July 13, 1999 - "Peace" 17 HEADLINES Gracanica 1. Brave But Naïve Serb Bishop Quits Contacts with KFOR, KLA; But Naively Appeals to the Criminal-in-Chief for Help Phoenix 2. Last Jewish Family Driven Out of Kosovo by the KLA Toronto 3. An Open Letter to the Canadian Jewish Congress: Withdraw Your Support of the War! Australia 4. Kangaroo Courts Are An Aussie Thing Dublin 5. Different Strokes for Different Folks: Gypsies Not Welcome in Ireland; KLA Is? Belgrade 6. Take a Look at This "High-Tech" Baby Boston 7. The Day Progress Died Where Revolution Was Born (in Beantown) ---------------- 1. Brave But Naïve Serb Bishop Quits Contacts with KFOR, KLA; But Naively Appeals to the Criminal-in-Chief for Help GRACANICA, July 12 - The brave, but naïve, Serb Bishop Artemije, whose July 4 plaintive appeal to the U.N. and KFOR authorities we cited in our last TiM GW Bulletin, finally gave up trying to deal with the local thugs (S99-122, "Peace" 16, Item 1, July 11). But reaffirming our observation that he seems to be suffering from incurable naivete, Bishop Artemije applied to a world class criminal for help. Thats like pledading to Al Capone for mercy after his assassins did what the Mafia "soldiers" usually do - carry out bosss orders. The Kosovo Bishop and his All Serbian Church-People Council, a self-appointed group of Kosovo Serbs, including Bishop Artemije, "decided yesterday after a Gracanica Monastery meeting to cancel further cooperation with the KFOR and the civil mission of the UN in Kosovo and Metohija, as long as the violence over the Serbs in this southern Serbia's province continues," according to a July 12 press release which weve just received. Instead, the Council has asked to be received at the White House by Bill Clinton in order to inform the President of the United States about "the sufferings and the systematic biological destruction of Serbian people of Kosovo and Metohija." --- TiM Ed.: See what we mean by appealing to a world class criminal for help? Meanwhile, since the deployment of the KFOR in Kosovo a month ago, several dozen Serbs have been killed or kidnapped, and a number of ancient Serb monasteries and churches have been burned down or destroyed by the KLA, according to a July 12 release by the Serbian Orthodox Church information service. And, according to the records of the international Center for Peace and Tolerance, since the arrival of KFOR and through July 8, 128 Kosovo Serbs have been abducted by the KLA. Their fate is unknown. And now, the Serb Bishop wants to talk to the American Criminal-in-Chief about calling off his murderous dogs? How about bringing back to Kosovo a few Yugoslav Army divisions instead? After all, its not the Serbs, but Clintons NATO, KFOR, KLA and a bunch of other state-terrorist acronyms that have breached the Kosovo "piss agreement," and are now murdering, or acquiescing to murder, of the Serb civilians. And who are destroying the nations most precious, centuries-old, cultural monuments - OF CHRISTIANITY, NOT ONLY OF SERBIA! By defending the Kosovo Serbs in this manner, the leaders of the Yugoslav Army would get rid of the thugs like Milosevic, Clinton et. al. once and for all. And MUCH FASTER than the Serb cowards and western quislings could even say Halfbright (such as Halfbrights apostles, like Zoran Djindjic, Milo Djukanovic or Vuk Draskovic, not to mention that bio-biker charlatan, Milan Panic). Because they would have the support of the Serbian people, and that of the patriots world over behind them. But do the Serb military leaders have the courage to do it? Do they have the guts to confront the worlds greatest power, as did the Serbs who said no to their governments pact with Hitler on March 27, 1941? Do they have what it takes to walk in the enormous footsteps of their forefathers who had routed the Austro-Hungarian and other Central Powers WW I invaders? (even at the cost of one-quarter of the countrys population (see Day 16, Update 2, Items 4. and Item 5, Apr. 8). Which would put the cost of freedom in America today at about 65 million lives. And you think that a nation which has sacrificed so much for its freedom can be enslaved by Clintons thuggery, Milosevics cowardice, Djindjic-Djukanovic-Draskovics treachery, and Artemijes naivete? If you do, then you have another think coming ------------ 2. Last Jewish Family Driven Out of Kosovo by the KLA PHOENIX, July 10 - When the TiM editor first met Branko Piliser of San Diego in September 1994, this Jewish-American, born in Pristina, Kosovo, Serbia, told this writer that he was "one of the 10 Jews left in Kosovo." No longer. Those were the "good old days" - the days of the Serbian rule in Kosovo, when even a minority of 10 enjoyed protection under the Yugoslav law from abuses by the Albanian insurgents. Shortly after the KFOR troops moved into Kosovo in mid-June, the KLA terrorists knocked on the door of the Pilisers family home in Pristina. Brankos brother, a man in his mid-40s, was told to move out along with his family. Or else. He moved out, fleeing with his wife and two children to a town in central Serbia (known to TiM, but not identified here so as to protect the Piliser familys security). "They are physically safe there," Branko Piliser said in a telephone conversation last week. But this Jewish-American now faces a different sort of a struggle. He has been trying to bring his brother and his family to the States, but is getting nowhere since they are Yugoslav citizens. "What about the fact that they are Jews?" "It makes no difference," Piliser replied. "No one with the Yugoslav citizenship is welcome in this country." "What about having them emigrate to Israel?" "My brother wont go there. He says he doesnt want to go from one civil war into another." As if that werent bad enough, Brankos brother and his family dont have any passports. So they fear that even if somehow they are allowed to emigrate to the U.S., once they apply to the Yugoslav authorities for passports, they may be deported back to Kosovo, (which is why we withheld the identity of their central Serbia location). And Pilisers fears are not unfounded. After all, Slobodan Milosevic isnt too keen on seeing the number of refugees in Serbia swell up beyond the 700,000 who are already there - 600,000 Serbs "ethnically cleansed" in 1991-1995 from Croatia and Bosnia, and about 100,000 already driven out of Kosovo during NATOs "piss process." Especially not, considering that Bill Clinton has said that Serbia would not get "one red cent" in any reconstruction aid, as long as Milosevic is in power. And like it or not, he still is. So, the Pilisers in Serbia are caught between a rock and a hard place. But thats kind of Gods will, if you like. What really irks Branko Piliser is the attitude of his fellow-Jews in America. "I am really angry at the American Jewish organizations which have been actually supporting NATOs bombing of Serbia," he said. "I just dont get it." --- TiM Ed.: Most people who think that friendships are based on mutual respect and loyalty, rather than money, dont get it, either. Take a look at the next story, as a case in point ----------- 3. An Open Letter to the Canadian Jewish Congress: Withdraw Your Support of the War! TORONTO, July 12 - A few days ago, we received from a TiM reader in the States a copy of a letter supposedly sent to the Canadian Jewish Congress by a group of Canadian Jews in May, during NATOs war on Serbia. Since such letters are easy to forge in the anonymous and alias-rich Cyberworld, it took us a while to confirm its authenticity. Now that we are satisfied the letter was genuine, we can tell you that it was composed and sent by Paul Lebl, who describes himself as "a sort of a co-ordinator of a group of some 50+ Jews from former and present-day Yugoslavia who are now residing in Canada." "By former and present-day Yugoslavia I mean Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia including autonomous territories (Kosovo-Metohija in the south and Vojvodina in the north), Mr. Lebl explains. "Slovenia and Montenegro (which, together with Serbia, remains a part of present-day Yugoslavia) have traditionally had very few Jews living there." With that as a preamble, heres the letter the 50+ Canadian Jews had penned:
Paul Lebl, Toronto, May 21, 1999 (on behalf of 50+ Canadian Jews) --- TiM Ed.: You may also wish to check out "Jews vs. Jews," S99-74, Day 49, Update 2, Items 4. and 5., May 11). ------------ 4. Kangaroo Courts Are An Aussie Thing AUSTRALIA, July 12 - Weve received the following comment from a TiM reader in Western Australia about our story, "Thugs of the World Unite" (S99-117, "Peace" 117, Item 1, July 1), in which we used the term "kangaroo court." This explanation should help set everyone straight as to how this expression came into being:
--- TiM Ed.: Also see other TiM Australian vignettes on this topic - by searching our Web site. ---
Chris Bartle, Australia --- TiM Ed.: And just think if the kangaroos, "while lovely animals," are "not as smart as sheep" - as Aussies of all people SHOULD know, since Australia is home to tens of millions of both animal species - then maybe there is hope for the worlds sheeple after all? Provided, of course, they are led by the right shepherd, rather than a Pappa-Roo. J ------------ 5. Different Strokes for Different Folks: Gypsies Not Welcome in Ireland; KLA Is? DUBLIN, July 13 - Commenting about our story in the last TiM GW Bulletin regarding a KLA Albanian who stabbed two people in Dublin (see S99-122, "Peace" 16, Item 3, July 11), a TiM reader from Dublin wrote:
Another TiM reader of Irish descent, who now makes his home in Denmark, had a similarly disapproving reaction to a new law passed by the Irish government. He went so far as to say that he was ashamed to be Irish and a European. Heres an excerpt from his letter to TiM, along with our reply:
Slán, (See Ye) Anthony Kiely, Denmark --- TiM Ed.: To which TiMs editor replied:
Bob O'Dj. of Belfast (which these days is only a tad better than being from Belgrade, where I was born) ------------ 6. Take a Look at This "High-Tech" Baby BELGRADE, July 13 - By now, youve seen a number of articles and photos PROVING that Bill Clinton and NATO lied when they said they had suffered zero combat losses in their 79-day war on Serbia. But we thought you may be also interested in some new shots of the downed F-16s posted in the NATO War section of our Web site. And tonight, we also received an undated photo of a Serb SAM-9 missile launcher, in its semi-camouflaged position, along with the two NATO aircraft "kills" painted on its side. We dont know exactly when this picture was taken, but judging by the look of the countryside around the missile launcher, we suspect it would have been in May. Here is the text submitted by our source which accompanied it:
----------- 7. The Day Progress Died Where Revolution Was Born (in Beantown) BOSTON, July 13 - As you may have seen from the dateline to this TiM Bulletin, your editor is currently in Beantown, a birthplace of the American Revolution (Boston). He is attending a business conference which includes 40 of Fortune 500 CEOs, 200 vice presidents, and hundreds of their minions from 14 countries around the world. And he is having a ball, dropping some (balls) occasionally, too - trying to play shortstop between the striped suits of this high-brow executive conference and the annual American baseball ritual - the All Star Game national hoopla - also taking place in Boston this week. In time, we hope to bring you some meaty and meaningful reports about the economic echoes from this business conference. In the meantime, however, heres a short "Beantown Vignette" which could aptly be titled: "The Day Progress Died Where Revolution Was Born:"
--- TiM Ed.: For answers to that question, check out our Kosovo war reports featuring all the "Wag the Dog" producers. And stand by for our upcoming report about this Boston high-tech, high-flying executive conference, which seems to have spelled the end of Progress. At least the kind of "progress" as we have been taught in high schools and colleges. Until then, "batter up!" Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on the Kosovo War, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up", "Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street", "Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan", "What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Serb WW II General Exhonerated by British Archives," "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques", "Kocevje: Tito's Greatest Crime?", "Perfidious Albion Strikes Again, Aided by Uncle Sam" Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |