor Similarities and Differences

Colonizing the World by Bombs, Dollars

A Lecture by Bob Djurdjevic, Founder of the Truth in Media, Phoenix, Arizona

The lecture contained 63 slides and images, some of which are photos taken by the TiM editor during his recent "Tour de Serbia."

The full text of the lecture is now posted at the TiM Web site at


2. Excerpt from the Lecture on Similarities and Differences between American vs. Australian Politics and between Kosovo and East Timor W. Australia                      1. TiM Editor's Perth Lectures updated.gif (168 bytes) (Oct. 22, 1999 - see the photos)

PERTH, WA, Oct. 21 - An excerpt from the lecture on similarities and differences between American and Australian politicians, and Kosovo and East Timor is enclosed below. Also, a tongue-in-cheek description of what's ahead for mankind if the New World Order's agenda becomes a reality...

American and Australian "Demo Farces"

As for the state of democracy in America, it has evolved into an "American Demo Farce," as I said in my November 1996 Washington Times column. Take a look at the two presidential candidates the 1996 elections


Both frontrunners, the "Ayatollah Klintonmeini" and the "Kosovar Dole," were horses racing for the same stable owner - the "Princes." That's why Washington politicians, the high priests of the New World Order, wear turbans, fez's or yarmulkas. Whatever suits their Big Business bosses' interests at any given moment. Just not the Serb "sajkace." [smile]

Which is why both Republicans and Democrats sound exactly alike when it comes to foreign policy. And they always unite against political challengers who espouse patriotism, home spun values, America first-type issues. Such as Pat Buchanan, for example, whom they cheated out of electoral victory in 1996.

At both of my Washington speeches - at the White House and at the Vietnam Memorial, I told the crowds

"This is no longer a government 'OF the people, BY the people, FOR the people.' This is a government OF and FOR a group of bankers, 'death merchants' and other industrialists, run BY corrupt politicians, like Bill Clinton. And it is a government AGAINST the interests of the American people."

Nor is the "Demo Farce" some sort of a quirky, isolated American phenomenon.


Take a look at the two NWO "frontrunners" in the land Down Under - John Howard and Kim Beazley. I happened to be also here last October, during your federal elections. About the only thing different from the goring of Buchanan in the States was the sex of the piece of patriot meat which the Aussie NWO high priests threw on the national electoral "barbie".

Down here, they made minced meat out of Hanson. And just as in the U.S., supposed political adversaries - Liberals and Labor - UNITED in skewering Hanson.

And again just as in Washington, they don't differ much when it comes to crucial foreign policy issues.

When last month Boy Clinton called on Boy Howard to pay his dues to the NWO Princes, and asked him to put 4,500 Australian lives at risk in East Timor, did Boy Beazley object?

No Sirree… Not that I've heard. Beazley backed Howard on East Timor. Just as Boy Dole, Boy McCain and other Republican leaders supported Clinton on Bosnia and Kosovo.

And what Australian national interests does the East Timor neo-colonial intervention serve?

· Is it in the Australian national interest to challenge one of its most powerful neighbors and put its own security at risk?

· Is it in the Australian national interest to jeopardize its exports to one of its biggest trading partners?

· Is it in the Australian national interest to alienate the most populous Muslim nation in the world?

· Is it in the Australian national interest to put its citizens at risk as potential hostage targets of militant Islamic groups worldwide?

· Is it in the Australian national interest to burden its taxpayers with costs of the East Timor deployment?

Of course, the answers are no, no, no, no and no!

And it is certainly NOT in the Australian national interest to have its soldiers killed while defending the pocketbooks of the NWO Princes, rather than the security of their own country!

Especially not after Washington had been training for years the worst of the Indonesian death squads in the "art" of butchering people, according to a Sept. 19 London Observer story. And after Britain had pitched in with £1 million to help the Indonesian army.

So what does that tell you about Boy Beazley and Boy Howard? That they attended the same NWO boy scout camp, as did Boy Clinton, Boy Dole, Madam Halfbright, Boy Blair, Garson Chretien, Schroederkind, Lady Thatchpatch, Garson Chirac, etc. Most likely at some posh Bilderbergers, CFR or Trilateralist resort.

Ladies and gentlemen, it seems to me that you have in this country the same type of an un-Australian plutocratic parasitic clique riding herd on Australian taxpayers, as we do in the States. Only worse… For, Australia's "Demo Farce" is not even a domestic product. [pause & smile]

Kosovo vs. East Timor

Which brings us to the question of similarities and differences between Kosovo and East Timor "Why did the Princes, go to war over Kosovo but not East Timor?"

One answer is, because they didn't have to. Washington sent Australians and other vassals to do its bidding.

But to me, an even more important question is "Why did the Princes bomb Serbia and not Indonesia?" After all, both regimes were accused of committing atrocities.

The simple answer is, because Serbia is expendable; Indonesia is not.


· Serbia is a small, predominantly Christian country, isolated in the heart of Europe and surrounded by enemies and NWO vassals.

Indonesia is a vast, oil-rich country, whose 17,000 islands are home to the world's biggest Muslim population.

· Killing and alienating Serbs would not jeopardize strategic U.S. interests elsewhere in the world, as the Kosovo War has proven.

Bombing Indonesia could provoke backlash throughout the world, putting at risk strategic interests of the Princes not only in Indonesia, but elsewhere in the Muslim countries, such as in the Middle East.

· In Kosovo, atrocities were staged or invented and blamed on the Serbs in real life "Wag the Dog" scenarios. That became clear lately by an absence of alleged "mass graves" after the KFOR takeover.

In East Timor, atrocities were real and were carried out over a period of 14 years by U.S. trained butchers.

· The Princes had no leverage in Serbia, the only non-vassal country in Europe whose economy had already been devastated before NATO's bombing by years of genocidal sanctions. Which means the NWO multinationals had zero capital at risk. But they also had zero leverage in pulling the political strings in Belgrade. Which is why they resorted to bombs, rather than loans.

In Indonesia, a country in which they have invested tens of billions of dollars in the 1990s alone, the Princes had plenty of leverage. Although some of it may be slipping now with last night's election of a virtual unknown as Indonesia's president.

Nevertheless, occupying East Timor without having to bomb Indonesia only goes to prove that "free trade" and "globalism" means that nations can be colonized by dollars as effectively as with bombs.

In my Washington Times column "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict," published on Oct. 25, 1998 - yes a year ago - I said

"The U.S./NATO never bombed Turkey over its atrocities against the Kurds; or China over Tibet; or Indonesia over East Timor; or Israel over its various even extra-territorial military assaults on neighboring countries; or Russia over Chechnya; or Great Britain over Northern Ireland; or Spain over its treatment of the Basques."

But it did bomb Iraq when Washington lost its leverage in Baghdad, despite having supported Saddam Hussein, both militarily and financially during Iraq's war with Iran.

And it did bomb Libya, when the U.S. lost its leverage with Mouamar Qaddafi, one of the sponsors of Islamic terrorism.

And it did bomb Afghanistan and Sudan, also expendable countries by the Princes' standards.


So the essence of the NWO globalists' neo-colonial strategy is "Bomb obstinate weak nations, buy off obstinate big ones. Then rule the world." [pause]

Toward a New World Order

Maybe. For, as Niccolo Machiavelli warned in his book, "Prince", written in 1513 "There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage, than a creation of a new order of things."

But power-hungry, would-be rulers of the world - from Genghis Khan, to Attila the Hun, to Napoleon, to the British Empire, to Hitler's Third Reich… rarely pay attention to the words of the wise, or bother to learn from history. Which is why they tend to repeat it. Usually at their own peril.

The same will be eventually the case with the latest edition of the New World Order. As we have seen, the West Side Gang delivers same kind of "gun diplomacy" which the East Side Gang had used, only using bigger guns and more perfidy to mask the western Prince's grab for power.

And what are the Princes' ultimate objectives? Not unlike those of communists. Both love faceless uniformity and blind loyalty. Both loathe any living creature which is proud of its unique looks, language, religion or culture.

So if God were to (re)create the world by the designs of the NWO Princes, there would be only three kinds of creatures around


· All two legged-creatures would be ostriches; [smile]

· All four legged-ones would be sheep; [smile}

· All sea-living creatures would be sardines, anxiously waiting in long lines at the nearest Princes' canning factory docks to jump into cans, and be exported to some distant low-cal, low-brow; low-IQ, but immensely happy NWO society. [smile]

Now, I can see how this New World Order "menage à trois" could seem appealing to some Australian sheep farmers. But only if they behaved like their livestock. [smile]

Meanwhile, Australians who do not wish to stoop to the sheep level, may wonder, for example, why it is unlawful in Western Australia to kill a poisonous snake, but it was okay for the Australian government to support NATO's murder of 2,000 Serb humans? Including many children. Like, Bojana, Dejana and Stefan.

And even if some people don't care about a bunch of distant Serbs being killed, where were the Australian animal lovers when NATO decapitated that German shepherd, or disemboweled that white horse you saw earlier? Or when it terrorized the wild animals at the Belgrade zoo?

Guess ostriches, sheep or sardines wouldn't get too exercised over dichotomies like that, either. Nor about the fact the Australian government generously hosted Kosovo Albanians, but turned its back on over 180,000 Serb refugees from Kosovo, "ethnically cleansed" after the KFOR "peace farce" commenced. Not to mention over 600,000 Serb refugees who had been driven from their homes during the NWO "humanitarian missions" in Bosnia and Croatia.

Of course, things could get worse, too…

The next UN Security Council resolution might authorize a new "peacekeeping" force - let's call it the United Nations Save the Ostrich Sheep and Sardines force - or UNSOSS. Or UN-SAUCE, if you prefer. [smile] Its job - to "ethnically cleanse" or physically eliminate all other creatures. [smile]

Of course, the designated victims would be first sedated with ample quantities of "panem et circenses" ("bread and games"). Just as the crumbling Rome offered its doomed citizens. Except that the UNSOSS would feed them McDonald's hamburgers and Coke instead of gladiator patties. [smile]

· Naturally, the Princes and the high priests of the globalist ideology, would be exempt from such a low-cal, high-hype, low-IQ, high-brow diet. Just as the rulers of the decaying Rome were. [pause]

· Finally, a separate UN Security Council resolution would compact all world religions into one. Its creed "I believe in nothing!" Its symbol The Almighty Dollar. Its object of worship The Golden Calf. Its holy shrine Wall Street. [pause]

I said at the outset that you may find some of my conclusions disconcerting. But is there still hope for the unsedated citizens of the world?

Yes, there is. In fact, the arrogant, yet short-sighted, global industrialists may have invented the tools of their own destruction.


The self-proclaimed Cold War winners should beware of premature victory parades.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in the midst of a revolution - an information technology revolution, a revolution no less dramatic than the invention of gun powder.

In an article, "Move over Einstein, Signor Da Vinci Is Back," published in July 1997 in the FORBES magazine's on-line edition, I said

"The Internet and the PC - two post-industrial era technological revolutions - are returning Homo Sapiens back to nature. It's the beginning of 'Renaissance II'."

The ubiquitous PC and the Internet have empowered individuals and small companies to compete with giant enterprises on a level playing field. They've become equalizers. Kind of like the invention of gun powder enabled a little old lady to overpower a big hooligan.

The result is a massive transfer of wealth from industrial incumbents to information technology challengers.

Bill Gates, by far the richest man in America, is today much wealthier than the IBM CEO. Yet 20 years ago, he was a nobody. Similar opportunities exist today for small nations with talented people engaged in the field of information technology.

The industrial era automated the simplest (physical) forms of life; called them SCIENCES; held them in high esteem; and rewarded handsomely its apostles, such as Albert Einstein. It also put down the more complex forms of life - the ARTS.

Now, with the advent of PC's and the Internet, a (re)fusion of arts and sciences is taking place…

Leonardo da Vinci would have been pleased…

Picture a CNN reporter sticking a microphone in front of Signor da Vinci, and asking him "Sir, do you consider yourself an artist or a scientist?"

What do you think the great Renaissance man's answer would have been? [ask for show of hands]

"Son, I haven't the foggiest idea what you're talking about. What is the difference between artists and scientists?," would be my guess.

So, as you can see, there's hope for graduates of liberal arts colleges and university after all. [smile]

And I am especially pleased to be able to make that proclamation in an Arts Department of a renowned university. [smile].


One of the greatest tributes for me personally was when I, an engineer by academic degree, was being elected an honorary member of the Serbian Writers Guild last month in Belgrade, and presented the membership card No. 3.

Here are some mementos from that evening…

Fancy that… an engineer turned a scribe and public speaker! Surprised? I was. Yet I have a feeling that Signor da Vinci would have hound that perfectly logical. [smile]


To summarize, NATO's war on Serbia was nothing short of a gang rape of a small nation.

Australian intervention in East Timor shows that your government is as un-Australian as ours is un-American. And that countries can be colonized by dollars as well as bombs.

If the New World Order Princes had their way, the world would consist only of ostriches, sheep and sardines.

But the future is not as bleak despite such a gloomy present picture. The PC and the Internet are combining to help Homo Sapiens liberate himself from the shackles of the Princes.

And what about the crimes the Princes have already committed?


As I said to the American crowds in Washington, even if Clinton somehow dodges a war crimes trial, as he had dodged the military service to his country - he, his Secretary of Hate, Madam Halfbright, and all other NATO leaders will still face a trial, sooner or later, in a higher court.

"Don't be afraid of anything but sin," the Serb Patriarch Pavle once told me, as he asked me to pass this message to the faithful among the Serbian-Americans. For, in the end, he said, God "will weigh everything precisely and fairly."

Including the sins of our Draftdodger-in-Chief! And now a mass murderer, too!

So I say, "Drop Clinton, Not Bombs!"

And I say, "Kosovo is Serbia!" Always has been. Always will be. Even if it takes another 500 years to win it back from the Evil Empire, as it did from the Ottoman Empire.


For, as Prince Lazar 610 years ago replied to God's question about which kingdom he would choose - earthly or heavenly

"Dear God, the earthly kingdom lasts only a brief time,

But the heavenly kingdom is always and forever."


Thank you. And now, I'll be pleased to take some questions.


What followed a long applause with some people standing up in the lecture theater while applauding. After about a 20 minute Q&A period, during which a member of the Australian Aborigine government also complimented the speaker and saluted the Serbian people's struggle against the NWO, the TiM editor gave some interviews to the local media.


3. Visit to Serb Club in Maddington (Perth) updated.gif (168 bytes) (Oct. 22, 1999 - see the photos)

MADDINGTON (PERTH), Oct. 21 - After the U of WA lecture, the TiM editor was invited to address a group of Serbian-Australians at the magnificent Serbian Club in the Perth suburb of Maddington. Here, the Serb editor gave a less formal speech (in Serbian) of about 20 minutes in length. This was followed by a Q&A of about an hour. 

TiM editor started his off-the-cuff comment by saying that never in his wildest dreams, could he have expected one day to be standing in front of a large Serbian community assembly in a place as far away as Perth, and to be able to address them in Serbian.   So he said he felt honored to be able to do so.

Following his impromptu remarks about NATO's war on Serbia, TiM editor's answers to questions from a very diverse Serbian community in Western Australia, which was represented at the Maddington Club meeting by members of at least eight different Serb organizations, were frequently followed by spontaneous applause.

At the end of the session, leaders of the Serbian community in Western Australia such as the Club's president,  Mr. Radoslav Djordjevic, and Mr. Pavle Novakovic, a board director of the Club, presented to the TiM editor an honorary member card (No. 3) to the Serbian Club of Western Australia, as well as a handsome T-shirt with its logo.

Also, Dr. Nenad Petrovic, President of the Serbian National Federation of Western Australia, who also MC'd both the University of WA and the Serbian Club events, presented to the TiM editor a handsome plaque thanking Djurdjevic for his "tireless work and effort in discovering and publishing the truth about the Serbian people and its struggle for justice" (see the photos).

As the TiM editor and his wife finally departeed, at about 10:30PM, the Club's president said in his farwell greeting: "This is your Serb home in Western Australia.  You're welcome back anytime."

"Please come back!" shouted one other members of the audience, amid widespread applause in the hall.

"God willing, I shall return..." the TiM editor replied.

Only later on this evening, he began to worry... For, that line (unwittingly) sounded line Gen. MacArthur's famous message during WW II.


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Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up""Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street""Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan""What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam", "Lift the Sanctions, Now!" (1993)

Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"  "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe"