Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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Sept. 30, 1999

Special Truth in Media Reports on NATO's Kosovo War explosion.gif (16495 bytes)and "Peace"bomb.gif (3054 bytes)

S99-149, KFOR "Peacefarce" 43

FROM WESTERN AUSTRALIA natologo-animated.gif (3783 bytes)            Topic: BALKAN AFFAIRS

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Sept. 30, 1999 - KFOR "Peacefarce" 43


Prizren                               1. Kosovo Albanians Burn to Death a Six-month Old Serb Baby

Belgrade        hot-news.gif (5628 bytes)        2. Milosevic's Police Wantonly and Indiscriminately Club

                                              Peaceful Citizens (LATEST NEWS - an exclusive report)

    updated.gif (168 bytes) Oct. 1: Photos added from the Sept. 30 police action! new-feat.gif (906 bytes)

Herceg Novi                     3. U.S. Diplomat Admits Washington Fomenting

                                              Serb Civil War

Belgrade                           4. The West Hopes for Upheaval within Milosevic's SPS

Washington                      5. Pentagon Preparing Plans to Invade Montenegro

Sydney                             6. Kosovo Albanians Refuse to Move to Make

                                            Room for East Timor Refugees


1. Kosovo Albanians Burn to Death a Six-month Old Serb Baby

PRIZREN, Sept. 25 - The New World Order's war against the Serb civilians continues after NATO's bombing stopped, we told the numerous audiences and in media interviews given during TiM editor's recent "Tour de Serbia" (see It's just that the KFOR "peace farce" phase of the war is being carried out by other means. First, by use of genocidal sanctions; second by terrorist acts against the Serbs perpetrated by the Kosovo Albanians acting as the NWO proxies in Kosovo. The death of Sava Mladenovic of Prizren, the southeast Kosovo town chosen as the headquarters of the German "peacekeeping" zone, is a recent case in point.

But first, a fair warning: This story is not for the faint at heart. And the accompanying VERY GRAPHIC photo posted at our Web site (see below) should only be viewed by those adults who can handle the gruesome images of war. If you can't, skip to the next article.

Sava Mladenovic was born to his Serb mother at about the same time as the "79 Days of American Infamy" started with the NATO bombing last March. Six months later, he was brutally murdered by Kosovo Albanians, who kidnapped the baby on Sept. 21, and then burned Sava to death, according to a Tanjug report (Sept. 25) which cited the international Center for Peace and Tolerance staff in Prizren as the source.

The motive for such a bestial crime against a six-month old baby? Sava's Mom, Dragana Mladenovic, had reportedly refused to leave Prizren, despite the Albanians' threats and pressure for her to follow the over 180,000 Serbs who have been "ethnically cleansed" from Kosovo during KFOR's "peace farce." wpe12.jpg (9318 bytes)

No charges were laid by KFOR or by any other police force in Kosovo (e.g., UNMIK). No suspects are apprehended. In fact, we are not aware of any news reports in the western media about this atrocity.

"Not even one of the numerous agencies for human rights (present in Kosovo) has shown concern for that horrifying crime by Albanian terrorists, nor did the news about the tragedy of a Serbian baby shock the world publicity," the Tanjug's report commented.

"Silence is acquiescence," goes an old saw. As if to prove it, the following day (Sept. 22), the Albanian terrorists Darko Dojcinovski (24) of Tetovo and Jordan Kosic (41) of Prizren, the Center for Peace and Tolerance also reported. And the next day, on Thursday, Sept. 23, a Roma (Gypsy) Adem Krueziju was killed in his house in Prizren, while Dejan Cvetkovic, a Serb, was kidnapped in the same town. Dragan and Stevan Smiljanic were beaten up at a Prizren marketplace only because they spoke Serbian (see the photo of the "lucky" Serb on your left).beaten_serb9-27.jpg (14421 bytes)

Ethnic Albanian terrorists also burned down 26 Serbian houses in a Prizren suburb, and three Serb houses in downtown Prizren, the Tanjug story said (For more information about these and other crimes against the Serbs and Gypsies in Kosovo, see

And all these crimes may be carried out with KFOR's silent complicity or deliberate collaboration, take your pick, according to the following Sept. 29 report which we have just received from a TiM reader in the San Francisco area:

"A reporter from a S.F. TV station went to Kosovo few weeks ago to compare how the living conditions are, now that NATO troops are on the ground.

She said that now the Serbs are the ones targeted. KFOR has a habit to mark Serb houses with green spray paint /\ (an upside down V), allegedly to keep better protection for the Serbs. However, the Albanians used this for burning, looting, now that they know where lots of Serbs live.

In the old part of Prizren, many houses are connected. When a Serb house is set on fire, no one sees who did it.

The reporter visited the Serbian church grounds in Prizren. Lots of elderly Serbs live inside the premises, since it isn't safe for them to be in their homes. An elderly Serbian woman said she wants to leave, go to her son's or relatives place outside Kosovo or in Montenegro. But KFOR says she can't leave and must remain in Prizren."


TiM Ed.: So now the KFOR troops are "protecting" the few remaining Serbs from "ethnic cleansing" by saving them as potential murder victims?


 hot-news.gif (5628 bytes) 2. Milosevic's Police Wantonly and Indiscriminately Club Peaceful Citizens (LATEST NEWS - an exclusive report by a Yugoslav Army officer)

BELGRADE, Sept. 30 - This just in from a TiM reader in Belgrade, a Yugoslav military officer who became an unwitting eyewitness and victim of the Slobodan Milosevic's police wanton brutality (the bombed out headquarters of the Yugoslav Army is at the intersection of the Nemanjina and Kneza Milosa streets). Here's a partial translation of an obviously angry report this officer filed at 00:32 after midnight today (local time), almost immediately after the events he describes took place:

"This Belgrade evening started very well. A peaceful column of over 60,000 protesters, was headed up by the leaders of the Coalition for Change. The corner of Kneza Milosa and Nemanjina Streets marked the end of the peaceful "walk" toward the "House of Flowers" (Tito's grave at the ritzy suburb of Dedinje, which happens to be in the vicinity of Milosevic's home and a number of foreign embassy residences).

The Kneza Milosa Street was chocolate block full of people between Nemanjina and Srpskih Vladara Streets (the so-called "London" intersection). And then suddenly, between 9:00PM and 9:30PM, a horde of wild and angry policemen (some were probably drugged, judging by their behavior) poured downhill from the direction of the Slavija square and toward the demonstrators. As they ran, they kept hitting randomly everyone and anyone they could reach with their police batons.

In the panicked masses of people, our daughters, sisters, mothers, fathers and the elderly, who could not follow keep up with the rhythm of the fleeing people, suffered the most humiliating fate a the hands of the (Milosevic's) mad dogs. Along the full length of the Nemanjina Street, and along the Slobodana Penezica Street near the (main Belgrade) railroad station, people were receiving bestial blows by the police clubs upon their heads and bodies, only because they happen to have found themselves there, awaiting the hit-and-miss Belgrade public transit to take them home.

Watching such behavior of the so-called 'law and order keepers,' one could not escape the impression that the negative echo which the Serb have received lately around the world as the supposedly criminal people, may be a consequence of similar savagery of this wanton police mass, which does not have to answer to anyone for its abuses of the innocent and peaceful citizens.

Many foreign reporters had their cameras brutally destroyed, and some were also beaten up as they were trying to record the events in Nemanjina Street.

For the sake of the full truth, one has to say that there were some 'humane' policemen in this savage police horde, who were not swinging their clubs. But the vast majority sadistically enjoyed the exercise of their power over the innocent and peaceful Belgrade citizens.

According to the (opposition-controlled) Studio B, which was able to film the events from its studio atop a nearby office tower, there over one hundred injured citizens - as a result of (Milosevic's) 'taking care' of his people.

