The Washington Times
Sunday, August 18, 1996


By Bob Djurdjevic

What’s happening in Bosnia is going to happen in the United States. Why would the U.S. break up? Two reasons: First, demographic forces similar to those which have torn Bosnia asunder, and are threatening Serbia, are present in the United States. Second, a technological revolution is under way which will accelerate the process, changing forever change the way we think and work. Only one kind of a country which is secession-proof - a homogeneous single-ethnic state.

Bosnia is both 150+ years behind the U.S. and 50 years ahead. It is 150 years behind because its war was not unlike the U.S. Civil War. For example. even though most of the Serbs were for the Yugoslav union, the Bosnian Serbs acted as "Confederate" forces fighting against the domination of the Muslim-Croat Federation - the "Union" troops.

Bosnia is also 150 years behind as evidenced by the war’s brutality, especially toward civilians. It rivals the worst of "ethnic cleansing" (i.e., atrocities) committed by U.S. troops, especially against Native and African Americans.

But Bosnia is also 50 years ahead of the U.S. because our country is certain to disintegrate along racial or ethnic lines as Bosnia did. Prof. Samuel Huntington predicted in his 1993 essay "Clash of Civilizations" (published in the journal, FOREIGN POLICY), that the next world war or a major regional conflict will be a clash of civilizations, not ideologies. However, Mr. Huntington was so busy focusing on the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia that he neglected to consider what was happening back home.

How will the country break up? Peacefully, if the current trends continue. Violently, if the "establishment" decides to fight the loss of its powers with physical force. Either way, the U.S. will split along demographic fault lines.

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The following is an example to help illustrate the point.  On Friday, July 26, Armando Navarro, coordinator for a group called IMPACTO 2000, announced that "hundreds of people...representing organizations, political parties and institutions from both the United States and Mexico," will rally at Rancho San Geronimo in the San Diego area. "In addition, our justice and freedom rally and march is in response to a pre-Republican Convention rally being held at Border Field State Park the same day and at the same time, by the racist coalition, Voice of Citizens Together," Navarro said.

Never mind that VCT had moved its rally location to the Federal Building in Los Angeles - the important thing is that Navarro thought we would be in San Diego. He was going to confront us with "hundreds" of those who are advocating an open border. He was going to do so right next to the border where thousand of Mexicans could have easily joined

Mr. Navarro’s Ernesto Galarza Center held a conference of Latino leaders to discuss the ramifications of Proposition 187. At the rally, Armando Navarro said that, because of demographics, there is going to be a transfer of power to Chicanos. He added that this will make possible the dream of Aztlan. Aztlan is what the Chicano separatists call the American Southwest."

The Mexican government itself is working to infiltrate and subvert our government. They are working to grant dual nationality or citizenship to encourage Mexican to become U.S. citizens so they can "vote for Mexican interests" in the United States. Despite reports to the contrary, Jose Angel Pescador Osuna, Consul General of Mexico in Los Angeles, has denied involvement in this scheme. Not only is the consul's office involved in meddling in the internal affairs of the United States, he is now giving orders over Spanish language television on how Mexicans should act to avoid exposing their true intent to re-conquer the American Southwest.

Chicano groups, including MEChA and La Raza Unida (The Race United), are planning to march on the Republican Convention. (VCT is not a partisan group and we have not ties whatsoever with the Republican Party). One of the principal goals of those planning the march is to "Demolish the Border." That means demolish the sovereignty of the United States.

The evidence is clear: The United States is being invaded by Mexico. The intent is to retake the American Southwest and rename it Aztlan. Those who resist are called racist and will are subject to attack. This is a clear act of aggression and those who aid in this endeavor are guilty of sedition.

The United States is now engaged in a struggle for its very existence. As before, Americans are to going to rally to the side of Old Glory, and once again defend her right to fly free in the land of the free and the home of the brave.


BOB DJURDJEVIC, Truth in Media, Phoenix, Arizona



What follows is the original text upon which the above abbreviated version was based [published by the WASHINGTON TIMES on August 18, 1996:


By Bob Djurdjevic

The Only Question When and How Will the U.S. Break Up, Not If

PARIS, Nov. 29, 1995 - "What’s happening in Bosnia is going to happen in the U.S., too," a highly decorated American veteran of foreign wars told me during our recent discussion in New York. America will split up, he predicted.

He was right. Our country is a ticking time bomb. Just like Bosnia was...

Why would the U.S. break up?

Two reasons.

First, demographic forces similar to those which have torn Bosnia asunder are present in the U.S., too. Second, a technological revolution is under way which will accelerate the process, and will forever change the way we think and work. There is only one kind of a country which is secession-proof. It’s a homogeneous single-ethnic state. The U.S. isn’t it.


Bosnia is both 150+ years behind the U.S. and 50+ years ahead.   It is 150+ years behind because its war was not unlike the U.S. Civil War. Even though most of the Serbs were for the Yugoslav "Union," the Bosnian Serbs acted as "Confederate" forces fighting against the domination of the Muslim-Croat Federation - the "Union" troops.

Bosnia is also 150+ years behind because the war’s brutality, especially toward civilians, rivaled the worst of "ethnic cleansing" or atrocities committed by U.S. troops, especially against the Native or African Americans.

But Bosnia is also 50+ years ahead of the U.S. because our country is certain to disintegrate along racial or ethnic lines as Bosnia did.

Prof. Samuel Huntington predicted in his 1993 essay "Clash of Civilizations," published in FOREIGN POLICY, that the next world war or a major regional conflict will be a clash of civilizations, not ideologies (e.g., communism vs. democracy; or fascism vs. all).  It’s just that he was so busy focusing on the disintegration of the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia that he neglected to consider its ramifications back home. The U.S. 1990 Census delineated the future demographic "fault lines" (see the maps).


The invention of the Personal Computer (PC) has already revolutionized the way we think and work. The PC has empowered the individual to compete with largest industrial corporations on a more or less level playing field. Its invention is comparable to that of gun powder or the gun. The PC has become an equalizer in our society. With it, and of late with the Internet which connects the millions of PCs, human creativity has a chance of winning over incumbent money and power for the first time since the start of the industrial revolution.

Just look at how easily Bill Gates’ tiny Microsoft, the "David," slew IBM, the "Goliath," which dominated the computer industry and the global business for decades. Who would have thought only 10 years ago that IBM would be trying to catch up to Microsoft in 1995?

Gates used neither physical, nor financial, nor military power to dethrone IBM. He used his brain power! And the PC as a tool through which to deliver it.

There are hundreds of thousands of "Microsofts" gunning for the establishment today. Most will fail. That’s the Darwinian law of business. But the fittest and the brightest will finish the job which Gates started. In the wake of their success will lie the carcasses of gigantic centralist bureaucracies which ruled the world during the industrial era. The biggest of them being the U.S. federal government.

Already the state and local governments are clamoring for increased powers and passing legislation availing themselves of them. Federal government’s huge debt, constant gridlock along with occasional shutdowns, questionable overseas military adventures often coupled with American casualties - are all contributing to the erosion of its credibility with the electorate.

How Will the U.S. Break Up?

How will the country break up? Peacefully, if the current trends continue. Violently, if the Establishment decides to fight the loss of its powers with physical force. Either way, the U.S. will split along the demographic "fault lines."

"Vaticania, New Jerusalem, etc."

The Roman Catholics (RC) have some 55 million adherents in the U.S. - almost double that of the next largest religious group - the Baptists. While being fairly spread around the country, there is a heavy concentration of wealthy RCs in the Northeast, especially in big cities.  One will find them in many position of power - both in the political and the business world. Even though the Vatican doesn’t directly own vast amounts of capital, its indirect influence is enormous.

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Take IBM, for example. Founded by a staunch Protestant (Thomas Watson, Sr.), and having been run by the "WASPs" for almost 80 years, the IBM Board, led by some Catholic directors, selected the company’s first RC as chairman in 1993. In just two years, through promotions within and hiring from outside, the new IBM chairman had turned the situation completely around. Nearly all senior positions were filled by RCs.  Best of all - this "Vatican takeover" happened without the RC church’s attracting attention to the case, or even paying a penny for virtual control of the world’s largest computer company. On the contrary, the newly "converted" IBM even invested in a project to computerize the Vatican Library images - and not in that of many other worthy works of art in museums around the world.

"That’s always been the Vatican style," explained a former St. Peter priest who had spent many years within its inner sanctum. "Today’s multinationals are yesterday’s ‘princes,’" he said, alluding to the Holy See’s practice of buying the influence of local nobility, the "princes."

The infallible would then make new populace and territorial conquests through the latter. Along the same lines, also look for Quebec eventually to join "Vaticania."

"New Africa."

Sooner or later the African Americans’ political power will start to match their prowess in sports, for example. A new generation of black leaders is unlikely to be as tolerant of their "fifth wheel"-type (12% minority) position nationally, as were their past and present leaders (e.g., Martin Luther King or Gen. Colin Powell).

Sooner or later African Americans will learn to exercise their electoral power. When they do, they will dominate certain regions. Sooner or later one of their leaders will form a secessionist movement, just as the Francophones in Quebec did. When that happens, the U.S. Southeast will be theirs for the taking (see the maps).

Some may choose religious pulpits from which to deliver the message. There is a high concentration of Baptists in the Southeast. And even nationally, they are the second largest religious group in the U.S. with about 28 million adherents.

"New Spain."

Today, Hispanics represent about 10% of the U.S. population. By the middle of the next century, thanks to their higher birth rates and waves of new (illegal) immigrants, they may approach the 50% share. Hispanics are also very homogeneous when it comes to religion. Most of them are Roman Catholic. Which makes them easier to manipulate for secular purposes, as the Vatican had proven in Poland’s case, for example.

By the middle of the next century, the Hispanics are likely to occupy most of the territories which the U.S. government had purchased and/or conquered from Spain during the 18th and 19th centuries.

"North Cuba = Gorazde South?"

But today’s state of Florida will be a problem for Vatican’s ambitions. Although our map labels it as "North Cuba," its geographic position is not unlike that of Gorazde in Bosnia. Without a "Milosevic"-type African American traitor, who would agree to provide the land route to the western Hispanic-held areas along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast, or to the eastern "Vaticania" (the "Yellow Interstates?"), a Hispanic-African American civil war may be in the offing in the U.S. Southeast by the middle of the 21st century.


Having moved from the East Coast to the western U.S. in the 19th century so as to escape religious persecution, the Mormons appear poised to get on the offensive in the next century. Not only do their reproductive policies match or exceed those of the Catholics or the Muslims, but their religious leaders run a very tight ship. "We are here to defend democracy, not to practice it" - is the way the Mormon religious boot-camps seem to operate. Which is turning off some democrats among them, like the Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist Steve Benson.

Like the Islamic fundamentalists, Mormons have tough "no-liquor" rules. They also demand "Peace Corps" duties of their young followers. On the surface, these youngsters are supposed to be helping the disadvantaged in distant lands. In reality, they are door-to-door salespeople for the Mormon cause. Eventually, their cohesion, discipline and perseverance in breeding and marketing will be rewarded by a separate state in the Western U.S.

"White Man Enclave."

wpe4.jpg (33811 bytes) America’s "WASP’s", although the most numerous group in America, but just like the Serbs in the former Yugoslavia - dispersed, undisciplined and with low birth rates, will only retain the U.S. Midwest. This "White Man Enclave" will be the 21st century’s version of a "reservation."

To avoid such a status and to reduce the effect of isolation and encirclement, it is quite conceivable that this enclave will unite with Canada’s predominantly "Waspish" provinces - Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and maybe even Alberta.

By the way, this means that Canada will also cease to exist as a multi-ethnic country in the next century.

"New Hong Kong."

Finally, after Hong Kong reverts to China in 1997, the exodus of its well-heeled residents is likely to shift south of Vancouver, Canada, to the American Northwest - the "New Hong Kong" on our maps. That’s where the land is cheap and plentiful.

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Chinese Century

Furthermore, despite the inevitable turmoil which China will also face before emerging as the world power, the Earth’s most populous nation may return to glory in the 21st century. Its main contender for this honor roll will not be the U.S., as may seem likely to those who look back before forecasting the future. It will be Russia. Between the two, these leading nations have more engineers, more scientists, more soldiers and more artists than the rest of the Western world put together.

In the new information-driven era, this will give them an insurmountable edge over the stagnant industrialized economies, such as Japan, Germany or the U.S, not to mention the declining ones. If Bill Clinton isn’t getting the significance of all this, he isn’t alone. Neither did the Austrian or Russian emperors less than 100 years ago!


Bob Djurdjevic is a Phoenix-based writer and businessman. He writes about economic and international affairs.


An Epilogue or Prologue (you decide...)

This essay has had the longest "gestation period" of any piece which I've written on any subject. More than two years have passed since my idea about the impending U.S. disintegration was born on September 8, 1993 in Vienna. Here’s an excerpt from my diary notes:

"This evening, I went for a walk around the old Vienna. As I looked again at those magnificent buildings where the Austrian royalty lived, I was reminded of the fact that even the greatest glory is but a fleeting moment in the history of mankind. Less than 100 years ago, this was one of the most powerful empires on the face of the Earth. Now, all these buildings don’t just look like museums; they are museums! I could not help but wonder if, in 100 years or so, Washington may also end up a "museum town," as the new center of world power shifts elsewhere, perhaps to China or Russia?"

After doing some research which backed up my Viennese intuition, I hesitated to share my conclusions with wider audiences partly because I was afraid that my forecast would be too shocking, disconcerting and gut-wrenching for many patriotic Americans.

In other words, I was a "chicken-shit" writer who was more concerned about being labeled a "kook" or a "weirdo" than about telling the whole truth.

Then I met an American overseas war veteran who earned more medals than my roses have petals. Upon reading a draft of this essay, which I wrote while stranded in Paris on by the fog and the transportation workers’ strike (Nov. 29, 1995), he said, "your piece is right on the money. Go for it!"

Which is why you're now reading it, too...

Bob Djurdjevic, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 20, 1995


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