1. Spies Galore, Enemies Within, Foxes at
the Gate Phoenix
2. Mexico Sues Arizona Farmers for
Defending Our Borders Albuquerque 3. Aztlan: America's Kosovo Dallas 4.
The "Great W. State of Texas" and
"Klinton's Amerika" Look Alike Idaho
5. A Military Quiz: Name This
Country ------------- 1.
Spies Galore, Enemies Within, Foxes at the Gate WASHINGTON, May 12 – They are shredding the U.S. Constitution faster than Oliver North disposed of incriminating "Iran-Contra." They are leaking secrets to foreign agents like a sieve. They are pandering to our enemies while bombing our traditional allies. They are erasing America's borders by rampant illegal immigration, especially from Latin and Central America. They are destroying the U.S. military, both by downsizing and upwimping it (gays and lesbians; Draftdodger-in-Chief as Commander-in-Chief; Madam Halfbright launching half-baked wars). Who might "they" be, these enemies of the United States? Bill Clinton and his officials, the folks who have sworn to protect our Constitution and our country. They are doing it the way a fox would be guarding a chicken coop. Meanwhile, the American hens inside are sedated by CNN and other soap operas, as foreign agents are having a field day in Clinton's Washington. If you haven't heard yet about Israel's alleged spying at the Clinton White House, for example, you must have been vacationing on Mars, or were glued to the TV in that chicken coop. We first learned about it last week from an Insight magazine story, forward-dated to May 29, 2000. Here's an excerpt: "More than two dozen U.S. intelligence, counterintelligence,
law-enforcement and other officials have told Insight that the FBI
believes Israel has intercepted telephone and modem communications on some
of the most sensitive lines of the U.S. government on an ongoing basis.
The worst penetrations are believed to be in the State Department. But
others say the supposedly secure telephone systems in the White House,
Defense Department and Justice Department may have been compromised as
well. The problem for FBI agents in the famed Division 5, however, isn't
just what they have uncovered, which is substantial, but what they don't
yet know, according to Insight's sources interviewed during a year-long
investigation by the magazine. Of special concern is how to confirm and
deal with the potentially sweeping espionage penetration of key U.S.
government telecommunications systems allowing foreign eavesdropping on
calls to and from the White House, the National Security Council, or NSC,
the Pentagon and the State Department. The directors of the FBI and the CIA have been kept informed of the
ongoing counterintelligence operation, as have the president and top
officials at the departments of Defense, State and Justice and the NSC. A
"heads up" has been given to the House and Senate Intelligence
Committees, but no government official would speak for the record. "It's a huge security nightmare," says a senior U.S.
official familiar with the super-secret counterintelligence operation.
"The implications are severe," confirms a second with direct
knowledge. "We're not even sure we know the extent of it," says
a third high-ranking intelligence official. "All I can tell you is
that we think we know how it was done," this third intelligence
executive tells Insight. "That alone is serious enough, but it's the
unknown that has such deep consequences." A senior government official who would go no further than to admit
awareness of the FBI probe, says: "It is a politically sensitive
matter. I can't comment on it beyond telling you that anything involving
Israel on this particular matter is off-limits. It's that hot." Now get this - "anything
involving Israel… is off limits" in Clinton's Washington.
Why? Because Americans
might find out where the Clinton administration officials' real loyalties
lie? In which case, the U.S.
taxpayers, who are not glued to the chicken coop TV sets, might develop a
sudden curiosity about why we should continue our unflagging,
decades-long, multi-billion dollar annual support of a state that
continuously spied on us? (remember
the Pollard case?). And where is Congress in all
this, whose job is to protect our purses and?
Silent. AWOL.
Hiding behind the powerful AIPAC pocketbooks? Well not all U.S. officials are
willing to suffer the fate of the chickens guarded by the foxes.
The FBI National Security Division chief, Tim Bereznay, for
example, testified before the House International Relations Committee on
Thursday (May 11) that known foreign spies ("intelligence
officers") are serving as fully accredited press correspondents at
the Madeleine Albright State Department (56 foreigners and 467 Americans
have 24-7 access to the Foggy Bottom stately lair - see the Fox
News, May 12). And what's Madam Halfbright,
one of the foxes, doing about it? In
a word, nothing! "I need to see the (FBI)
report and will act upon it, but I truly believe that we operate in a
country where people are innocent until proven guilty," Albright told
a Washington press conference that she addressed with the visiting French
foreign minister, Hubert Vedrine. Sure thing.
Just as she "acted upon" when the man in a tweed jacket
walked into her office at the State Department in 1998, picked up a ream
of classified documents, and walked out.
He was supposedly never identified, "but the officials have
learned that he had a regular State Department pass," the Fox News
said. The man was never identified,
yet "officials have learned that he had a regular State Department
pass?" What sort of
moronic officials or media or both are making such statements?
Do they assume that we are all brain-dead from watching CNN and
other soap operas in their chicken coops? Furthermore, Albright's State
Department is losing laptops with highly classified information as if they
were used books from a local library.
No less than three have so far disappeared this year alone.
FBI's Bereznay said that a
detailed record exists of everyone who entered and exited the room where
the classified laptop was located. Yet
no arrests have been made, just as no one was apprehended in the case of
the man in a tweed jacket. More
"off limits" espionage crimes against the American people
condoned by the Clinton administration for political reasons? ------------------ 2.
Mexico to Sue Arizona Ranchers for Defending Our Borders PHOENIX, May 12 - And then there are other crimes the New World Order servants who masquerade as Presidents have been committing against the American people in the last three decades. Such as "genocide," according to Joseph Fallon, a researcher for the bestselling Peter Brimelow book on immigration, "Alien Nation" (Random House, 1995). "Genocide?" Yes. That's exactly what Mr. Fallon calls the rampant legal and illegal immigration that has hit our country like a tidal wave following the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act (also see this writer's Aug. 31, 1997 Washington Times column, "Dancing 'Round the Golden Calf"). Here's an excerpt from a letter that we received today from Mr. Fallon: "Dear Mr.
Djurdjevic, I hope you found
acceptable the official complaint to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human
Rights charging post-1965 U.S. immigration policy with violating
international customary law against genocide. To date, no one who has
submitted this complaint to the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights
has received an acknowledgement, let alone a response.
However, the U.N.
High Commissioner for Human Rights recently did meet with supports of
illegal aliens and expressed sympathy for their concerns -- their demand
to illegally enter the United States without suffering legal
penalties or without being forced to illegally enter the United States by
traveling over dangerous terrain to avoid arrest by the U.S. Border
Patrol." Furthermore, Mr. Fallon says that Americans who are standing up for our
sovereignty might be hauled before an international U.N. court: "Now the
NEWS. Last night, I was
notified by e-mail that radio talk show host, Michael Reagan, son of the
President, announced that the Government of Mexico has allegedly filed an
official complaint with the United Nations against the farmers in Arizona.
The government of
Mexico is apparently demanding that the United Nations condemn the farmers
in Arizona -- who are arresting illegal aliens for violating U.S. laws,
and trespassing and vandalism the farmers' homes and properties -- with
violating the human rights of the illegal aliens.
The government of
Mexico is already soliciting U.S. attorneys to sue the Arizona farmers for
preventing illegal aliens from trespassing on the farmers' property.
It is important that those farmers are supported. Genocide 'trumps' all other laws. In response to Mexico's actions, the farmers and their supporters should file their own complaint to the United Nations charging illegal aliens and the government of Mexico with violating international customary law against genocide." Joseph E. Fallon --- TiM Ed.: Indeed, it is important that American citizens are supported when they are defending our borders against an assault by illegal immigrants. Lest we want Arizona to become another Kosovo (see the next story). And especially when Mexico is trying to transfer the jurisdiction over the American sovereign issue to the United Nations, while the Clinton administration is considering amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico and Latin America. The
reason? Courting the Hispanic
vote, of course. So
"Politics Ueber Alles!" ("politics above all!") has
been, is and evidently will be the rallying motto of the Democratic
Party's election campaigns. "Isn't it interesting (and highly racist) for Clinton
to grant an amnesty to Hispanic illegal aliens only?" - the TiM
reader who sent us the above story commented. Nor is the "W" (George W. Bush) much different.
The governor of Texas and the likely GOP presidential candidate
also has his own Hispanic constituency to please.
As Samuel Francis writes of
the Texas governor in the April issue of the Chronicles magazine: "[Bush] makes much of campaigning in Spanish and using
Spanish-language ads, as well as boasting of his earlier record of
opposing immigration restrictions, supporting bilingual educations, and
staging photo ops with Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo and Mexican
governors across the Texas border. The Texas governor has also opposed using U.S. troops to protect the
border from illegal immigration and has refused to take action against the
Texas border town of El Cenizo, which last year enacted an ordinance
forbidding cooperation with state and federal immigration authorities. The
town's law is an open violation of federal law and an open declaration
that it will not enforce border security against illegal entries. To date,
Governor Bush has done and said nothing either to bring this town into
line with Texas and federal law or to indicate what action, as president,
he would take against it… As for immigration itself, earlier this year the governor announced
that he not only opposes efforts to curb it but believes ‘we ought to
increase legal immigration for our country's advantage. The high-tech
world we are now dominating is dependent on educated folks, but we're
short… of workers.' Repeating his opposition to using troops on the
border, he told editors of the Cedar Rapids Gazette in January, ‘Forget
it. Mexico's our neighbor and friend'." So the immigration floodgates are wide open. No wonder Arizona ranchers are having to defend their property and our borders all by themselves. The
only presidential candidate who stands tall for the American sovereignty,
and will act against the rampant immigration and globalism, is Pat
Buchanan (see "Buchanan
on the Stump"). Arizonans
who care about the inviolability of our borders will have a chance to
express their support for Buchanan at the Reform Party state convention on
May 19-20 in Phoenix (for details contact Margot
Wittenberg, Reform Party of Arizona Convention Chairlady; e-mail:,
Tel: (480) 488-9098; Fax: (480) 488-0581; or,
click on schedule May 19-20).
-------------- 3.
Aztlan: America's "Kosovo" PHOENIX, May 12 - Almost seven years ago, this writer for the first time contemplated a possible break up of America along the demographic lines. Nearly five years ago, he first put it on paper, in an article that compared Bosnia and the U.S. Four years ago, at the height of the 1996 presidential campaign, the Washington Times published his column "When Cultures Collide…" which dealt with that theme. Over two years ago, he also compared the situation in the American Southwest with the demographic war in Kosovo that had been raging for decades (see "Kosovo: Bosnia II and Serbia's Aztlan, Chechnya"). And now, all these warnings have unfortunately become a reality.
According to an article in
The Albuquerque Tribune, Dr. Charles Truxillo of the University of New
Mexico has become the second prominent professor to endorse a new Hispanic
nation comprised of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and southern
Colorado. Its capital would be Los Angeles. Previously Dr. Jose Angel
Guttierrez of the University of Texas has endorsed the new country.
Truxillo suggests it be called "Republica del Norte," and adds,
ominously, that it should be brought into being "by any means
necessary." But he believes that the new nation can be created
through the electoral process, as endless millions of Mexicans continue to
pour into the Southwest, where they are promptly radicalized by the NWO
liberals and militant Hispanic organizations, like La Raza, MALDEF, and
others. Many radicals prefer to call
the gestating country Aztlan. Hispanic revolutionaries are distributing
leaflets in California and elsewhere warning whites to "get out"
before it's too late. Californians
who have publicly protested against Washington's immigration policies have
been physically beaten by Hispanic terrorists (as also noted in this
writer's 1996 column, for example). Furthermore, well-known
demographics experts, such as Harold "Bud" Hodgkinson, director
of the Center for Demographic Policy, Institute for Educational Leadership
in Alexandria, VA, and Hazel Reinhardt, a consultant based in Minneapolis
recently identified the following consequences of unchecked immigration: ·
Sometime this year,
white people in Santa Clara County, California, the heart of Silicon
Valley, will find themselves a minority. Hispanics, Asians and blacks will
represent 51 percent of the population. ·
California will
become the first majority-minority state in 2000. Texas will reach this
status about 2010. ·
By 2050 whites --
those with no Hispanic heritage, will become a minority in the United
States for the first time in history. ·
Hispanics will
become the largest minority in the United States in 2010. --- TiM Ed.: Welcome to Aztlan,
America's "Kosovo." ---------------- 4.
The "Great W. State of Texas" and "Klinton's Amerika"
Look Alike DALLAS, Apr. 13
- Meanwhile, here is the "Great State of Texas" that has emerged
under the "W's" leadership, according to a letter from a TiM
reader in that state: "The Great State of Texas, under the leadership of Governor
George W. Bush, is ranked: 50th in spending for teachers' salaries 49th in spending on the environment 48th in per-capita funding for public health 47th in delivery of social services 42nd in child-support collections 41st in per-capita spending on public education
and ... 5th in percentage of population living in poverty 1st in air and water pollution 1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance 1st in percentage of children without health insurance 1st in executions (avg. 1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 years) Just think of what he could do for (to) the country if he were
president! --- "There are no unconquerable fortresses. There are only bad
conquerors." --- TiM Ed.: Nor is Texas an exception in "Klinton's Amerika." The U.S. prison population now exceeds 1.86 million, according to an April 20 Reuters report, filed from Washington. "The U.S. prison
population, long the largest in the world, increased even more to 1.86
million inmates in 1999 and may surpass 2 million next year, according to
a Justice Department report," the Reuters said.
The report said the nation's
prison and jail population at 1,860,520 inmates at the end of June 1999
was up 4.4 percent from the year-earlier level, the equivalent of adding
1.122 inmates each week. From
the end of 1990 to mid-1999, the prison and jail population swelled by
almost 712,000 inmates, resulting in an incarceration rate of 1 for every
147 Americas, up from 1 in every 218 residents. Although the report did not
give any comparative prison figures for foreign countries, private experts
have told Reuters that the United States has been followed by China with
an estimated 1.2 million inmates, and Russia with about 1 million inmates.
But China's population is almost five times bigger than the U.S..
Which means that even this communist country's incarceration rate
is about one-fifth that of the U.S. Welcome to "Klinton's
Amerika," the "land of the free!" -------------- 5.
A Military Quiz: Name This Country PHOENIX, May 12 - if you're a proud and patriotic American, just in case you're not depressed enough by now, here's another quiz that we received from a TiM reader in Idaho: "NAME THIS COUNTRY: ·
regular (active duty) service personnel ·
reserve troops; ·
standing Army divisions; ·
20 Air
Force and Navy air wings with 2,000 combat aircraft; ·
strategic bombers; ·
strategic ballistic missile submarines with 3,114 nuclear warheads on 232
missiles; ·
ICBMs with 1,950 warheads; ·
aircraft carriers, and; ·
surface combat ships and submarines, plus all the support bases, ·
and logistical assets needed to sustain such a naval force. --- Is this country Russia? . . . No. Red China? . . . No. Great Britain? . . . Wrong Again. USA? . . . Hardly. Give up? Well, don't feel too bad if you are unable to identify this global
superpower, because this country no longer exists. It has vanished. These
are the American military forces that have disappeared since the 1992
election of Bill Clinton and Al Gore. Sleep well, America!" --- TiM Ed.: Only under heavy sedation in an NWO chicken coop. Also, check out... Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail," "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis" Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Washington's Crisis Factory," and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe" |