Even this writer, otherwise an officer of the Yugoslav Army, while waiting for public transportation near the railroad stations, suddenly received a police club blow from behind - as a 'bonus pay' from his Commander-in-Chief."

(name withheld for obvious reasons, but known to TiM)

Belgrade, Serbia

updated.gif (168 bytes)Oct. 1:  Some photos from the Sept. 30 police action: new-feat.gif (906 bytes)

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For additional images, check out:


3. U.S. Diplomat Admits Washington Fomenting Serb Civil War

HERCEG NOVI, Montenegro - The Belgrade weekly, the Sunday Telegraf, which last month carried a front page interview with the General Nebojsa Pavkovic, in which the Serb general threatened to return to Kosovo with his army (see, on Sept. 19 published an interview with an unnamed Serb opposition leader about a meeting the Serb had with the U.S. diplomat-et-large responsible for the Balkans, Robert Gelbard. Here's a translation of a part of that article, courtesy of Maria and Emilia, two TiM readers from Belgrade whose identities are known to TiM:

"Why are you afraid of a small, directed civil war? It would be short and efficacious!"

I returned in a state of shock from Hereceg Novi (Montenegro) - one of the leaders of the Serbian Opposition said to this Sunday Telegraf reporter after a recent talk with Robert Gelbard, the "Special American envoy for the democratization of Serbia" Why the shock?

"Can you imagine that at one point Gelbard, cool as a cucumber, said to me: 'Why are you so afraid of a civil war in Serbia? It would be short and efficacious!'"

Between the lines, one could read: 'A small, directed war.'

The fact that the West quite seriously counts on the possibility of armed conflicts of Serbs against Serbs is shown in the State Department (and of course, the CIA) analysis Gelbard outlined thus in the talk with our opposition man:

"Some 70-75 % citizens of Serbia are against Milosevic, more than ever before (in the past that many supported him) and he is unable to withstand the series of pressures from within as well as without. Our assessment is that during October and November, with a certain measure of violence, with a small, maybe directed civil war, the regime will fall. The bloodshed wouldn’t be very great, we would not allow that..."

After a short pause, Gelbard added:

"We are ready to intervene in order to prevent the Serbs killing each other. Of course, after Milosevic’s fall."

In the series of unofficial talks in Herceg Novi, one American diplomat revealed perhaps more than intended:

"Anybody who assumes that we are satisfied with the pacification of Kosovo is very mistaken. The US strategic interest is a complete rule over central Balkans and that is you. Did you really believe that we can face the elections in Russia and the beginning of the election campaign in America with the situation here left unresolved? That we would risk that Serbia as it is now tomorrow becomes the extended hand of a nationalist Russia if a change of government takes place there as it very likely will?"

To the remark of our opposition party leader, on whose information most of this text is based, that he "did not see in the country sufficient tension which would lead to a civil war," the American responded jokingly:

"It isn’t necessary for the opposition to start a war against the government in order for us to come in to put out the fire. We have an alternative: the atrocities against the Serbs in Kosovo are continuing, Milosevic looses his nerve, he sends General Pavkovic with the army down there and – we wipe you out. We could not find a better pretext for a "fierce response" and don’t think that we are not considering this."

In other words, a provocation with the aim to obtain a strategic pretext for pushing our way into Central Serbia.

Our source from the opposition is not sure how much these stories are aimed at testing the ground, or perhaps are intentionally misleading, and how much they may be based on long-term plans designed by the world’s most powerful state. One thing is for sure though: the Americans have firmly decided that by the beginning of next year, they want to see here a government with which they can co-operate."


TiM Ed.: Meaning, a vassal government which they can command.


4. The West Hopes for Upheaval within Milosevic's SPS

BELGRADE, Sept. 19 - The same two Belgrade TiM readers also sent us the following translation of another Sunday Telegraf article about the Western schemes and plans for Serbia:

Behind the scenes of the opposition tour of European capitals, the West bets on an upheaval within the SPS (Socialist Party of Serbia).

"American and European ‘Commissars for relations with Serbia' suddenly, in the last ten days, have accelerated the pace of their contacts with our opposition parties, non-government organizations, unions and independent media. Meetings in European cities, where one of the most frequent topics was defined as the democratization of Serbia, were held in Vienna, Berlin, London, this week in Budapest, Italy, Vienna, again, Turkey... Although they are meeting only the members of the opposition, the foreigners do not hide the fact that they expect the most from the socialists.

General assessment of the American and European political analysts is that President Milosevic has not only lost the support of the people but that his position is seriously challenged first of all within his own party. This is no wishful thinking or guessing but the result of a meeting between American representatives and some distinguished members of the SPS. Meetings with the highest functionaries of the SPS have not been organized but they have been discussed.

The world is expecting a revolt within the party and estimates that the safest and the most desirable scenario for the change of government would be the disintegration of the SPS. They support all open alternatives to Milosevic but all the time they are waiting for the concrete results from Milosevic’s closest circles – says for the Sunday Telegraf, a member of a Serbian opposition party, who wished to stay anonymous, because, thanks to the regime propaganda against the'NATO financed opposition parties' it has become quite unpopular to talk about meetings with Westerners, their assessments, political analysis and expectations.

According to the words of this member of the opposition, somewhat disappointed by the lack of confidence of the Western politicians in Serbian opposition’s ability to reform Serbia, the West sees Serbian opposition only as an alternative variant. At the top of the list of sources of possible changes in Serbia are the dissatisfied socialists, followed by social unrest and at the bottom, the opposition parties.

The western assessment is that the disintegration of the SPS would be the least painful and the quickest way to bring about change and the only way to avoid civil war which is more and more often discussed in American and European unofficial talks.

While waiting for the possible internal disintegration of the SPS, which the majority of serious and independent analysts see only as a unfounded expectation that the way in which the other East European governments were changed will be happen here too, Western politicians and analysts are trying to predict what will happen if SPS remains a stable party that it has been. […]

Of course, all these talks of possible resolution of the Serbian situation are taking place during the unofficial parts of the European meetings between the members of Serbian opposition and their hosts. The official talks are dominated by two main issues: the need to protect non-Albanian population of Kosovo and the humanitarian aid to Serb cities, mainly in oil, natural gas, and electrical energy.

"The foreigners obviously lack in information about the details and nuances of our political everyday life. Our main task is to explain to them that the aid to the people does not mean that they are helping the regime in Serbia and how important it is to see the difference. My impression is they are not easily convinced on this point so this winter will show whether we have succeeded. However, our task remains to point out to them that if they fail to stabilize the situation in Kosovo and help the people, they will kill the people as well the political life in Serbia. Both Kosovo and the sanctions are helping Milosevic and freeing him from guilt. – explains Slobodan Vuksanovic, Vice president of the Serbian Democratic Party the aims of the meetings in London and Budapest."


TiM Ed.: Which is exactly what we've said the western leaders' goals are - to see the proud Serbian people, the only European country which has not yet become an NWO vassal nation, exterminated or on their knees and begging for a quick bullet to the head, in lieu of a few scraps of food and energy. Only fools and quislings among the Serbs can expect real help from the very people (the NWO leaders) who had been trying to bomb Serbia into Stone Age for 79 days.


5. Pentagon Preparing Plans to Invade Montenegro

WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 - We received today a report about the Pentagon's intentions to invade Montenegro, and prop up the NWO puppet government of Milo Djukanovic, from a TiM reader a former U.S. Special Forces officer. His cover note enclosing the report read:

"This is the summary of information I just received from my sources in the Pentagon. If you think our friends in Serbia can make use of it to head-off the inevitable, please pass it on to them."


TiM Ed.: Actually, we think that information such as this - about intentions of the New World Order leaders, who have misappropriated the American military as a means to realization of their imperial ambitions, is valuable to all lovers of truth and liberty worldwide, not only the immediately endangered Serbian people. Which is why we are sharing this report with all TiM readers across the U.S. and worldwide:


Pentagon sources have confirmed that operations plans (OPLANs) for the invasion and forcible expulsion of Serb forces in Montenegro are now being staffed for conversion into operations orders (OPORDs). For those of you not familiar with the difference between an OPLAN and an OPORD, an OPLAN is a contingency plan that replaces the first paragraph of an OPORD (Situation), with an Assumptions paragraph. OPLANs are updated continuously as events unfold in any given theater for which they are written and assumptions are modified to match ongoing events. When the warning order (WARNORD) is given that an operation is to take place, assumptions are updated and then become the Situation -- in simple terms, the relative strengths and weakness of friendly and enemy forces (among other things the commanders need to know).

Sources in the Pentagon also confirm that the unit designated as the spearhead for the invasion of Montenegro, II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF), stationed at Camp Lejune, NC, has an Operational Planning Team (OPT) in Macedonia calculating how best to secure bridgeheads to militarily support the Montenegran government should it decide to declare its independence from the Former Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY).

II MEF has been directed to conduct command post exercises (CPXs) -- in other words, exercise their staff -- to work out the OPORD execution requirements with the aim of confronting Serbian ground forces in Montenegro. Serb ground forces consist primarily of the 2nd Army, about 20,000 men. Also included as 'enemy' ground forces are the 33,000 man police force. Pentagon joint operations planning is based primarily on crippling the Serbian army, isolating Serbia, then the insertion of occupation forces as 'peacekeepers' (in other words, the political decision has already been made -- by 'our' 'government' to separate Montenegro from Serbia). Designated units are planning for an armed invasion with a 'peacekeeping' contingency. Subordinate units are tasked with the seizure of ports, airfields and lines of communication (LOC).

The invasion will follow anti-Serb Montenegran demonstrations organized and financed by the CIA, followed by a declaration of independence by Montenegran separatists and the expected suppression of separatists by Serb military forces.

75th Ranger Regiment has been given a WARNORD to dust off contingency plans for airfield seizures in Montenegro, and will soon stage a number of airfield seizure exercises within the United States as rehearsals."


TiM Ed.: That the NWO would try to cut off Montenegro from Serbia along the "Green Interstate" line should certainly be no surprise for any TiM reader. We first wrote about it in November 1995, immediately after the Dayton Agreement was signed (see And again in May 1996, and many times since (see But it is one thing to pontificate about geopolitical reasons for such a move; and an entirely different level of certainty to have such prognostications confirmed by none other than the Pentagon sources.


6. Kosovo Albanians Refuse to Move to Make Room for East Timor Refugees

SYDNEY, Sept. 29 - Being a Kosovo Albanian refugee can be too much of a good thing, it seems, based on an ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) report which aired at 1:15PM (local time) on Sept. 29. Some 200 Kosovo Albanian refugees apparently refused to move to (the Australian states of Victoria or Tasmania) to make room for the expected flood of East Timor refugees in East Hills district of Sydney.

And no wonder. "They'll lose $27/adult subsidy, child support, free phone cards and free internet service," said one of TiM's Melbourne-based readers who sent us the ABC report.

Immigration Minister, Phillip Ruddock, said Kosovo refugees will be required to leave Australia by October 6, or be relocated to safe havens in Victoria and Tasmania, according to this ABC report.


TiM Ed.: Actually, the Australian taxpayers should be asking why these Albanians are still here? After all, the Kosovo war ended on June 11, the NWO media tell us, including the ABC. And all these "Kosovar" refugees were supposed to have returned home by now. Yet, an Australian minister is now giving them a choice between continued taxpayer-subsidized lifestyle in another state and deportation. Australian taxpayers may wonder why he has not already put them on the first plane to Europe? Plus handed them a bill for the transportation costs from and to Kosovo, and for the living expenses while in Australia? After all, isn't it the Australian taxpayers' money Canberra is wasting on NWO imperial causes, including Kosovo and East Timor? Which ought to be a familiar tune to the American ratepayers.

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Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up""Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street""Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan""What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam", "Lift the Sanctions, Now!" (1993)

Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"  "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe"