Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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July 23, 1999

Special Truth in Media Reports on NATO's Kosovo War explosion.gif (16495 bytes)and "Peace"bomb.gif (3054 bytes)

S99-126, "Peace" 20

FROM PHOENIX, ARIZONAnatologo-animated.gif (3783 bytes)    Topic: BALKAN AFFAIRS

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July 23, 1999 - "Peace" 20


Pristina                        1. (British) KFOR Kowtowing to KLA

Pale, Bosnia                2. "Perfidious Albion" Strikes Again, Aided by

                                       "Uncle Sam"



1. (British) KFOR Kowtowing to KLA

PRISTINA, July 22 - When KFOR entered Kosovo, the western leaders said they would protect all civilians, including the Serbs. They haven’t. They also said that they would disarm the KLA rebels. They haven’t. As a matter of fact, the British KFOR are making a mockery of the KLA’s demilitarization, kowtowing to the Albanian terrorists who were supposed to have disarmed by July 21.

"A failure by the Kosovo Liberation Army to turn in a sufficient number of its heavy weapons, including mortars and antitank and antiaircraft guns, has forced NATO commanders to extend the deadline for compliance with a disarmament agreement to Saturday," the New York Times reported today. NATO officials said that it was apparent that the rebel commanders had hidden large stockpiles, and that the weapons which they have turned in are "broken, in poor repair or useless."

Nevertheless, the force commander, Lt. Gen. Michael Jackson, sought to play down the inability of the rebel army to meet the deadline - midnight Wednesday - that was set in the disarmament agreement, which was signed June 21. He said he had agreed to a request from a rebel general, Agim Ceku, to postpone the deadline until Saturday.

Jackson stressed that he did not regard the delay as a lack of good will on the part of the fighters. "I do not regard this as noncompliance but rather as an indication of the seriousness with which General Ceku is taking this important issue," the general said in a statement.

NATO officials said they "did not want to antagonize rebel leaders," according to the Times. "There could be a lot of problems here, but it is too early to assume that the problems have already begun," a British officer told the Times. "For now we will look, to a certain extent, the other way, but if things keep up like this, we will not be encouraged."


TiM Ed.: So there you have it, right from the horse’s mouth. The British "look the other way" while the KLA rebels continue to terrorize the Serbs, and flout the KFOR "peace" agreement they had signed.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time the British have sold their allies in two world wars (the Serbs) down the river. They did it during WW II, after WW II, and in the Bosnian war, too (1992-1995). Some of these episodes are a part of the "Hidden History" of World War II, obfuscated by the victor’s partisan historians, and not widely known. Except, of course, by the victims of the "Perfidious Albion’s" treachery. It is to the victims of the British Empire and Winston Churchill’s betrayal that we dedicate the following series of articles which will unveil and demystify some of the historical falsehoods with which we have been brainwashed.

As to the Bosnian war episode, this writer has been an eyewitness observer who has traveled to Bosnia and Serbia throughout the war, and has met with most of the chief protagonists in this 1990s drama - both western and Yugoslav. His extensive diary notes remain largely unpublished to this day. That’s because he did not want to risk inadvertently affecting the outcome of the war by their disclosure.

Four years later, such concerns have diminished, yielding to a greater cause - that the full truth be known. So that younger generations aren’t brainwashed with historical falsehoods as this writer was when he went to school. As a result, the first three articles in this historical series are being published now for the first time.

Others, already available at the TiM Web site, such as the TiM GW Bulletin 97/6-9, June 30, 1997, are incorporated herein by reference. If you read nothing else, we encourage you to read "Kocevje: Tito's Bloodiest Crime" (A Book by Boris Karapandzic), and "Perfidious Albion" Strikes Again, Aided by "Uncle Sam" (Excerpts from Bob Djurdjevic's Bosnian War Diary).

For those among the TiM readers who also receive our stories by e-mail, we will send you separately the above referenced pieces:


1. Foreword (By Bob Djurdjevic)

2. "Kocevje: Tito's Bloodiest Crime" (A Book by Boris Karapandzic)

3. "Rape of Serbia" (A Book by Michael Lees)

4. "A Prison of Nations: Yugoslavia Is Too Big a Meadow for the Serbs" (A 1985 Interview with the Late Serb Patriarch German)


TiM GW BULLETIN 97/6-9, June 30, 1997:

1. Serb WW II General Exonerated by British Archives' Disclosure

2. Taming of the Serbs: Making Old Mistakes (Amb. Fotitch Was First to Document Western Treachery)


TiM GW BULLETIN 97/1-7, Jan. 26, 1997:

1. Koljevic Dies of Self-inflicted Wounds

2. A Eulogy for a Lost Friend

3. "Perfidious Albion" Strikes Again, Aided by "Uncle Sam" (Excerpts from Bob Djurdjevic's Bosnian War Diary)


2. "Perfidious Albion" Strikes Again, Aided by "Uncle Sam" (A Foreword to the TiM GW Bulletin 97/1-7, 1/26/97)

PHOENIX, July 23 - As he was taking this writer from Belgrade to the Bosnian Serb stronghold of Pale in September 1993, Radovan Karadzic's personal driver and bodyguard opined that the British were the Serbs' best friends. The Serb general, Draza Mihailovic, thought the same thing back in the early days of WW II days. As history has shown, they were both wrong.

Mihailovic, betrayed by the British and the American governments (see "How a Soviet Mole united Tito and Churchill," the London's INDEPENDENT, June 28, 1997), was executed in 1946 by Tito’s communist thugs after a mock trial. Karadzic is today on the "most wanted" list by the neo-communist thugs who are today running the New World Order "humanitarian missions."

In a November 1994 article, while the Serbs were still winning the war in Bosnia, we predicted such an outcome (see "Taming of the Serbs: Making Old Mistakes," TiM GW Bulletin 97/6-9). As a matter of fact, this writer also told the Bosnian Serb leaders in person what they can expect if they continue on the same course. But you can lead a horse to water…

Back in Bosnia in July 1995, this writer arrived in Pale just as the Serb troops took Srebrenica. As a matter of fact, I saw enroute groups of Muslim soldiers darting across the road, and the Muslim civilians being bused by the Serb army vehicles to Tuzla, a Muslim stronghold (see "Kosovo Srebrenica II?" - from TiM's Bosnia Travel Diary, 1995, S99-17, Day 8, Update 1, Item 5, Mar. 31, "All in a Day’s Work," and "On the Run…in Bosnia" - 1995 Travel Vignettes).

I spent the evening of July 13, and a good part of the next morning, with the late Dr. Nikola Koljevic, a Shakespearean scholar and a former professor at the Sarajevo University, who was the vice president of the Bosnian Serb Republic at the time. Throughout the war, Koljevic was the main liaison of the Bosnian Serbs with the United Nations and other western organizations.

As you can see from the article, "‘Perfidious Albion’ Strikes Again, Aided by ‘Uncle Sam’," which has just been posted at our Web site for the first time, the British used Dr. Koljevic (through his brother) to trick the Bosnian Serbs into attacking Srebrenica and Zepa. But just to make sure the Serb got the message, the American government also gave the Serb government a "green light" signal through a different source.

In January 1997, Dr. Koljevic tragically ended his own life with a shot to the head.

And so, the Anglo-American treachery and the Serb tragedy continues in Kosovo…

(For more on Serb-Anglo-American relations, also see, "From Love to War in 50 Years," S99-33, Day 16, Update 2, Items 4 and 5, Apr. 8).

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Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up""Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street""Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan""What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam"

Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"  "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe"