in Media Global Watch Bulletins |
Aug. 7, 1999 |
Truth in Media Reports on NATO's
Kosovo War and "Peace" S99-133, "Peace" 27 |
Aug. 7, 1999 -
"Peace" 27
1. "Clinton Judges" Collude to Obstruct Justice?
2. "Madam Kangaroo" Is a Blatant NATO Servant of NATO
3. Rapture Cometh!
4. Skull and Bones in America?
5. Truth in Media Wins an Award by the Serbian Society for
Information Technology
6. "Prosvjeta" Publishes TiM Editors Washington
Speech in Croatian Translation
1. "Clinton Judges" Collude to
Obstruct Justice?
WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 - Justice is supposed to be blind. Except in Clintons
It would have been probably too much to expect that our judiciary could remain
untouched by the moral corruption which Bill Clinton and his administration have spread
throughout the American government. In a shocking Aug. 5 front page article, the
Washington Times revealed that the "eight federal judges appointed by Clinton to the
U.S. District Court in Washington meet privately every month in closed-door sessions that
other jurists believe are improper and call into question the court's impartiality."
Heres an excerpt:
"I cannot imagine any legitimate reason for them to meet
together once a month, even socially," one veteran courthouse official familiar with
the sessions told the Times. t's not only in bad taste, it certainly has the
appearance of impropriety. It's hard to imagine any rationale for these meetings.
Another court official said such meetings eek with impropriety.
Concern among courthouse officials about the meetings, which are
described in e-mail addressed monthly to each of the eight judges, comes at a time that
Chief U.S. District Judge Norma Holloway Johnson is being publicly criticized for
selectively assigning criminal cases against friends and associates of Mr. Clinton's to
judges the president has appointed."
TiM Ed.: So finally we have our answer! Remember our piece, "Clinton Judge
Dismisses Congressional Lawsuit," (S99-104, Day 78, Item
1, June 9) - about the outcome of the lawsuit filed by 33 congressional Reps against
Clinton, alleging the President had violated the Constitution and the War Measures Act
with its illegal war against Yugoslavia? Heres what we said back then:
"That a Clinton judge should rule for Clinton is hardly
surprising. But a more interesting question to us seems to be who and how steered the
congressional lawsuit onto his docket? For THAT's how justice was manipulated in this
And now we know. The name of the culprit - the manipulator and obstructionist of
justice, is none other than Judge Norma Holloway Johnson, the Chief U.S. District Judge,
who also oversaw the grand jury used by Ken Starr in his impeachment case against Clinton.
Talk about appointing the foxes to guard a chicken coop, with the American people and the
Constitution inside!
"None of the eight Clinton-appointed judges, all of whom
were named to the bench between 1994 to 1998, would comment on the meetings or their
content, the Times said. [
The Clinton appointees have confirmed that they meet
together, and we know they do, but where they go and what they discuss I just don't
know, said one judge. But a very important part of what we do here is our
collegiality. We all come with political viewpoints but we try to leave politics behind.
Unfortunately, the Clinton appointees have gone off on their own. [
None of the other judges hold separate meetings, courthouse
sources said. Questions of impropriety at the courthouse have drawn the attention of the
Senate Judiciary Committee, whose chairman, Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, Utah Republican, is
considering whether to begin an investigation or call for hearings to resolve the issue.
During a confirmation hearing yesterday for two Justice Department officials, Mr. Hatch
described as deeply troubling reports that Judge Johnson had bypassed the
court's random case assignment procedures by taking the unusual step of
handpicking judges appointed by Mr. Clinton to hear cases involving Webster L.
Hubbell and Charles Yah Lin Trie. [
Committee member Sen. Jeff Sessions, Alabama Republican, echoed
Mr. Hatch's concerns, adding that as a former prosecutor he was stunned by the
Johnson assignments. He said it might be necessary for the committee to
investigate the matter to restore the public's confidence."
For the full Washington Times story, check out
2. "Madam Kangaroo" Is a Blatant NATO
Servant of NATO
KITCHENER, Aug. 6 - Some of our readers may recall a feisty letter which we published
at the height of NATOs bombing of Serbia, written by a Slovak-Canadian (see "I am a Slovak, and I Protest!", S99-82, Day
56, Item 4, May 18). Well, the same TiM reader, Ondrej Recnik, sent us the following
comment in response to our Aug. 5 story about Louis Arbour, the Canadian prosecutor at the
War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague (see S99-132, "Peace" 26,
Item 3, Aug. 5):
"If you read the Canadian papers back then, you would see
that Madame Kangaroo's promotion was not just a kick upstairs as a
reward for a job well done. It was a promise made during the NATO bombing on
Yugoslavia made by the Canadian prime minister.
NATO needed an indictment against Milosevic to justify further
bombing of Yugoslavia So an opening was created in the Canadian Supreme Court
and all the newspapers carried stories that Madame Arbour was seriously being
considered for the job. At the same time many government officials lamented
the fact that if she was given this promotion then Milosevic's indictment would be
jeopardized because of her leaving the tribunal.
Anyone reading the Canadian newspapers and having half a brain
would have realized that this was nothing less than a public order and a threat by the
Canadian Prime Minister (Jean) Chretien that an indictment was required if Madame Arbour
wanted this promotion. She complied (see S99-91, Day 65, Item 1, May 27).
And within a couple of weeks and later of course got her promised promotion.
Madame Kangaroo is a blatant servant of NATO. Anyone
who believes otherwise is not only deceived but a complete
Ondrej Recnik, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
3. Rapture Cometh!
ILLINOIS, Aug. 6 - Heres a letter which we received from a TiM reader in Illinois
in reaction to our TiM GW Bulletin, which dealt with the current persecution of the Kosovo
Serbs (see S99-132, "Peace" 26, Item 1, Aug. 5):
"Sometimes I wander just how much more I can read about
the insanity of our planet, just how many more of your installations I can take - and the
answer is KEEEEEEEEP 'EM COMIN', because they cut to the quick and they're brilliant. I
get other reports of the depths of sick blackness we humans have succumbed to which fill
me with grief - they provide no answer, no comfort.
So what's comforting about your Bulletins? Your knife is
comforting. I've said before you're incisive, and this is something that serves to purify,
not to wound. Your fire-drenched knife cauterizes our wounds. And I, for one, am grateful.
Today's (TiM Bulletin), with the help of Prof. Michael Mandel,
was especially driven and unrelenting. Good. It's easy to be Russia, China, Solana (though
through his double-speak I remember reading words to the effect of his
disillusionment with the whole command system clearly coming only from the US and NW
Europe, whose arrogant chauvinism was uncloaked. THAT's why Robertson doesn't mince words.
Neither did the Gestapo.)
It's hard to keep unveiling the truth when the odds seem
daunting. But that's all part of the Rapture, isn't it? The Underworld must be gloating
with glee over the work of the Antichrist and his disciples. Who's going to notice when we
all come face-to-face with the Real Thing?
So keep it up, Fierce Disciple. I'll be sure to stay tuned,
despite your insistent use of Lefties, Commies, Bolsheviks in your NWO tirade.
Once again, I'm not a leftie nor a rightie. Christ is considered one of the biggest
lefties around when all he's doing is going against the establishment in the name of our
human souls. Orwell, Makavejev, Andric, Kusturica, Kubrick, all have visions of a NWO
dystopia, and the enemy isn't the leftists. It's EVERY WEAK BODY conforming to power and
control and greed and hate.
You mention how our present situation mirrors 1984-
and I second that 1000 times over. Dr. Strangelove should be a must see as
well. Kubrick has a way of cutting right to the core of utter meaninglessness, and my
favorite line, second to Women sense my power--they're after my bodily essence which
I deny them is by Mister President himself; Gentlemen!! There'll be no
fighting in the War Room!!!! Amen to that!"
Natalia Gakovich, Illinois
4. Skull and Bones in America?
GEORGIA, July 29 - Heres a letter which we received from Bill Boone of Georgia (a
U.S., not a former Soviet state):
"For some month's now, I have been captive to Bob's Truth
In Media writings about the war in Kosovo. His writings have inspired me more so in the
SEARCH FOR THE TRUTH than anyone or anything in the last decades! Although in his
international perspective of politically expedient POLITICAL WARS, perhaps Bob may lend
Bill Boone, Firebase Dublin, Georgia (American, not a former Soviet state)
5. Truth in Media Wins an Award by the Serbian
Society for Information Technology
BELGRADE, Aug. 6 - We have just been advised by Nikola Markovic, president of the
Serbian Society for Information Technology, that the Truth in
Media has been awarded a Special plaque in recognition of our Internet coverage of the
Kosovo war.
If interested, you may view the Serbian original B&W text (for the time being,
until we receive the plaque by mail from Belgrade), as well as the English translation
thereof at our Web site - see TiM Awards.
6. "Prosvjeta" Publishes TiM
Editors Washington Speech in Croatian Translation
ZAGREB, July 29 - We have also been advised recently that the Croatian publication
"Prosvjeta" ("Enlightenment" or "Education" - in rough
translation) has published the full text of the TiM Editors Washington speech,
delivered at the White House south lawn - the Ellipse, on May 1. The Serbo-Croatian
translation was done by Slobodan Drenovac of Rijeka, Croatia.
For the full text of the speech, check out the English and the Serbo-Croatian versions
at our Web site, as well as the Washington
Times report and the TiM Photo Album from
this protest.
Also, check out... Truth in
Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither
Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the
Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja
Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators
Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting
the Hand That Feeds You", "A
Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the
U.N. Justice on Trial", "International
Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a
Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed
to Stand", "New World Order's
Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo
Heating Up", "Decani Monastery
Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall
Street", "Kosovo: 'Bosnia
II', Serbia's Aztlan", "What
If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb
WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American
Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95
TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les
musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje:
Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious
Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam"
Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"
"An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo
Conflict?", "NATO's
Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We
Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another
Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory,"
and "A New Iron Curtain Over
Europe" |