July 27, 1999 - "Peace" 22 HEADLINES London 1. A Kosovo Gypsy: "We Cannot Live with Albanians Any More. They are animals." Rijeka 2. Plight of the Kosovo Romany (Gypsies) Detailed Belgrade 3. Kosovo Heroin Mafia Thriving Under KFOR Serbia 4. A Letter from a Hungarian in Serbia: "Zivela Srbija!" ("Long Live Serbia!" ---------------- 1. A Kosovo Gypsy: "We Cannot Live with Albanians Any More. They are animals." LONDON, July 24 - Although more than 100,000 Serbs have fled the KLA terror and the KFOR "peace" since the end of the NATO air campaign, the Serbs are not the only Kosovo minority suffering from the "ethnic cleansing" being carried out by the Albanians. The Romany (Gypsies), ethnic Turks, and even local Albanians who refused to support the KLA terrorists, have been brutally evicted from their homes, some beaten or murdered, too. John Laughland, who reported to the London Express from Kosovo, described the current humanitarian tragedy as follows in his July 20 OpEd piece: "Within a month of the end of the bombing campaign against Yugoslavia, NATO governments and Belgrade have struck up a curious alliance. They are united in a conspiracy of silence about the tens of thousands of Serb and Gypsy refugees from Kosovo, driven from their homes by Albanians." So Laughland took it upon himself to tour some of the refugee camps. And what he saw were tens of thousands of "poor terrified people are an ideological threat to Tony Blair as much as they are to Slobodan Milosevic." From which the London Times correspondent concludes: "For Nato, the flood of refugees destroys the fiction that the war was fought for moral principles. Time and again during the war Mr. Blair said, This is not a war for territory but for values. Ethnic cleansing was unacceptable and had to be stopped. However, if this were the real reason for the war, NATO should logically be now bombing the Albanian capital, Tirana, or attacking the KLA headquarters all over the province. Instead, NATO is turning a blind eye to Albanian atrocities. Far from exerting pressure on the KLA, Mr. Blair was photographed recently enjoying a convivial joke with its leader, Hashim Thaci. And while the International Criminal Tribunal prosecutor, Louise Arbour, is travelling in Kosovo to draw attention to Serb atrocities against Albanians months ago, she is ignoring atrocities now being committed by Albanians under her very nose." The West even looks the other way, despite its huge military presence in the province, as the Albanian Mafia charges Albanian refugees ransom money before allowing them to leave the camps and return home. Serb and Gypsy refugees, pouring across the border in their hundreds every day, told me how they were chased from homes which were then burned before their eyes; how women had been raped; how neighbors had been shot or had their throats slit. They also said Albanians were killing loyal Albanians - Kosovars who had worked for the Yugoslav state, for instance as postmen or in factories. [ ] The Gypsies' fate is particularly tragic. All over Eastern Europe they are a persecuted minority. Only in Serbia, it appears, did they live free from discrimination. But Albanians seem to have a particular hatred for them. I was taken to a former Gypsy quarter in the town of Kosovska Mitrovica: all the houses stood empty, torched and smashed up by Albanians. We cannot live with the Albanians any more, cried one desperate Gypsy woman waiting by the roadside with her family and a few suitcases. They are animals." For the full London Express story, check out - http://www.lineone.net/express/99/07/20/features/f0700view-d.html ----------- 2. Plight of the Kosovo Romany (Gypsies) Detailed RIJEKA, July 26 - With the foregoing Laughland piece about the Kosovo "peace" as an introduction, here are now some firsthand testimonies by the Kosovo Gypsies who have managed to escape to Croatia. The Association of the Romany of Croatia, which has published the original testimonies, has asked Slobodan Drenovac of Rijeka to translate them into English, before presenting them to the NATO embassies and at the press conference in Zagreb. Here are some excerpts, for example, from a testimony by Dzemail Zeinulah, a former resident of Kosovska Mitrovica:
"That was Dzemail Zeinulahs story," sums up Redjep Redjepi, of the Associaton of the Romany of Croatia. "His narrative quite frequently broke off with longer pauses, deep sighs, abrupt departures from the room to which he would soon come back with red eyes. As he himself put it - its obvious that his tears are not for the mass media, TV cameras, or for the world. --- TiM Ed.: And where was CNNs "hate minstrel," Christiana Amanpour, wife of our Secretary of Hates official spokesperson (James Rubin), when tens of thousands of Serbs, Gypsies and now we also see some Croats and Slovenians - were driven out of Kosovo by Madam Halfbrights new pal, Kosovos Thug-in-Chief, Hashim Thaci? (see "Thugs of the World Unite," S99-117, "Peace" 11, Item 1, July 1). Where were the MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, SKY and other network alphabet soup cameras when all these refugees were starving in decrepit camps across Serbia? Where was the emergency humanitarian airlift for these New World Order "miserables?" The western medias collective contribution to NATOs "lie and deny" PR charade over, the camera lights were turned off, just as in Bosnia after the Dayton "peace," and the TV crews moved on to cover other "more important" stories, such as Princess Dis or John Kennedy, Jr.s deaths. Wonder if anyone will ever mistake anything that the likes of NATO or CNN say or do as anything but a humanitarian mission? --- Mr. Redjepi continues
