July 8, 1999 - "Peace" 15 HEADLINES Novi Sad 1. Up, Close and Personal: How "Ordinary People" Really Feel in Serbia Solomon Islands 2. Six Killed, Scores "Ethnically Cleansed" in Pacific Ethnic Strife: A New ANZAC Intervention Opportunity? Netherlands 3. The Legal Leaches in the Land of Kangaroos ---------------- 1. Up, Close and Personal: How "Ordinary People" Really Feel in Serbia PHOENIX, July 8 - Day after day, the establishment media, especially Blaine Harden of the New York Times, keep writing about the protests against the Slobodan Milosevic government across Serbia. Day after day, they keep telling us fairy tales - that the Serbian people are supposedly outraged with Milosevic, but have nothing against Bill Clinton, America or NATO (see S99-118, "Peace" 13, Item 4, July 4, for example). We've told you that such reports were hogwash; that the Serbs we know are indeed fed up with Milosevic. But the "ordinary Serbs" distrust some opposition leaders even more than Milosevic, since most of them have been Milosevic's allies at one point, before becoming the western vassals. More importantly, however, most Serbs are even more angry at Washington, London and Brussels for trying to bomb them into stone age and out of existence. Well, we've just received a letter from one such a typical "ordinary Serb;" a woman from Novi Sad, where one of such anti-Milosevic protests took place on July 2. The lady is an electrical engineer working in the oil industry. She lives near the now destroyed Novi Sad TV station. Which is why she has had the windows of her apartment blown out by NATO. Yet despite her obvious anger at NATO and the West, she still maintains a sense of humor. "Every two days, they were 'remodeling' my flat," she writes. She also said that, confirming what we had written in "Orwell Would Have a Blast" (see S99-25, Day 11, Update 2, Items 1. Through 3., Apr. 3), that some western media showed images of Serb refugees from 1995 (who recognized themselves in the pictures), as the Albanians supposedly "ethnically cleansed" by the Serbs from Kosovo. Here is the rest of her story. Read and weep. Weep for all innocent people like this TiM reader, who have had their lives and/or health ruined so that Clinton can boast about the world hegemony, and so that NATO can grab a piece of another country's sovereign real estate for itself:
Jelena Krajnovic, Novi Sad ------------ 2. Six Killed, Scores "Ethnically Cleansed" in Pacific Ethnic Strife: A New ANZAC Intervention Opportunity? SOLOMON ISLANDS, July 8 - "When it's cooking, it's cooking..." Dustin Hoffman jubilantly declares in a "Wag the Dog" movie scene, as he and his warmongering Hollywood friends are in the midst of concocting yet another crisis intended to keep the tensions up and the President's popularity in check. Well, real life has just provided such a scenario. Six people were killed and 15,000 to 20,000 were forced to flee their homes in a new outbreak of ethnic strife in the Solomon Islands. "In where...?" We know, most Americans would probably react with such a question to the above news item. So get your maps out and take a look a some tiny specs of land in the Pacific, northeast of Australia. Perhaps the fact that 6,000 Americans died on those islands, fighting one of the epic battles of the 20th century (Guadalcanal), may refresh memories of at least of those students who weren't asleep during the WW II history classes? Anyway, what's been happening on Guadalcanal may give rise to yet another "humanitarian" NATO intervention. Or shall we say an ANZAC invasion? (ANZAC - Australia New Zealand Army Corps). Kevin M. Kennedy, chief of the Emergency Liaison Branch of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, told the New York Times (July 8) that small bands of lightly armed militants belonging to the Gwale majority on Guadalcanal had already driven out most of the minority population of Malaitan villagers from the countryside. The Malaitas went to Gaudalcanal, often a generation or two ago, from the island of Malaita, 60 miles away. --- TiM Ed.: Anybody else seeing a parallel hear between the Kosovo Serbs and Albanians? ---
--- Diplomats said that while the ethnic tensions among Guadalcanal residents goes back decades, fighting erupted last April when small gangs of jobless men began purging the Malaitans from their villages around Honiara Province. They were protesting what they saw as preferential employment treatment given Malaitans on the island, where about 115,000 people live. --- TiM Ed.: Anybody else seeing a parallel here between the Kosovo Serbs and Albanians? --- After speaking to correspondents about the situation in the Solomon Islands, from which he has just returned, Kennedy was taken aback by a reporter who asked why the United Nations should spend time and money on a place where the death toll was "small potatoes" compared with the suffering in other parts of the world, like Africa and Kosovo, the Times reported. "Well, it's not small potatoes to the people who've been driven out of their homes," Kennedy replied. "In the context of the country, which has not seen very much violence in recent decades, it's a major crisis." --- TiM Ed.: So ANZAC troops, start cleaning your weapons, and writing letters to your loved ones, enclosing the maps of the South Pacific. And then stand by for another "humanitarian mission" (see the cartoon at our Web site). ------------ 3. The Legal Leaches in the Land of Kangaroos THE HAGUE, July 8 - While rats may be the kings of Amsterdam's canals, legal leaches imported from America and Britain have been swamping the land of the kangaroos. No, we are not talking about Australia. We are referring to the "hundreds of attorneys from around the world who have come to The Hague to be part of a new era in international law," the Wall Street Journal noted in a front page story today (July 8). "A new era in international law?" Sure. Make it "a new era in international lawlessness." And greed. For, it was the U.N. kangaroo court at The Hague that invented a new concept of "secret indictments" of which the KGB or the Gestapo would be proud (see "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial," TiM GW Bulletin 98/8-5, Aug. 17, 1998). Two days ago, for example, another Bosnian Serb, Radislav Brdjanin, was snatched by the British troops in Banja Luka, Bosnia, and hauled off to the Hague "Bastille" - without ever having been aware prior to his arrest that he was even suspected of having done anything wrong. He was lucky. Back in 1997, the NATO troops shot another such suspect in cold blood (see "The Long Reach of Uncle Sam," a July 1997 Washington Times column, and "International Justice 'Progresses'...From Kidnapping to Murder"). The world's latest kangaroo court (with our apologies to these lovely Australian animals for miscasting their true peaceful nature), called ICTY - the War Crimes Tribunal was set up by the United Nations in 1994 to persecute the Bosnian Serbs (oops... make that to prosecute war criminals, the vast majority of whom happened to be Bosnian Serbs, four of them dead now while in custody of the kangaroo court). As for the greed part, of the 300 or so lawyer leaches who have latched on to The Hague, about 50 are American and 50 British, according to the Journal. Frank Sinatra's daughter-in-law, Cynthia, is among the American contingent of legal bloodsuckers. Poor lass, after two divorces, three husbands, "two forgettable films" (as an actress), a Schlitz beer commercial, and a stint in a Houston, Texas, criminal defense firm, she has finally settled down to some down to earth sponging. On account of making the world better for all but the sponges, of course. Just as Bill Clinton and his globalist leaches are doing every time they launch a taxpayer-paid "humanitarian mission" which kills more humans than the honest-to-goodness gang wars. Anyway, Cynthia Sinatra ended up defending one of the few Bosnian Muslims charged with war crimes. Which is why, of course, the Journal tried to conceal this criminal's real identity by calling him a "Bosnian" (a term which applies equally to Serbs, Croats and Muslims living in Bosnia) on the front page, before conceding that he was "a Bosnian Muslim" on page A8). Cynthia lost. And no wonder. Her client, Ezad Landzo, was 18 when the Bosnian war broke out in 1992. His father and brothers had gone off to fight but, because of his age, he was assigned to a prison camp in Celebici, 30 miles from Sarajevo, the Journal said. --- TiM Ed.: Wait a minute... A "prison camp" run by the Muslims? Weren't we told back in 1992 by the western media, including the Journal, that only the Serbs engaged in such Holocaust-style "death camp" activities? And didn't we see that "Holocaust-for-Dollars" champion, Elie Wiesel, affirm the same on national TV while proving that, "there is no business as showa business," as his cynical detractors, the real Holocaust victims in Israel have said? --- Anyway, Sinatra's client worked at this "stealth death camp" for, what court documents describe as an eight-month reign of terror. --- TiM Ed.: Again, none of it reported by the pro-Muslim western media, including the Journal. --- According to his indictment, Landzo tied a lit fuse around one prisoner's genitalia and forced another to perform oral sex on his own brother. Oh, yes... he also beat to death a 60-year-old prisoner, and nailed a metal badge to another prisoner's forehead. In total, he killed four prisoners and tortured and abused 11 others. In the end, Sinatra's Muslim client was found guilty on 18 counts of war crimes, and sentenced to 15 years. In most U.S. courts, he would have ended up on the death row. --- TiM Ed. :Yet the Journal's story made this failed actress-turned-a-kangaroo-court-lawyer-leach sound like a Joan D'Arc fighting for truth, justice and liberty!? Would someone please take away Cynthia Sinatra's bloodsucking license, and force her to go back to her Hollywood husband, so that they could raise her multiple children from her multiple failed marriages in a manner fit for a family? (the Journal also reported that she had hauled her children with her to The Hague). As for the Journal's reporting the full truth and the news, may we amend our yesterday's letter to the editor which suggested that the name of this Wall Street rag should be changed to the "Death Merchants Journal?" How about the "Hollywood Death Merchants Journal?" Not only would this encompass Cynthia Sinatra's kangaroo bloodsucking endeavors, but it would also take care of the fiction which the likes of the Steven "Spoofbergs" have been producing for years. Anyone seconding the idea? Also, check out... Truth in Media Statement on Kosovo Crisis, "Wither Dayton, Sprout New War?", "On the Brink of Madness", "Tragic Deja Vu's," "Seven U.S. Senators Suggest Ouster of Milosevic", "Biting the Hand That Feeds You", "A Balkan Affairs Potpourri", "Put the U.N. Justice on Trial", "International Justice 'Progresses' from Kidnapping to Murder", "Milosevic: 'A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery'...", "Kosovo Lie Allowed to Stand", "New World Order's Inquisition in Bosnia", "Kosovo Heating Up", "Decani Monastery Under Siege?", "Murder on Wall Street", "Kosovo: 'Bosnia II', Serbia's Aztlan", "What If the Shoe Were on the Other Foot?", "Green Interstate - Not Worth American Lives", "An American Hero or Actor of the Year?" (A June '95 TiM story) and/or "Clinton arme secrètement les musulmans bosniaques" Or Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |