Aug. 5, 1999 - "Peace" 26 HEADLINES Pristina 1. The Kosovo End Game: Open Season on Serbs Pristina 2. U.N.s Kouchner Backpedals on His Serb "War Crimes" Claim Toronto 3. Canadian Law Professor Lambastes ICTY Brussels 4. Game of NATO Musical Chairs Continues: Solana Is Out, Robertson Is In Washington 5. The "Clinton General" Gets Senate Commendation Paris, Beijing 6. Russia, China Get Some of Their Kosovo Payoffs; NATOs Liability to Serb Bombing Victims $2 Billion?
---------------- 1. The Kosovo End Game: Open Season on Serbs PRISTINA, Aug. 4 - The Kosovo end game is under way these days in this erstwhile Serbian province. Every week since NATOs "peace" commenced on June 10, 30 or so Serbs have been killed. Which adds up to over 200 dead Kosovo Serbs, according to todays Washington Post front page story, "Serbs Forced Out by Fear." In other words, there are more Serbs being killed now than there had been casualties on both sides of the "civil war" prior to the start of NATOs bombing on Mar. 24, ostensibly launched so as to prevent such violence in Kosovo. But thats only one side of the humanitarian tragedy which NATO has brought to Balkans. "Less than 25 percent of Kosovo's prewar Serbian population of 200,000 remains, and more flee each day," the Post said in possibly the first "liberal" establishment media detailed account of the horrific crimes being committed against the Serbs by the Kosovo Albanians - right under the KFOR "peacekeepers" noses. Among those leaving recently: the entire Serb population of the southeastern town of Zitinje, the USA TODAY reported on Aug. 3. The 450 people left Sunday for other parts of Serbia. They had been subjected to weeks of sniper fire, grenade attacks and ambushes by ethnic Albanians. Many of the nearly 650 ethnic Albanians in the town jeered and pelted the departing Serbs with rocks. Many ethnic Albanians, including members of the KLA concede they will not be satisfied until all Serbs have left Kosovo and it can be established as an "independent and pure" ethnic Albanian homeland, the USA TODAY said. "The Serbs have a choice: leave or be killed," says Ali Kelmedni, a 21-year-old KLA fighter. "We have every right to do what we want to them. No one is going to stop us. No one is going to tell us we can't." "What's happening is a catastrophe," a Serb official of a Kosovo electrical company told the Post. "But its quite simple. We have a saying: If a hunter sees a line of sparrows on a branch and he shoots one, how many will remain on the branch?" In the Kosovo capital of Pristina , for instance, the prewar Serbian population of 40,000 has fallen to fewer than 1,000, the Post reported. And no wonder...
In fact, sometimes even speaking Serbian in Kosovo is enough to get you killed. Zivota Januz, an engineer working at the above electrical company, was shot and killed, purportedly after he was heard speaking Serbian on the street, according to the Post. Five other Serb engineers had also been gunned down.
--- TiM Ed.: "Long resisted by the West?" What a farce! Only an ET from the planet of Moron might buy an explanation like that. As we have pointed out many times before, the West (meaning the closet-Bolsheviks now occupying the western government offices in Washington, London or Bonn), planned, executed and delivered their Balkans Grab of the 1990s to the Wall Street and the City Banksters, and to other multinationals now setting up shop there (check out our 1995 article, the "Green Interstate," for example). The West snatched the centuries-old Serb lands and cities, turned them over to the local Croat or Muslim western vassals, and then sent tens of thousands of NATO troops to protect the stolen property and keep the dispossessed owners out. Which is exactly the kind of an end game now taking place in Kosovo. And it has all been planned in Washington, London, Bonn years ago. This is not hindsight. We warned about that contemporaneously also years ago. Its just that so many people, especially the Serbs, refused to believe that their beloved West, with which they had been allied in two world wars, is capable of such evil deeds. Which is why the Posts effort to deflect the western culpability for the slaughter of the Christian Serbs, now being carried out now by the Albanian M&Ms - the western Muslim-Marxist proxies (KLA) - is the most pathetic part of its tragic Aug. 4 Kosovo story. The goal of the West has been all along an ethnically pure Kosovo, with subservient Albanians licking the boots of the foreign occupiers, just as the Slovenians, Croats and Bosnian Muslims are doing. Thats something the western neo-bolsheviks knew the fiercely independent Serbs would never have done. Which is why they first bombed the Serbs into the stone age, and then stood guard as the KLA ran them out of Kosovo. For the full story, "Serbs Forced Out by Fear, " check out - ------------ 2. U.N.s Kouchner Backpedals on His Serb "War Crimes" Claim PRISTINA, Aug 3 - The head of the UN interim administration in Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, on Tuesday backpedaled over comments he made the day before that "11,000 people died" in the province in the Serb military operation against ethnic Albanians, the Agence France Presse (AFP) reported on Aug. 3. His spokeswoman, Nadia Younes, said that, "most of these reports are as yet unconfirmed by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). He did not intend to imply that the ICTY itself had provided these figures or that the ICTY had completed its investigations in Kosovo." Kouchner, a French Jew, who is renown for having founded the Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders) humanitarian organization, had told the AFP and other journalists in Pristina on Monday that there were "around 11,000 in the mass graves. Eleven thousand people died. You must understand the feeling of that people, the proximity of the suffering." --- TiM Ed.: In other words, Kouchner was trying to justify the recent Kosovo Albanians crimes against the Serbs, by using inflated and unsubstantiated numbers. Just as was the case in Bosnia. --- Meanwhile, when the AFP had questioned him further over the figure, Kouchner had replied: "This is roughly the number of the ICTY people." That assertion surprised ICTY deputy prosecutor Graham Blewitt, who told the AFP in The Hague that the ICTY had not provided any such estimates. Apart from the 340 victims of massacres mentioned in the ICTY's indictment of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic confirmed in May, the Tribunal has not made known any figure relating to the number of victims in Kosovo, he added. ------------ 3. Canadian Law Professor Lambastes ICTY TORONTO, July 26 - A Canadian law professor who has been in the forefront of the effort to indict the NATO leaders of war crimes (see S99-73, Day 49, Update 1, Item 4, May 11), wrote a letter on July 26 to Louise Arbour, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), in which he accused her of dragging her feet on this action. Heres an excerpt from Prof. Michael Mandels letter, which he wrote for himself and for Alejandro Teitelbaum, American Association of Jurists, and Glen Rangwala, Movement for the Advancement of International Criminal Law, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.:
Michael Mandel, Professor, York University, Toronto, Canada --- TiM Ed.: Last month, the government of Canada announced that Louise Arbour had been named to the countrys Supreme Court. A "kick upstairs;" a reward for a "job well done" in making a mockery of justice on behalf of the NWO crowd? (see "Milosevic Indicted! Clinton, Blair... Next?", S99-91, Day 65, Item 1, May 27). Or a move to get Madam Kangaroo out of the way, so that her successor could claim ignorance and feign profound surprise when challenged by the likes of Prof. Mandel, his associates, or millions of others around the world seeking real, not "victors justice?" --------------- 4. Game of NATO Musical Chairs Continues: Solana Is Out, Robertson Is In BRUSSELS, Aug. 4 - The game of NATO musical chair continues. One after another, the "victorious war heroes" are departing the scene. Last week, the "Clinton General," Wesley Clark, was booted out (see S99-130, "Peace" 24, Item 1, July 29). And today, the NATO brass announced that the British secretary of defense, George Robertson, would replace Javier Solana as the next NATO secretary general, the top civilian position in the 19-nation military alliance. Throughout NATOs war on Serbia, Robertson has been one of the loudest hawks among the alliance members. Unlike Solana, who in a fit of double-speak alleged that NATO was not waging war on Yugoslavia (see S99-91, Day 65, Item 1, May 27), Robertson did not mince any words when attacking the Serbs speaking with a thick Scottish accent. Which is probably why Tony Blairs nominee won such a quick endorsement by Washington and Berlin. There is at least one thing which Robertson and Solana have in common - both are lifelong socialists. Add to this left-wing fraternity of Clinton, Blair and Schroeder, plus the fact that leftists are in power in 11 of 15 European Union nations, and you can see that NATO and the West have become a new mutation of Socialist International. The only thing missing are the hammer and the sickle. Which can be easily appended to the NATO logo (see the new proposed NATO logo). ------------ 5. The "Clinton General" Gets Senate Commendation WASHINGTON, Aug. 2 - If George Orwell were writing the Kosovo post-war scenario, he probably would have had the medals pinned on the NATO war criminals who killed 2,000 innocent Serb civilians and maimed thousands of others. How much real life today resembles the Orwell fiction novel, "1984," written in 1948, has just been proven on Capitol Hill, where the Senate Armed Services Committee, approved on Aug. 2 a resolution commending the "Clinton General" for his war crimes. Heres the text of the Senate Resolution 169 (see
--- Why would the Senators do a foolish thing like that? Well, maybe so as to get on the good side of our War Criminal-in-Chief. "Any inference that it amounts to an early retirement or that somebody was disappointed in his performance is just simply wrong, just flat out wrong," insisted President Bill Clinton last week, speaking at the "thugs of the NWO world unite" gathering in Sarajevo. However, defense analysts regard the move as a snub to General Clark, the Financial Times said on Aug. 3 in a story "Wesley Clark: A Victim of War." Adds the FT, "Uncomfortable disclosures have followed. An article in the magazine Newsweek recounts fights between Gen. Clark and other commanders. According to the magazine, the British Lt. Gen. Jackson refused to carry out Gen. Clark's orders to stage an airborne assault to prevent the Russians from taking the airport in Pristina, Kosovo's capital. Gen. Jackson later told him: I'm not going to start World War III for you." Which is why "the question remains as to whether General Clark's judgment became clouded towards the end of a tense and controversial military campaign," the FT wondered. --- TiM Ed.: If you have a problem with the U.S. Senators commending an unindicted war criminal for his crimes, as we do, you will find below a list of senators who are members of the Armed Services Committee. Perhaps you can let them know that they have just (once again) besmirched not just their own, but as our elected representatives, also our nations honor with such a despicable act ( Here are the members of the U.S. Senate: Armed Services Committee:
------------ PARIS, BEIJING, Aug. 1 - Russia and China have now received some of their Kosovo payoffs. Russia was rewarded on Aug. 1 for stabbing the Serbs in the back at a crucial time of the war with a $4.5 billion IMF loan (just as we predicted on June 22 - see "Yeltsin Completes Serb Betrayal; Clinton Glows," S99-113, "Peace" 7, Item 4, June 22, and S99-99, Day 72, Update 2, Items 1 and 4, June 3). And Russia also got a reprieve of $8.1 billion from the Soviet era, which was something Bill Clinton had promised Boris Yeltsin at the June 20 G-8 meeting in Cologne, Germany. China, on the other hand, is to receive $4.5 million from Washington in compensation for the victims of NATOs May 7 bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. This Sino-American agreement, however, does not resolve some other open issues between Washington and Beijing, such as compensation for the destruction of the Chinese embassy building, or the damage done to the U.S. embassy in Beijing during the anti-American demonstrations which ensued. Meanwhile, Russias finance minister, Mikhail Kasyanov, was jubilant after his four-day talks with the Paris Club resulted in an agreement on the rescheduling of payments on Soviet debt, due to be made this year and the next. "Instead of $8 billion, Russia will have to pay about $600 million in 1999-2000," the ITAR-TASS quoted Kasyanov as saying. The minister also added that he is "fully satisfied" with the results of the talks. --- TiM Ed.: The agreement reached between Washington and Beijing for compensation due the Chinese victims sets an interesting precedent for any subsequent claims which the Yugoslav government may make on behalf of the Serb victims of the NATO bombings. Now, we dont know the exact formula which Washington and Beijing used to arrive at the $4.5 million figure. But lets assume that it was $1,500,000 for the three people killed, and $3,000,000 for the 27 injured. That would put the U.S./NATO liability to the Serb civilians which the alliance has killed at about $1 billion. And it would mean an additional billion dollars in compensation to the wounded Serb civilians (our calculation assumes 2,000 and 9,000 killed/injured victims respectively; it does NOT include any amounts which may be due to the killed or wounded members of the Yugoslav Army). Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up", "Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street", "Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan", "What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam" Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |