Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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TiM GW Bulletin 2000/8-9

Aug. 26, 2000

A “Kursk” Speech Putin Could Have Delivered, Didn’t, Yet Still Can...

We Will Avenge You! 

What We Know... Sort Of; Woman Injected with Sedative: Another “Wag the Dog” Scene? Famous “Ostankino” Tower Burning in Moscow!



Phoenix                       1. The “Kursk” Tragedy: What We Know… Sort Of

Phoenix                       2. A “Kursk” Speech Putin Could Have Delivered, Didn’t,

                                        Yet Still Can…  

Murmansk                 3. Woman Injected with Sedative: Another “Wag the Dog” Scene?Aug. 27, 2000

Moscow                      4. Famous “Ostankino” Tower Burning in Moscow!Aug. 27, 2000

Moscow                      5. Eighteen Prominent Russian Patriots Call for General 

                                        Mobilization in Response to Sinking of “Kursk”Aug. 28, 2000

London                       6. A “Kursk” Mom Explains Life-saving InjectionAug. 29, 2000

London                       7. Blair: Forever Sixteen… and MeanAug. 29, 2000

Moscow                     8. Russia Identifies Second U.S. Sub Near "Kursk"Aug. 31, 2000


1. The “Kursk” Tragedy: What We Know… Sort Of

PHOENIX, Aug. 26 - For two weeks now, the world has hung on to scant and often contradictory reports about the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine, “Kursk,” in which 118 sailors lost their lives.  In our initial report about this tragedy - “Let the Blame Games Begin,” Aug. 19 - we said that “it may take years, if not decades, to answer that question conclusively.” 

“But some things we do know already,” we added.  

Sort of…  For even what we know is based on partisan news spin, rather than coolly proven facts.  Nevertheless, here is a summary of what we know already.  Sort of…

ˇ        While American and European media have jumped the gun in attributing the ‘Kursk’ sinking to onboard explosions, probably caused by a battery fire or accidental torpedo detonations, the preponderance of evidence gathered so far suggests that the ‘Kursk’ collided with another vessel - a U.S. or British submarine, probably the British, say the Russian military experts, a commission of navy officials, assembled by the Russian defense minister, Igor Sergeyev (see the New York Times, Aug. 22). 

Which, of course, the British government denies.  As they have denied that several other known collisions of their subs with the Soviet vessels in the 1968-1972 time frame ever took place.  In fact, as far as the TiM editor is aware, the British government has never admitted to any collisions of its subs.  So denying that a British vessel was involved is par for the course for the “lie and deny” Perfidious Albion.

Some British-based observers concluded from the above that the British sub’s involvement was the real reason Britain was the first to offer assistance to the Russians, which was initially refused.  So that the British divers would have a chance to collect and remove any evidence?  Indeed, it was eight British and four Norwegian divers that were eventually the first to open the ‘Kursk’ escape hatches, according to an Aug. 25 New York Times report.

ˇ        The total number of unofficial accidents at sea is open to speculation. It could be as high as 150.  But it is known that Soviet/Russian and western submarines have collided at least 14 times, according to an Aug. 24 New York Times OpEd piece by Alla Yaroshniskaya, a Russian author who has written extensively on the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster. 

Of the 14, 10 collisions have involved American submarines, the latest in 1992 and 1993.  In a departure from the Cold War secrecy, the Bush and Clinton administrations have also publicly acknowledged those mishaps.

In the most serious incident, the “Tautog,” an American nuclear submarine, collided in 1970 with a Soviet nuclear sub near Russia’s Pacific coast.  The Soviet vessel sustained so much damage in the collision that the U.S. Navy reported to President Richard Nixon that it had sunk.  “It was only in recent years that enough information became available in Russia to determine that, while the submarine was heavily damaged, it had limped back to port,” the New York Times said on Aug. 22.

ˇ        Another controversial incident involved the March 11, 1968 sinking of a Soviet submarine in the Pacific - known in Russia as the K-129, but classified by NATO as a Golf II.  Over 90 Russian sailors lost their lives in the sinking that followed a collision with an American sub.

When the U.S.-Russia Joint Commission on POWs and missing servicemen met last November, a senior Russian representative said more than 90 families of the lost crew of the sunken sub are waiting for information on their loved ones' remains.

The Russians believe not only that a U.S. submarine -- the USS “Swordfish,” based at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii - collided with the K-129, causing it to sink, but also that secret U.S. salvage operations in 1968 and 1974 removed remains of crew members and highly sensitive equipment that went down with the sub - possibly including nuclear warheads.

Russian suspicions about the Swordfish are based on records indicating it underwent nighttime repair of a bent periscope at Yokosuka, Japan, on March 17 -- six days after the K-129 sank. The U.S. explanation is that the Swordfish collided with an ice pack and was 2,000 miles away from the Russian sub when it sank.

Moscow has requested the Swordfish's deck logs, to trace its movements, but the Pentagon has refused.

Norman Kass, the executive director of the U.S. side of the joint commission, said that all recovered personal effects of the Russian crew have already been provided, and nothing more can be done. ''We're at an impasse,'' he said, according to an Associated Press Aug. 22 report.

“Impasse?”  Spoken like a true Vietcong or a North Vietnamese general on the subject of American POWs.  Try “cover-up” instead?

ˇ        In our initial (Aug. 19) report, we cited Sevodnya, that claimed it had obtained credible evidence that suggests the ‘Kursk’ had crashed into a U.S. submersible, which then limped off to a Norwegian port.

Without citing its sources, Sevodnya reported that Russian ships had detected the presence of another submarine also lying grounded at the bottom of the Barents Sea after the Saturday catastrophe.  No other Russian submersible was in the area at the time, according to Sevodnya.  

The newspaper's sources, apparently military, said that the Russian Navy subsequently overheard radio communications establishing that a U.S. submarine requested permission to enter a Norwegian port, and then made its way there at reduced speed.  The U.S. Orion reconnaissance planes also flew over the area on Sunday, the Sevodnya sources added.

ˇ        On Aug. 17, the U.S. “Memphis” entered a Norwegian port for repairs and maintenance.  But a NATO representatives claimed that this had nothing to do with the ‘Kursk.”  “Any NATO submarine can any time ask for any repair at any NATO port,” the spokesman said.  Yet he refused to answer a reporter’s question as to WHEN the repair request by the “Memphis” was originally made.

ˇ        In an Aug. 21 interview with Russian ORT TV, Sergeyev reported that at roughly 6PM Moscow time Aug. 12, Vyacheslav Popov, Commander of Russia's Northern Fleet, was informed that the submarine ‘Kursk’ had failed to establish a communication link during Barents Sea maneuvers in which it was involved.  A search-and-rescue mission was immediately launched.  Early sonar data showed TWO vessels lying at the bottom of the Barents Sea.

It took approximately 24 hours, until Sunday evening, Aug. 13, for the ‘Kursk’ to be located.  By that time, according to Sergeyev, the second vessel, presumed to be a foreign submarine, was gone from the area.

ˇ        On Aug. 21, the Russian news agency Interfax reported that Russian rescue workers had found a fragment of a submarine, "most likely British," near the Kursk. This followed earlier reports that emergency buoys, also identified as British, were seen floating near the collision site.

But a Wall Street Journal Aug. 23 report by the Moscow-based Pavel Felgenhauer, whom the Journal identifies as an “independent defense analyst,” claimed that those were actually “heads of cabbage that fell overboard when provisions for sailors were loaded onto the deck of the Russian nuclear cruiser, ‘Peter the Great’.”

From the sublime, to the ridiculous…

ˇ        Then came the Aug. 22 Pravda story… Citing hydro-acoustical evidence of three explosions, "indicating the possibility that the Kursk had suffered a torpedo attack," the Pravda described the incident as a possible casus belli (enemy act).  But it went on to conclude, "happily, the incident in the Barents Sea was successfully resolved by political means. Agreement to ‘end the affair by peaceful means’ was supposedly reached during a telephone conversation between Vladimir Putin and Bill Clinton. The two presidents' conversation lasted 25 minutes, and nothing of its content was reported in the mass media.”

Once again, there is “something fishy in this Russian ‘borscht’,” an expression from the original TiM report.  If the world really “hung by a thread, and one false political move could have led to an exchange of nuclear strikes," as the Pravda also hinted, do you really think that Putin would be sun-tanning on a Sochi beach?

In our initial report, we also criticized him for it, but for a different reason:

Why would Putin do a limp thing like that?  Especially after all his other military bravados in Chechnya that had put the NATO western wimps to shame by comparison? (see "Putin Puts Western Leaders in Their Places with a Fighter Stunt " - Mar. 22, 2000).

Because he acted like a politician, rather than a leader.  A true Russian leader would have cut his Black Sea Sochi vacation short immediately.  And he would have flown up to Murmansk, or whatever the nearest port was to the location of the destitute Russian sailors, to pray to God for the salvation of the Russian sub.

A gesture like that would have shown the families of the 118 sailors that the Russian president - CARED!  Even if he were not able to do anything personally to help their loved ones.”

ˇ        Eventually, Putin did make that trek.  On Aug. 22, Putin he traveled to the headquarters of the Northern Fleet, and held a six-hour open session with the relatives of the sailors killed on the Kursk at Vidyayevo, near Murmansk. He vowed to get to the bottom of the tragedy.

Next day (Aug. 23), in a half-hour nationwide TV address, he repeated the message.

ˇ        Also noteworthy is Putin's distancing from the so-called oligarchs, the western-backed pariahs that have been plundering Russia since the end of the Cold War under the guise of “democratic reforms.”

If Putin were ever a Boris Berezovsky’s protégé (a theory advanced by some of TiM’s Moscow sources, yet one to which the TiM had never subscribed), he is certainly no longer.  During his Aug. 23 TV address, Putin singled out “some who have given a million dollars” to the crews’ families, in an apparent reference to Berezovsky.  “They would have done better to sell their villas on the Mediterranean costs of France and Spain,” Putin said.

Berezovsky owns a villa on the Cote d’Azur in France, while Vladimir Gusinsky has one in Spain. 

Putin said these people were the same who had “long promoted the destruction of the (Russian) army, the fleet and the state.”

On July 19, Berezovsky quit his Duma seat over Putin.  He made that clear at a Moscow news conference.  President Vladimir Putin is the main reason he is quitting, Berezovsky stressed at a press conference,” according to an Itar-Tass report. Berezovsky said he was "categorically against the reform of power which was suggested by the president."

Meaning, that the likes of Berezovsky, Gusinsky, and their western partners could no longer plunder Russia with impunity as they did when Boris Yeltsin was in charge.

ˇ        Finally, Putin said in his Aug. 23 address to the nation that both, the defense minister Sergeyev, and the Northern Fleet commander, Popov, had offered him their resignations, but that he had rejected them.  “We have to get an objective picture for the reasons for this tragedy,” Putin said.  “Only after that can we make some decisions.”

What is perhaps an unrelated, but is certainly not widely known, was that the ‘Kursk’ sailed into the Mediterranean in the summer of 1999, “showing the flag” to the Serbs, as Charles Smith, a Russophobic columnist of WorldNetDaily put it in his Aug 23 commentary (see

Is that why 118 Russian sailors died?  For “showing the flag” to the Serbs?


2. A “Kursk” Speech Putin Could Have Delivered, Didn’t, Yet Still Can…

PHOENIX, Aug. 26 - And now, with the preceding historical “factoid” as a preamble, what follows is a “Kursk” speech the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, could have delivered, but didn’t.  Yet he still can… If he is a true Russian leader.

“My fellow Russians,

I have just returned from Vidyayevo, where I spent more than six hours with families of the 118 Russian sailors who had lost their lives last week in the sinking of the ‘Kursk.’

Vidyayevo is indeed a ghost town now, as one young woman told a Russian TV reporter yesterday.  “Mothers are walking like shadows through the town.  People are crying, and men don’t raise their eyes.”

That is understandable.  A loss of 118 ‘Kursk’ sailors casts a dark shadow not only upon their families; not only upon the residents of Vidyayevo; it casts a dark shadow upon all of Russia.  We all share their loss and mourn their loved ones with them.

Which is why I went to Vidyayevo, however belatedly.  I wanted tell the ‘Kursk’ crew families face-to-face that I come as a sinner wishing to repent. 

o       That I erred last week when I stayed at my Sochi resort villa. 

o       That I should NOT have listened to my political advisers who had said that, since I could do nothing personally to save the ‘Kursk’ crew, and since they were probably dead anyway, that I’d better not get involved.

How can a leader of Russia NOT get involved when 118 of her brave sons perish while serving their country? 

Once I realized that, however late, I went to Vidyayevo to offer the ‘Kursk” families my condolences, and to beg their forgiveness. 

“Please forgive me, my Lord, for I have sinned,” I said, crossing myself in front of everyone in the proper Orthodox Christian way.

My fellow Russians,

What I am about to tell you is not going to be pleasing.  It may even cause you also to cut your summer vacations short and join up in aid of our country.

As an American president once said, who was subsequently murdered - “ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country.”

Of course, I am referring here to President John Kennedy, the only American president in recent times, besides Ronald Regan, who had not fully succumbed to the control of the international bankers’ corruption and terrorism.  

Back in the 1960s, Kennedy was seen as the enemy of the Soviet Russia.  As was Reagan in the early 1980s, with his famous “Evil Empire” comment.

Yet now, in the year 2000, I see Kennedy of the 1960s and Reagan of the 1980s as actually two good  friends of the Russian people. For, they were enemies of the new Evil Empire that has emerged after the end of the Cold War. Sometimes this new Evil Empire is referred to as the New World Order, that is  trying to enslave not only us, the Russians, but also all proud nations of the world.

Which is why I am asking you today, my fellow Russians, not only to join me in the mourning the 118 Russian sailors who perished on Aug. 13.  I am asking you join me in resisting the new Evil Empire with all our might.  

You can start doing it by enlisting in the Russian Navy.  Yes, the Navy that has lost 118 sailors.  

Perhaps YOU, the young Russian patriots, can shows us, "old fogies," a better way to fight?

Perhaps you can show the leaders of the new Evil Empire that, for every 118 Russians who die in defense of their country, there will be at least ten times as many Russians willing to take their place, and lay their lives on the line in defense of the Fatherland.  As our fathers had done in WW II.  And as our great-great-grandfathers had done when Napoleon came crashing through our doors.

Perhaps together, my fellow Russians, we can show Washington, London, Paris or Brussels that we intend to keep on doing it forever - for as long as any foreign powers are endangering our lives and our sovereignty.  

I want the New World Order leaders to know that, if, at the end of our investigation, we determine that the death of the 118 Russian sailors on the ‘Kursk’ has been caused by a deliberate act of war by NATO, we WILL act to avenge those deaths.  There will no city or a bunker anywhere in the world in which such cowardly murderers will be able to hide.

President Clinton offered me in his phone call last Wednesday that the U.S. pay restitutions to the ‘Kursk” families, if I were to hush up the incident. 

I refused.  I told him that I could think of 118 reasons why I should not accept his offer.  And that only one of them would have been enough for me to turn it down.

My fellow Russians, let us pray.  Let us pray for the salvation of the souls of the ‘Kursk’ crew members who perished while defending their country.  May God bless them all.

I promise you, their deaths will not be in vain.  They will be avenged.  Sooner or later. God willing.

Please forgive me for being so slow in communicating this to you.”


TiM Ed.: As we said at the outset, this is a speech that the Russian president could have delivered, didn’t, yet still can.  Should someone translate it into Russian for him. And should he have the nerve it takes to be a leader, not just a politician.


3. Woman Injected with Sedative: Another “Wag the Dog” Scene?Aug. 27, 2000

PHOENIX, Aug. 27 - We received the following letter from a TiM reader in North Carolina.  Our reply and the enclosures that follow will hopefully illustrate how the American and British public are being duped and manipulated by our “lie and deny” media:

“Did you happen to see the video footage this morning on the television where one of the family members of the lost sub Kursk was injected with a syringe while she was yelling out? It was on the show with Sam Donaldson this morning...

The clip is vivid in showing the other woman (KGB?) injecting her in her right shoulder area. Really interesting.

Donaldson was interviewing Zbigniew Brzezinski (the National Security Advisor under Pres. Carter - and a proven Russophobe, TiM Ed.), and showed the clip before actually talking with him. Supposedly he has a new book coming out shortly that describes the "two Russias". One the same old Russia, the government, and the new, the "people's Russia" that is emerging....

Zbig agreed that the lady being subdued by injection was a clear sign of the "old Russia", but the fact that we saw the footage was an indicator of the new Russia...

I'm just relaying what was said, not my feelings or opinion on it. Maybe you saw this, but just in case, I found it interesting in light of current affairs.”

S.H., North Carolina


TiM Ed.: I don't watch network TV (for reasons that may become obvious by the end of this message), but what you've done by telling me about this show is to provide yet another example of how our dumbed-down nation gets duped by the "Wag the Dog" scams in media and government.

I enclose below two clips from my British sources.  In the first one, a TiM reader who lives in Belfast, Ireland, comments about a BBC report last week about the injection.  In the second, I enclose a clip from the London Times which shows that the injection to the hysterical mother was administered by a doctor (not “KGB”!) at her husband's request.

Things our lamestream media doesn't tell us... while fomenting anti-Russian sentiments in the public.


"Today, Aug. 24, a hysterically screaming Russian woman, relative of one of the dead sailors from Kursk, was shown on BBC News Bulletin being given an injection of sedative in order to calm her down.

The BBC journalist was speaking about "shame of such treatment" and that the woman was given it "because it was too embarrassing for the authorities".

The BBC News Bulletin's Orla Guerin claimed from Murmansk that this scene happened yesterday (Aug. 23) at the meeting of the relatives with Vice Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov.

But THE VERY SAME SCENE WITH THE VERY SAME WOMAN (shouting that her son "is dying for $50", like if he was dying for a bigger sum, it would be then OK for her?) WAS SHOWN ON BRITISH TELEVISION DAYS AGO - WHEN THERE WAS STILL HOPE THAT THE SAILORS WERE ALIVE! Except that the first time the scene was missing the injection part.

One of the questions to Orla, who was so "appalled" and "shocked" by these pre-recorded days ago scene, would be: In Britain, do you always ask people who become hysterical for permission to give them a calming injection first?  

Or is it so that in Britain, where there could be also many "uncomfortable and embarrassing for the authorities" questions about Kursk - you found another way of dealing with this "discomfort?"  By a total silence and by distracting the public's attention from this issue (of the British submarine involvement, TiM Ed.) by any possible means; even by pulling up an old record and representing it as something that it is not?  And by turning the events upside-down?

How can the media be fabricating things like that (injection) on the one hand, and then be so completely silent about what doesn't suit the (British) leaders - in a country that claims to be "democratic"?

I.M, Belfast, Ireland


An excerpt from the London Times, Aug. 25, 2000:

"...The pictures of Nadezhda Tylik being knocked out in mid-sentence by a sedative, which appeared on the front page of The Times on Thursday, were kept off the national networks.

Mrs Tylik said that she was distraught at the time of the meeting with Ilya Klebanov, the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of investigating the tragedy. Her husband had asked if there was a doctor who could help..."


4. Famous “Ostankino” Tower Burning in Moscow!Aug. 27, 2000

MOSCOW, Aug. 27 - Trouble comes in threes, they say.  The Russians can certainly start to believe that.  First, a bomb blast at Moscow’s Pushkin Square metro station on Aug. 8 killed eight people and wounded scores of others.  Then the “Kursk” submarine disaster struck four days later.  And now, the world-famous 1,771-foot "Ostankino" TV tower, the second tallest freestanding structure in the world, is on fire in Moscow, cutting off the 10 million residents of the Russian capital from nearly all major TV channels. 

The tripple-witching moment of Russia's disastrous August 2000 occurred at about 3:30PM local time on Sunday (Aug. 27), some 1,520 feet above ground, or 320 feet above the restaurant and the observation tower, one of Moscow’s popular tourist attractions.  Evacuation was completed some 90 minutes after the fire had begun, with no immediate reports of any injuries.

But hours later, three firemen and a woman lift-attendant had been reported missing, after three of the four elevators crashed down the building. The four were discovered trapped 700 ft. from the ground.

Moscow fire department and security officials said the cable holding their lift was on fire, and that they had only enough oxygen left for two hours. Viktor Klinkin, deputy press spokesman of Moscow's fire department, said: "Unfortunately the cable is burning. The material is flammable, and the flames are spreading down."

Text Box:  
Ostankino Tower, Aug. 27, 2000
By midnight, the blaze had spread, covering more than half of the building's total height. Klinkin added that security officials were concerned that the needle-point "Ostankino" tower might topple, and have evacuated the residents with a 500m (1,600 ft.) radius around it.

The fire initially knocked off three television channels, including the main independent station NTV. But the tower's fire-extinguishing system was unable to put out the fire and it spread, knocking out both state-run RTR and the ORT channel, in which the state owns a majority share.  Also cut by the fire were the broadcasts of the channels TV-6, Kultura and TV-Tsentr, as well as the FM service of radio station Ekho Moskvi.

Residents of other parts of the country reported they were receiving the channels as usual.  Some Russian sources suggest that it may take up to two months for the normal TV broadcasting to resume in Moscow.  (Just in time to black out the Sydney Olympics? - TiM Ed.).

The fire also burned up some emergency transmission equipment used by police and medical services, news reports said, but the extent of that damage was not immediately known.  What is known is the the Moscow fire, police and medical emergency services have had to use the less reliable regular telephone system for their communications with each other.

The “Ostankino” tower, which dominates the northern Moscow skyline, was erected in 1967.


5. Eighteen Prominent Russian Patriots Call for General Mobilization in Response to Sinking of “Kursk”Aug. 28, 2000

MOSCOW, Aug. 28 - A group of 18 prominent Russian patriots, including the Russian Navy fleet admiral, V.N. Chernavin, the Russian Army general, V.I. Varennikov, the Communist Party leader, Gennady Zhyuganov, Father Superior of the Murmansk monastery, and several well-known Russian artists, writers and scientists, have called for general mobilization in response to the sinking of the “Kursk” nuclear submarine, the reported today, quoting Russia's EIRNS (Executive Intelligence Review News Service).

The group of 18 said in a statement that the “Kursk” sinking was no accident, but an act of war by an enemy feigning to be a “reformer” or “benefactor” that’s been doing “conscious evil” preying upon Russia for 10 years.  “The terrible fact is that… all of Russia was rammed,” they declared, calling the “Kursk” the “best ship in the Northern Fleet.”

Here are some excerpts from their statement titled "In the Hour of Trouble," issued last week:

"… The 118 sailors, these best and most honorable men, who perished in the iron box of this ship, were participants in the war, which the country is waging for the right to call itself Russia, to control the territory between three oceans, to speak its native language, to worship its holy things, and to honor its heroes and forebears.

It was not any accident with the ship's equipment, nor a miscalculation by the crew, that caused her death. She went down in the battle, which the people, and Russian statehood, are waging today, trying with their last strength to put ships out to sea and squadrons in the air, to pump oil and natural gas, to heat the houses, educate the children, nurse the orphans, and to keep faith in its sovereignty and inviolability, and in the inevitable Russian Victory.

The havoc that the enemy has wrought in our homes, in our ministries and staffs, and in our minds and hearts, is comparable with the darkest and most hellish deeds in Russian history, and with the most merciless and lethal invasions. This enemy, feigning itself `reformer' and `benefactor', has been doing conscious evil for ten years, preying upon Russia, withering our health and will, taking our last money and bread, and condemning us to spiritual paralysis and despair.

The mystery of the loss of the Kursk has not yet been solved, but within it is hidden, as if inside a `black box', the terrible fact that it is Russia that was rammed.

The loss of the Kursk is an awesome and tragic occasion to think through this moment of current history, not to fall into disconsolate grief and panic, but to exhibit the will and concentration that were always characteristic of Russians when defeats brought them to the edge of the abyss. […]

The loss of the Kursk will not divide or weaken us, but will unite and consolidate us, and will help to overcome the schism within the people that reigns when the clever enemy splinters us into groups, pounds us into powder and meal. The people will answer the tragedy in the Barents Sea and the Kursk sailors' feat of martyrdom, with unity and steadfastness. […]

We demand that the leadership, learning from the present bitter loss, not begin anew the previous ruinous policy of 'radical liberalism', disgusting and ridiculous as it is, but rather mobilize the remains of our national resources, the remains of our finances and productive forces, and economic and political will. We shall fight for our people, having gathered the resources of our state into one, spiritually mobilized and united, to win the battle for a Russian twenty-first century.

We are convinced that there will be a response to this mobilizing impulse – from the heroic Navy of Russia, which will not quit the expanses of the World Oceans. From the brave Russian Army, finishing off the terrorists in Chechnya. From science, which preserves the greatest discoveries of our time in its laboratories with the power cut off. From patriotic culture, never tired of preaching the Good, Love, and Mercy. From the Church, lighting holy lamps over the graves of our heroes, and praying for all who care for the salvation of Russia.

We know that the tragedy of the Kursk, the tears of the living and the holy martyrdom of those who died, will unite us into an invincible people. And that a new nuclear-powered Kursk, its construction funded by the people's savings as was done in the times of great troubles, will put out to sea, into the great ocean of the history of our Fatherland."

Signed by (in Cyrillic alphabetical order):

Aristarkh, Father Superior of the monastery and chief of the military division of the Murmansk and Monchegorsky Eparchy;

Yu.V. Bondaryov, writer;

V.I. Varennikov, general of the army;

S.Yu. Glazyev, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy and Enterprise;

G.A. Zyuganov, leader of the CPRF and National-Popular Union of Russia (NPUR);

A.I. Kiselev, general director of the Khrunichev State Science and Production Space Center;

V.M. Klykov, sculptor;

N.I. Kondratenko, chief of administration, Krasnodar Territory;

G.V. Osipov, academician of the RAS, director of the Institute for Social and Political Research;

S.L. Parenkov, general director of the Hammer and Sickle Steel Factory;

A.A. Prokhanov, editor in chief of Zavtra;

V.G. Rasputin, writer;

Yu.P. Savelyev, rector of the St. Petersburg Baltic Technical University;

G.Yu. Semigin, chairman of the Executive Committee, NPUR;

P.G. Simenenko, general director of the Kirov Works;

V.A. Starodubtsev, chief of administration, Tula Province;

V.N. Chernavin, fleet admiral, president of the Russian Union of Submariners;

V.V. Chikin, editor in chief of Sovyetskaya Rossiya.


6. A “Kursk” Mom Explains Life-saving InjectionAug. 29, 2000

London Times Recants; Tries to Wipe Egg Off Face; U.S./Aussie Media Do Not

LONDON, Aug. 29 - In our Sunday update to this TiM Bulletin, we published the story “Woman Injected with Sedative: Another “Wag the Dog” Scene?” (see Item 3 above).  We said that our report “will hopefully illustrate how the American and British public are being duped and manipulated by our ‘lie and deny’ media.”

But you no longer have to take just our word for it.  Today’s London Times has basically recanted its original (Aug. 25) front page story about a dead “Kursk” submariner’s Mom who was supposedly forcibly sedated by a KGB agent (a slant that the American media put on it).  And the Times has tried to wipe the egg off its face by publishing a lengthy “mea culpa” interview on its today front page with Nadezhda Tylik, the Russian Mom.

Confirming what the TiM Bulletin had originally published, Mrs. Tylik said the possibly life-saving injection was administered by a doctor at her husband’s request.

“I am 42 years old and my health is gone, completely,” she said, reflecting the consequences of the western-style reforms that have caused the once-superior Russian health care system to plunge to the level of some of the poorest African countries (see “I have had a lot of operations.  My husband has heart problems due to nervous stress. Our children are always getting ill.”

Mrs. Tylik has a heart condition, she told the Times.  And far from being forcibly injected with a sedative, she says, she was given an injection of Cardiomin, a heart medication, the Times belatedly reported.

“She thinks she may have had a heart attack and (would have) died if the injection had not been given,” the Times said today. “I knew the nurse, it's a small place (Vidyayevo) and I have been in and out of hospital.”

At the moment when Mrs. Tylik started collapsing, the western media had cut the film, making it seem as if she had been knocked unconscious.  Today, she explained what happened next.

"My friend's husband took me out of the hall, and I was given a hot cup of tea and some valerian drops. I came back into the hall and I asked our authorities some more questions. I listened to the end and left. I said everything that I wanted to say."

Mrs. Tylik doesn't seem like the kind of person to be pressured into changing her story or defending the Russian authorities, the Times reporter noted. “She was not sedated when we met, but clear-headed and unhesitating.”

Unlike the London Times, the major U.S. media who also used this fabricated story to foment anti-Russian sentiments among the American public, remain mum today about this Russian Mom’s moment of truth.  We have not seen any evidence yet that the Australian media have apologized for misleading their public, either.

Which goes to show us all how important the truth is to the folks that claim to print “all the news that’s fit to print.”  A victim of the western-style reforms in Russia has been presented to the American and Australian public as the victim of the old Soviet-style methods of “sedation.” 

And that’s not erroneous “news” worth correcting when the truth finally comes out?  

It is evident that the U.S. and Aussie media’s moral decay seems to be more advanced than even that in Blair’s Britain.  Which is saying a lot (see the next story).

And now, here are some excerpts from a news report about the interview that Mrs. Tylik gave the London Times:

“Nadezhda Tylik, the Russian mother who has become a symbol of the country's grief at the loss of the Kursk submarine, has disclosed that her husband was among the uniformed men who caught her as she collapsed after being given an injection while shouting at a government official (TiM Ed.: as TiM pointed out in its original piece).

In her first full-length interview, published today in The Times, Mrs Tylik says that her husband Nikolai had been at her side and concerned for her health as she got up to address Ilya Klebanov, the Deputy Prime Minister, at a meeting in Vidyayevo last week. "He saw that my heart was getting bad," said Mrs Tylik, 42, whose son Sergei died aboard the Kursk and who suffers from a weak heart.

"The doctors were sitting next to me. When I began to speak I felt my head start to spin. My husband held me and called the doctor over. I really needed that injection."

The image of a woman being injected apparently without her consent while berating the Russian Government for its handling of the Kursk crisis caused consternation when it was screened around the world.”

For the full London Times story, check out…

And for the full text of Mrs. Tylik’s interview with the Times, click on…


7. Blair: Forever Sixteen… and MeanAug. 29, 2000

PHOENIX, Aug. 29 - An old Eastern European proverb says that the “fish always stinks from its head.”  In the case of Great Britain, that’s Tony Blair, the current head of the Perfidious Albion fish.

Back in April, we published a piece Chicken Meets the Fox, Blair Upstaged by Putin (Apr 21, 2000) that showed Blair to be a wimp.  Which is probably why the newly-elected leader of Russia chose this British leader to toy with first.

It was a wise choice.  For, a TiM reader has just sent us a very revealing psychological profile of the man who became the leader of Britain after an ignominious career which suggested that he would not even be qualified to be a leader of a stray London pet, were he not elected Britain’s prime minister. 

“Forever sixteen… and mean” - could have been the title of this write-up, that drew attention to our own Liar-in-Chief.  Uncanny similarities between Blair and Clinton could not be avoided.  Or between them and Jean Chretien or John Howard, the Canadian and Australian equivalents in mediocrity and subservience to the globalist NWO bosses.

All of which suggests that the real New World Order leaders (none of whom live at the White House, at 10 Downing Street in London, Sussex Drive in Ottawa, or in Canberra) choose real patsies to run the most powerful countries of the world on their behalf on the basis of negative selections (i.e., the most mediocre, obedient political whores picked out of the NWO kennel - with the American, British, Canadian or Australian people inside).

(Sorry to skip over the New Zealanders.  Perhaps they can ask their local transvestites and gays to address their grievances, if any?  For the local sheep are unlikely to).

So read, and weep. Or weep and puke.  Or read, weep, puke and get ANGRY.  For, an NWO leader has come to mean someone on a lead.  And yet the scenery only changes for the lead dog.


8. Russia Identifies Second U.S. Sub Near "Kursk"Aug. 31, 2000

MOSCOW, Aug. 31 - Russia identified on Aug. 31 the second U.S. submarine in the Barents Sea when the Kursk sank as the “Toledo,” an official government news agency reported Thursday (Aug. 31), according to a Sept. 1 New York Times web only story.

The Russian agency Interfax said the “Toledo” was in the area along with another U.S. submarine, the Memphis, during the Russian naval exercises in mid-August, when the “Kursk” sank, with the loss of 118 of its sailors’ lives.


TiM Ed.: What’s especially interesting about the above disclosure is not only the identity of the American vessel. It was that the New York Times - yes, that daily newspaper that claims to publish “all the news that’s fit to print,” according to its front-page slogan - NEVER PUBLISHED (!) this two-sentence story in its print editions.

Yet last week, the same paper saw it fit to print on its front page a SPECULATIVE story that suggested that the “Kursk” sinking was due to an explosion of an experimental Russian missile inside the sub.

None of which suggests, of course, that the U.S. “Toledo” was involved in the collision with the “Kursk.” 

For that it's worth, the TiM’s money is on the British sub as the culprit.  But the absence of such an important story from the Times print editions also suggests an absence of its editors’ dedication to their own slogan - “all the news that’s fit to print.”

Are you beginning to smell a similar kind of a cover-up stench as has risen in the years since the Lockerby, Waco, TWA 800 and other "mishaps?"

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