--- TiM Ed.: Note an important point here, which we have been stressing for months: "Pressures escalated during the past two years," especially since the KLA was established. In other words, this Kosovo Romanys testimony confirms our and the Toronto NWO analysts (John Whitley) assessments during the early days of the NATOs war on Serbia, that KLA was entirely a RECENT western creation (cooked up at the Bilderbergers 1996 Toronto conference, according to Whitley - see S99-23, Day 10, Update 2, Items 3 and 4, Apr. 2). And that the entire NATOs Kosovo War was a segment of the NWO "Wag the Dog" scenarios, carefully stage-managed by the Washington, London and Brussels producers of real life war crimes and human tragedies. ---
--- TiM Ed.: Our heart goes out to the thousands of the Romanies driven from their Kosovo homes, as it does to a far greater number of innocent Serb civilians who have suffered the same, or worse, fate. Perhaps now the Romanies may better appreciate Winston Churchills warning to the European appeasers of the 1930s: "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last." Why didnt Mr. Redjepi and his kin speak up when the Serbs were being persecuted against in Kosovo (during the last 50+ years), instead of trying to cooperate with the Albanians "Albanization" of his race, as he put it? Why is the despicable expulsion from Kosovo of some 6,000 to 8,000 Gypsies more newsworthy than the plight of the 100,000+ Serb refugees, abandoned by everyone in the world, but God? ------------- 3. Kosovo Heroin Mafia Thriving Under KFOR LONDON, July 24 - The Kosovo conflict has turned this Serb province into a magnet for many of the world's notorious drug barons, the London Times said on July 24. More than 40 per cent of the heroin reaching Western Europe comes through the Serb province because of a lack of border controls, said Marko Nicovic, former Belgrade police chief and drug squad detective who worked for years in co-operation with police in Britain and the US. "Kosovo is now the Colombia of Europe. There is no border between Kosovo and Albania or between Macedonia and Kosovo. For the Turkish, Russian, Italian and Albanian mafias, Kosovo really had become a paradise," Nicovic told the Times. Nicovic said he began to notice Albanian gangs dealing in drugs in the mid-1980s. Heroin trafficking increased, he says, after Yugoslavia lost its membership in Interpol (an international, mostly non-political police association) with the imposition of international sanctions in 1993. "Our police had great expertise and experience with this," Mr. Nicovic says. "The Kosovo conflict has left the province without police or customs controls, and KFOR soldiers are not criminal investigators." Nicovic said drugs were being brought into Kosovo from Asia and Turkey, then taken on to Western Europe by road and sea by drug barons from Italy and Albania. Many Kosovo Albanians have bought harbor-side sites in Albania in the past few years. Much of the heroin shipped from there to small ports in southeastern Italy are run by Italian Mafiosi. Other favorite routes are by road, north through Serbia to Hungary, the Czech Republic and Germany, he says. The former Yugoslav drugs squad chief says the Albanian drugs and arms mafia is particularly hard to penetrate. Albanians have strong family ties and it is hard to find informers. "They have a brotherhood which gives them a far greater ability to form a mafia than even the Sicilians." --- TiM Ed.: Maybe they are hard to penetrate by the normal above-board law-enforcement officers. But evidently not by their brethren in Washington, who also cooked up the drugs-for-arms, Iran-Contra deal in the 1980s. And guess who was the governor of a U.S. state which was allegedly the take-off point for such illicit CIA shipments? None other than todays President of the United States, serving out his second term in office (see the video "Clinton Chronicles" for more details). Does that tell us anything about what kinds of people are running our country today? --- Nicovic also told the London Times that hundreds of pounds of heroin are being stored in the village of Veliki Trnovac, near Gnjiliane, which happens to be the headquarters chosen for the American sector in Kosovo. There are also some heroin stashes in Djakovica, where a Serb church has just been blown up this weekend (see the photos at our Web site). "This is a cancer area for Europe, as Western Europe will very soon discover," Nicovic said. "As each day passes the Albanian Mafia becomes richer and more powerful." --- TiM Ed.: Guess what? A "cancer" for Christian Europe may be exactly what the NWO doctor had ordered for those who are not members of the "NWO Mafia." Check out this writers Dec/98 Chronicles column, "A Bear in Sheeps Clothing," available at our Web site. ------------ 4. A Letter from a Hungarian in Serbia: "Zivela Srbija!" ("Long Live Serbia!" SERBIA, July 24 - The following is a letter which we received last week from, Paul Csurka, a Hungarian refugee from communist Romania, now living in Serbia (see S99-52, Day 31, Update 2, Item 4, Apr. 23):
Paul Csurka, Serbia Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up", "Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street", "Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan", "What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam" Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |