Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins

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TiM GW Bulletin 2000/3-3

Mar. 15, 2000

New Spring; New Balkan War?

CIA's Ties to the KLA

And Other Kosovo Stories; Thanks to NATO/NWO, Orthodox Christianity Is in Revival in Serbia, Russia 



(Mar.27, 2000) Berliner Zeitung Disputes Racak Massacre Claims

London                        1. London Times, BBC Now Also Tie CIA to KLA  

Pristina                       2. KLA Carries Out Old Terror Under New Name

Belgrade                     3.NATO, YU Army, Swapping Accusations of

                                          Troop Build-ups

Washington                4. “Keep Kosovo Off the Front Page!”  

New York                   5. Columbia U. Prof: Belgrade Strategically

                                        Defeated Washington(Mar. 15, 2000)

Belgrade                    6. Thanks to NATO, NWO, Orthodox Christianity

                                            Is in Revival in Serbia, Russia


1. London Times, BBC Now Also Tie CIA to KLA

LONDON, Mar. 12 – More than 12 months before the first NATO bombs fell on Serbia, we predicted in a TiM editorial that Kosovo would become “Bosnia II.” 

Two months before the New Day of Infamy, we said in a column written for the New Dawn magazine, “Washington’s Crisis Factory,” that the entire “Kosovo Crisis,” including the creation of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), of which no one had heard until less than two years before, was a result of clandestine U.S.-German operations. 

We also pointed out in that piece, commenting about the supposed Racak massacre, that the State Department diplomats, such as “The Butcher of El Salvador,” William Walker, whom Madeleine Albright had appointed to spearhead the U.S. “diplomatic effort” in the region, was nothing more than an instrument of Kosovo destabilization and the voice of demonization of the Serbs.

“In Central America Walker helped cover up atrocities; in Kosovo, he is helping manufacture them.”

And we said on March 26, 1999, Day 3 of NATO’s bombing of Serbia:

“In Pristina, the capital of Kosovo, NATO bombs this evening completely destroyed a school and a marketplace in the center of town.

So stand by for new "Serb massacres" to be announced soon by the Washington lie manufacturing factory so as to cover up their own crimes against humanity.

The Yugoslav Army sources also claim that they had discovered and disabled some of the aerial guidance devices, presumably planted by OSCE mission "observers" in Kosovo. The OSCE monitors had left Kosovo prior to the NATO bombing, The army spokesperson has shown on local TV some of the radio locators they had discovered.

So much for "neutrality" of "civilian" monitors and their chief, the American ambassador, William Walker, the "butcher of El Salvador," as one of our Serb sources referred to him. (For more on Walker's track record, check out  our column, "Washington's Crisis Factory," from the March issue of the New Dawn - available at our Web site).”

Well, now the London Sunday Times has said the same thing in its March 12, 2000 story headlined “CIA aided Kosovo guerrilla army.”  Here’s an excerpt:

“AMERICAN intelligence agents have admitted they helped to train the Kosovo Liberation Army before Nato's bombing of Yugoslavia. The disclosure angered some European diplomats, who said this had undermined moves for a political solution to the conflict between Serbs and Albanians.

Central Intelligence Agency officers were ceasefire monitors in Kosovo in 1998 and 1999, developing ties with the KLA and giving American military training manuals and field advice on fighting the Yugoslav army and Serbian police.

When the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), which co-ordinated the monitoring, left Kosovo a week before air strikes began a year ago, many of its satellite telephones and global positioning systems were secretly handed to the KLA, ensuring that guerrilla commanders could stay in touch with Nato and Washington. Several KLA leaders had the mobile phone number of General Wesley Clark, the Nato commander.

European diplomats then working for the OSCE claim it was betrayed by an American policy that made air strikes inevitable. Some have questioned the motives and loyalties of William Walker, the American OSCE head of mission.

"The American agenda consisted of their diplomatic observers, aka the CIA, operating on completely different terms to the rest of Europe and the OSCE," said a European envoy.”


TiM Ed.: We also said that, sooner or later, the truth and the filth of the Clinton administration’s role in Kosovo would seep to the surface.  And that the world will see that the people who are the most culpable for the deaths of thousands and displacement of hundreds of thousands of Serb and other civilians, are the NATO/New World Order leaders, starting with the top Washington and Brussels political and military officials.

Which is why it is now ludicrous for some “European diplomats,” who are evidently trying to avoid their share of the culpability, to assert that it was all Washington’s fault; and that they knew nothing about it.  We’ve also pointed out contemporaneously, during the Kosovo War (on Apr. 2, 1999, for example), that German, American and other foreign intelligence agencies worked hand-in-hand in creating, financing, equipping and training the Albanian KLA terrorists – all the while accusing the Serbian forces of real or imagined atrocities against the Kosovo Albanians.

Meanwhile, this is what the London Times had to say about Walker and his ties to the CIA, not only to the KLA:

“Initially some "diplomatic observers" arrived, followed in October (1998) by a much larger group that was eventually swallowed up into the OSCE's "Kosovo Verification Mission".  Walker said: "Overnight we went from having a handful of people to 130 or more. Could the agency have put them in at that point? Sure they could. It's their job. But nobody told me." […]

Some European diplomats in Pristina, Kosovo's capital, concluded from Walker's background that he was inextricably linked with the CIA. The picture was muddied by the continued separation of American "diplomatic observers" from the mission. The CIA sources who have now broken their silence say the diplomatic observers were more closely connected to the agency.

"It was a CIA front, gathering intelligence on the KLA's arms and leadership," said one.

Another agent, who said he felt he had been "suckered in" by an organization that has run amok in post-war Kosovo, said: "I'd tell them which hill to avoid, which wood to go behind, that sort of thing."

For the rest of the London Sunday Times report, check out -

2. KLA Carries Out Old Terror Under New Name

NEW YORK, Mar. 9With much fanfare by the American, UN and KFOR officials in Kosovo, the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was transformed last fall into a UN-backed Kosovo Protection Force.  A UN report dated Feb. 29, whose existence was disclosed publicly by the London Observer on Mar. 12, “revealed the ‘UN-backed unit's reign of terror: Kosovo 'disaster response service' stands accused of murder and torture.”

Here’s an excerpt:

“Murder, torture and extortion: these are the extraordinary charges made against the UN's own Kosovo Protection Corps in a confidential United Nations report written for Secretary-General Kofi Annan.

The KPC stands accused in the document, drawn up on 29 February, of 'criminal activities  killings, ill-treatment/torture, illegal policing, abuse of authority, intimidation, breaches of political neutrality and hate-speech'.

The 5,000-strong corps, funded by UN members including Britain, has a £30 million aid budget for Kosovo. It was set up to provide 'disaster response services'; instead, says the UN, it has been murdering and torturing people.

The UN's own damning verdict on its newly created civil defense force is fresh evidence of the failure of Special Representative Bernard Kouchner to establish the rule of law in Kosovo. Many of the corps's recruits came straight from the Kosovo Liberation Army, set up to meet the violence of Slobodan Milosevic's police with violence.

Nato's intervention last June saw the departure of armed Serbs from Kosovo, but violence and gangsterism by Albanian extremists has not stopped. The report's grim message is that the UN is paying the salaries of many of the gangsters. The report covers the period from 21 January, when the corps formally came into being.

Under the heading 'killings', the UN says: 'Dragash: two members of the KPC and three others were arrested by UN police in connection with the killing of an ethnic Gorani (11 February).'

There are three charges of ill-treatment and torture: in Pec, a man was beaten senseless in the KPC's headquarters, suffering head injuries and severe bruising from a rifle butt. The victim had been attacked in a newspaper article, written by a former fighter in the KLA.

In Prizren, a man from the Torbesh minority - a group of Muslim Turks suspected by the Albanians of collaborating with the Serbs - was kidnapped and beaten up by a KPC member and three other men.

Also in Prizren, the KPC stands accused of using torture to obtain confessions. After two men arrested on suspicion of stealing cars were handed over to UN police, they 'complained they had been severely ill-treated. Subsequent medical examinations corroborated the victims' allegations'.

The KPC is not a police force, and yet one of the grave concerns raised by the UN report, drawn up by Kouchner's own office, is that members of the KPC are behaving as if they were above the law. The report lists complaints from UN police working for its mission in Kosovo, Unmik.

The KPC has been running protection rackets across Kosovo - in Pristina, Suva Reka, Dragash, Istok and Prizren - demanding 'contributions' from shopkeepers, businessmen and contractors. In Suva Reka, KPC members are alleged to have forced petrol stations to accept coupons rather than money for fuel.

In Vucitrn, the KPC reportedly demanded protection money from members of an ethnic minority, the Ashkali, originally from India. One family member had previously been kidnapped and the family had been bombed.

The KPC has a nice line in death threats, says the UN. Two members threatened to kill K-For interpreters after being arrested by Nato troops in Kosovo. Following the arrests, 20 KPC men mobbed the police station and demanded their release. They were freed the next day.

The KPC may be running prostitution rackets, says the UN. A report was received on 14 February that a high-ranking KPC officer may be supervising a forced prostitution racket running out of the Drenica Bar, close to the Srbica KPC training camp.

The KPC is led by General Agim Ceku, who comes in for fierce criticism from the report. His earlier pledges not to tolerate any criminal behavior by KPC members, and to expel anyone who violates the law, are mocked by the report, and Ceku, who was formerly a senior commander in the KLA, comes in for personal criticism.”


TiM Ed.: Three editorial comments:

(1)   Notice the absence of Serb victims in the UN report? That’s because most have been already killed and cleansed under the watchful UN/KFOR eyes;

(2)   What a bunch of “nice guys” the New World Order leaders have created and installed as the “Kosovo Protection Force” in Kosovo.  Al Capone would have been envious;

(3)   “Birds of a feather flock together:” The KLA and Clinton, Blair, Albright, Clark, Kouchner… By comparison to the latter-day world class NWO mobsters, Capone et. al were relative dilettantes.

3. NATO, YU Army, Swapping Accusations of Troop Build-ups

BELGRADE, Mar. 11 – The Yugoslav Army and NATO occupying forces in Kosovo are swapping accusations of troop build-ups along the Kosovo-Serbia demarcation line which was established on June 11, 1999, when the KFOR “peace farce” was ushered into this Serbian province. 

Yugoslavia's Army Chief, General Nebojsa Pavkovic, for example, said on Friday, Mar. 11, that no such build-up is taking place, according to the Agence France Presse. 

Last week, the commander of the Yugoslav 3rd Army (which has the responsibility for Kosovo), General Vladimir Lazarevic, also dismissed reports about the troops reinforcement in the area, saying that units were "performing regular duties and observing what is happening in Kosovo," according to the AFP. 


TiM Ed.: Sure thing.  Never mind the NATO “maneuvers” in Kosovo that are supposed to be carried between March 19 and April 10. Never mind the frequent incursions into Serbia by the Washington-sponsored Kosovo Albanian terrorists, in which a number of Serb civilians have been killed or wounded.  Never mind the sudden interest by some U.S. Marines in Montenegro’s culture and language, about which we reported last December.  Never mind that the KFOR “peace farce” agreement is due to expire in June.  Never mind that a spring thaw usually brings a new war in the Balkans.  Never mind that the Clinton administration’s latest motto is “keep Kosovo off the front pages,” according to a Mar. 12 New York Times report (see the next story).

4. “Keep Kosovo Off the Front Page!”

WASHINGTON, Mar. 12 – If you go by most of the establishment media reports, we’re all supposed to believe that everything is “hunky-dory” down in Kosovo-ville.  Never mind the hundreds of Serb dead bodies, or the 200,000 refugees.  They don’t vote in America’s 2000 presidential “demo farce.”

So we are supposed to hope that all American troops will somehow come home in one piece, just in time to vote for Al Gore, the successor of their draft-dodging Commander-in-Chief, Bill Clinton, who sent them to Kosovo.  Or for the “W” - the son of a former American President who helped arm Saddam Hussein before bombing him and killing tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and soldiers, not to mention our own casualties in the Gulf War. 

And we’re supposed to hope that such reckless Washington leaders would suddenly protect our sons and daughters in Kosovo from becoming stuffers for body bags, that our globalist governments have become so adept at manufacturing.

Well, maybe this time around, in the case of Kosovo-ville, things aren’t going to turn out to be as smooth as the presidential pols and pals are hoping. Nor as well they did in the case of Bosnia-ville, during the last presidential elections in 1996. 

For one thing, in the case of Bosnia, all war factions – the Serbs, the Muslims and the Croats – were exhausted after a 3 ½-year civil war.  In Kosovo, however, the Yugoslav Army pulled out last June practically intact, despite the 79 day NATO terror-bombing of innocent Serb civilians.  Which left the Serb army ready, willing and able to fight another battle, another day, on better terms than in 1999.  As for the KLA, since NATO handed it a “victory” on a platter, this terrorist organization has hardly been tested yet in real battle.

So only would-be presidential fools like Al Gore, George W. Bush or John McCain could delude themselves into believing that the NATO occupying forces, including American troops, could somehow come home from Kosovo in one piece.

Here’s, for example, an excerpt from a Mar. 12 New York Times surprisingly candid report about the grim prospects in Kosovo, headlined, “Spiral of Violence in Kosovo Divides U.S. and Its Allies:”

“Nine months after they declared victory in the war over Kosovo, Washington and its NATO allies are fighting among themselves over how to keep a deteriorating situation in the Serbian province from spinning out of their control. […] At the same time, (Clinton) administration officials acknowledge that an overriding priority is to avoid American casualties and keep Kosovo out of the news during an election year. One administration official, who served in Bosnia, said that the driving force behind the policy now is to keep it "off the front page."

The situation has frayed to the point where Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright met Friday (Mar. 10) with European allies at NATO headquarters to discuss how to avoid what she called a "hot spring" of new violence.

Overall, administration officials acknowledge that they are finding Kosovo much harder than Bosnia, where a peace agreement with the force of international law was signed by the belligerents to end a war in which all sides were worn down after three and a half years of fighting.” […]

"Nations don't want to expose their people to particular dangers," the chief United Nations administrator, Bernard Kouchner, a Frenchman, said after the French troops were injured. "The reaction of governments is to withdraw their troops" in such a situation, he said. […]

The two likely presidential nominees, Gov. George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore, have addressed the Kosovo issue intermittently on the campaign trail. A spokesman for the Bush campaign, Scott McClellan, said on Friday that Mr. Bush had serious concerns about the Clinton administration not being able to carry out the agreement that ended the war. He said Mr. Bush believes that "America must work hard to find political solutions for an orderly withdrawal from places like Bosnia and Kosovo," and Europeans should be the peacekeepers there.

A spokesman for the Gore campaign, Tyler Beardsley, said that the administration was working "diligently with our allies to bring calm to Kosovo, particularly in Kosovka Mitrovica." He added that "these difficulties should not obscure the progress we have made" in Kosovo.”


TiM Ed.: “Progress we have made in Kosovo?”  Such as killing almost 1,000 Serb civilians and driving out of this Serbian province another 200,000 – nearly all of its pre-NATO strikes population?  Such as installing the Kosovo Protection Force that is terrorizing even its own Albanian citizens who refuse to pay the racketeers?  Either way, stand by for more body bags.  Another Balkan spring is just around the corner.

5. Columbia U. Prof: Belgrade Strategically Defeated Washington (Mar. 15, 2000) 

NEW YORK, Mar. 13During the NATO aggression on Yugoslavia, Washington was strategically defeated by Belgrade, said Max Sinclair of the University of Columbia, according to a Serbian Ministry of Information Web site Mar. 13 story.  In an article published at the University, Sinclair wrote in part:

"There is more than enough evidence that in June last year Washington accepted Yugoslav conditions, and not vice-versa. From the military point of view, it was obvious that Washington's air campaign had failed. [...]

There is more significant evidence that the exhausting war, started by Washington, was won by the Yugoslav Air Defense, and not by the US Air Force. It took years for Pentagon to find out that 900 airplanes and 5000 helicopters were lost in Vietnam.... It won't be necessary to wait for years for NATO to admit the full scale of losses. There is enough evidence already, which point to the fact that the US Air Force suffered serious damage trying to destroy Yugoslavia.

The US Air Force (belatedly) confirmed that two aircraft type F-117 were damaged by "SAM" missile and could not be repaired, apart from the one that was downed. They stated that one of the fighters was hit by a SAM-3 surface-to-air missile, first applied in 1963. The fact that 37-year-old system could hit an "invisible" airplane indicates that Yugoslav Air Defense was capable of dealing with it.

A group of airplanes type A-10, intended for destruction of tanks, was obviously wasting time. They managed to destroy one, out of three tanks that Yugoslavia had lost in Kosovo-Metohija. The other two were destroyed by the so-called KLA. It seams that additional 10 armored personnel carriers were also destroyed by the KLA. How many did NATO destroy? Recently, the US Air Force General Michael Short confirmed to the BBC that his airplanes had to discharge 50 percent of the load, because they failed to locate the targets before loosing all fuel.

There is also evidence that dozens of airplanes which attacked Yugoslavia, were hit by the Yugoslav Air Defense fire, and forced to perform emergency landing outside Yugoslavia. Eyewitnesses' evaluations, photographs and current situation in the US Air Force and British RAF indicate that some hundred airplanes may have been damaged and could not be repaired. [...]

Prof. Max Sinclair, Columbia University, New York r

6. Thanks to NATO, NWO, Orthodox Christianity Is in Revival in Serbia, Russia

BELGRADE, Mar. 7 – Every action results in reaction.  Every thesis requires an antithesis.  Every crime calls for repentance.  Every evil cries out for goodness to offset it.  And some goodness is resulting from the evils called NATO, New World Order and communism.  It is a revival of Orthodox Christianity which is under way both in Serbia and in Russia. 

Here is an excerpt from a Mar. 7 feature article by the London Times:

“Devastated by the effects of war and an oppressive regime, huge numbers of disillusioned young Serbs are becoming  nuns and monks. The Church offers them a solace otherwise lacking in their ravaged country. But their parents are disappointed.

Why Serbia's elite are willing to give up everything for GOD? Neda doesn't like talking about the rift with her parents. The denim-clad 24-year-old bows her head and shrugs; she cannot understand why her family disapproves of her lifestyle.

The arguments do not center on drink, drugs or Neda's choice of boyfriends;in most households in Britain the young artist would be considered a paragon of virtue. But Neda Kovinic lives in Serbia and her mother and father are upset because their daughter has become a devout Christian. Worse, she is considering becoming a nun.

The bright-eyed young woman is typical of a huge number of well-educated twenty and thirty-somethings who are turning to the country's Orthodox Church to find meaning in lives blighted by war, Nato bombings and the heavy hand of the Belgrade regime. In the past many, disillusioned young Serbs moved abroad to escape what has become a sanctions-strapped pariah state. Now a groundswell of youth has found a new escape route from shortages and the corruption endemic in the Serbia ruled by President Milosevic - they are retreating to Orthodox convents and monasteries.

Their parents are often hurt and baffled; many middle-aged Serbs were brought up as atheists or agnostics during the Communist heyday of the Tito era, and they regard the Orthodox Church with suspicion or hostility. They also realise that they are unlikely to become grandparents if their offspring become nuns and monks. […]

Neda sits in a small, neat apartment in Belgrade with her friends Vesna Vesic and Dusan Radunovic, who are also contemplating taking religious vows. Unusually for Serbs, they do not smoke and they drink coffee, eschewing the bottle of slivovitz offered to guests.

"Now I fast and go to church every week," says Neda. "It is the only way I can understand the dangers of life in Serbia. Fear of death, which can paralyse people, can be overcome with faith in eternal life. Fear of death is everywhere in the world but, here in Serbia, especially during the bombing, it has been extreme. Living as a nun would offer me a very pure way of living."

Vesna, also 24, was baptised into the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo three years ago: "It completely changed my life," she says. "It changed the nature of my life and work. Before that I was looking for meaning in classical music and philosophy, but it was not enough." […]

Dusan is a serious, postgraduate student of comparative literature at Belgrade University and his Roman Catholic girlfriend, Sanja Buhan, sits at his side as he explains why he is considering becoming a monk. "My family is agnostic," he says. "I am trying to find some deeper, more ethical way of life. The crisis in this country over the past few years has created a deeper need for a spiritual life. I often go to a monastery to talk to the community there and try to fulfil my intellectual and emotional needs. Will I become a monk? You always have that thought in your mind." […]

Five or ten years ago Serbian Orthodox churches were usually full only at Easter and other key dates in the Orthodox calendar. Now it is estimated that three times as many people attend church regularly, most of them young, urban and educated. They can be seen on weekdays as well as Sundays emerging from the ornate churches of Belgrade having attended long Orthodox services where the congregation stands throughout. […]

Serbia's young people are sickened by the destruction of the monasteries and churches in Kosovo and cannot understand why the West has raised barely a whisper of complaint. They take heart, instead, from the leader of the Greek Orthodox Church, who has launched an appeal to protect historic Christian monuments in Kosovo. "Since the arrival of  peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, Albanian extremists have damaged and totally destroyed more than 80 Orthodox churches and monasteries in the region, [some] of them dating back to the Middle Ages," Archbishop Christodoulos said last month in a letter to Tony Blair. A Greek Orthodox official in Athens said that the same text had been sent to President Clinton, the United Nations and leaders of other European Union and Nato nations.[…]

Figures are not kept for the whole of Yugoslavia, according to a church spokesman, but members of the synod estimate that the number of young people entering monasteries and convents has tripled in the past ten years.  With no end in sight to the woes and upheavals in the Balkans, it is a trend that seems set to continue.”

A similar trend is discernible in Russia, another predominantly Orthodox Christian country that has been targeted by the New World Order for destruction.  Here is an excerpt from a Feb. 27 article by Prof. Andrew Greeley, published by the Chicago Sun-Times, under the headline, "St. Vladimir routs Karl Marx!":

“Although most people haven't heard about it, the biggest religious revival in history is happening in Russia. Two recent surveys show that 60 percent of Russians believe in God--up from 45 percent in 1991 and 25 percent in the 1980s. Fifty-eight percent affiliate with the Orthodox Church, compared with 30 percent in 1991 and 15 percent in the past. Forty percent of all Russians believe in life after death, as do half of those under 30. Thirty-one percent believe that God cares personally about each human, as opposed to 20 percent in 1991.

By these measures, Russia has a higher level of religious faith than do many Western European countries.

Are these phenomena a revival of an old religion or an entirely new development? Most likely a combination of both. However, one-quarter of Russians say they formerly did not believe in God, and now they do. I suspect that like almost everyone else, Russians need something to believe in and something to belong to, and that the Orthodox heritage was available. God was alive and well and hiding in the Moscow subway. Western scholars, who once believed that socialism was the wave of the future, still have a hard time coping with the survival of Orthodoxy, as if three-quarters of a century of clumsy and inept oppression could easily erase a deep and powerful religious heritage that reaches back a thousand years to St. Vladimir of Kiev. […]

The surge of religion in Russia is especially concentrated among younger and better-educated Russians, who see in religion an explanation for the meaning of life, a force to bind their marriages together and a heritage to pass on to their children. While Russians are more likely to identify with the Orthodox religion, they are less likely since 1991 to have a great deal of confidence in Orthodox leadership (a decline from 74 percent to 38 percent). […]

The religious revival in Russia hasn't turned up on the radar screens of the American intellectual elite--those folks who shape the nation's agenda and who cannot or will not admit the possibility that religion in Russia is important. A State Department officer said to me that they were more interested in ethnicity in Russia than in religion--as if that were a forced choice. That the patriarch of Moscow, in dazzling full regalia (which make the pope's clothes look dull), stood next to Boris Yeltsin when he resigned, escaped the notice of such people. Nor have they heard the occasional comment that the patriarch is the second-most powerful man in Russia. (He has, for example, endorsed the slaughter in Chechnya.)

Some strains of Orthodoxy are closely linked to two potentially dangerous aspects of Russian culture: Pan-Slavic nationalism and anti-Semitism. There is no evidence in the data cited above of such links in the revival. However, the United States can ill afford to continue to ignore the astonishing religious change in Russia. To tell the story in a high school sports headline: "St. Vladimir routs Karl Marx!"

Prof. Andrew Greeley teaches at the University of Chicago and the University of Arizona.

(Mar.27, 2000)  "Berliner Zeitung" Disputes Massacre Claims: 

BERLIN, Mar. 24 - Three "Berliner Zeitung" reporters - Bo Adam, Roland Heine and Claudius Technau - combined to produce a further evidence that there was probably no January 15, 1999 Racak massacre at all.  Yet that was the pivotal event, according to the New World Order leaders and the establishment media which set the stage for the subsequent bombing of Serbia.

The German foreign minister, Joschka Fischer, for example, was quoted as saying that the Racak massacre was the turning point for him.  Yet now we learn that in all probability, there was no Racak massacre at all.  The Racak "massacre" seems to have been yet another case of the New World Order leaders' "lies and denials," invented to justify their anti-Serbian hysteria. 

But the Berliner Zeitung report goes further. It demonstrates that the OSCE, the Hague Tribunal and all other international "kangaroo" justice institutions were involved in the deception of the western public.  And in the suppression of the truth contained in the Racak autopsy report, produced by an international group of experts, let by a Finnish forensic pathologist.  

So now, the world can charge not only the NATO leaders with war crimes against innocent civilians, but also the leading New World Order political and legal institutions with obstruction of justice.  

Here is a (very literal) English translation of the Berliner Zeitung report as carried by the Tanjug news agency on Mar. 24. (We apologize about the poor English  translation.  It reads as if it had been done by a dumb computer which used English words in a German sentence structure.  But German-speaking readers can check out the original report by clicking on the "Berliner Zeitung" headline):

"I Sensed Something Was Wrong"

In January 1999, over 40 Albanians died in Racak - secret reports contradict the thesis of a direct execution 

Bo Adam, Roland Heine and Claudius Technau

BERLIN, 23 March. During the switch position for the Kosovo war a small village played an important role Racak. In this of Albanians Serbian security forces are to have executed inhabited place on 15 January 1999 cold-bloodedly unarmed civilians. Thus it, beside many other politicians of NATO, maintained US president Bill Clinton. Was the public of the NATO states supplied in the spring 1999 with half truths and unproven statements, in order to protect the agreement to a military intervention of NATO in the Kosovo conflict? The " citizens of Berlin newspaper " could documents secretly held see, which let doubt the usual version of the events

What occurred in January 1999? We take the indictment Hague of the war crimes tribunal for Yugoslavia " on 15 January 1999 the village Racak (municipality Stimlje/Shtime) in the early morning hours was attacked by security forces of Yugoslavia and Serbia. After a bombardment by the Yugoslav army Serbian police entered the village later in the morning and began to search the houses. At village inhabitants to flee the tried in the whole village one shot. A group of 25 men tried to hide itself in a building but it discovered by the Serbian police. They were struck and brought then to a close hill, where policemen shot them. All in all the armed forces of Yugoslavia and Serbia killed about 45 Albanians in Racak and environment. " Hague the indictment indicates this as " murder in Kosovo Albanian civilians ".

This representation corresponds to the assertions of the American William Walker, at that time director/conductor of the OSCE in the Kosovo. On the day after the tragedy in Racak it visits the village. Its judgement is certain immediately He saw, says first the corpses of more than 20, to usually older men he, who were executed " obviously, where they were situated ". One found the others later. Tags on it under Walkers direction more placed " special report " of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro mission summarizes One has proofs found for " arbitrary arrests, toetungen and mutilating of unarmed civilians ". In the detail the report lists 23 adults of men in a hohlweg above Racaks, " many from extreme close distance shot ", furthermore four adults of men, who were apparent shot on the escape, as well as 18 corpses in the village. Under the latters were also a woman and a boy

The pictures of the corpses cause world-wide a frightening and indignation. A " galvanizing event " calls it US Foreign Minister larva line Albright. Later it than " punishment " the bombardment of Yugoslavia requires three days. In a letter at of Yugoslavia president Milosevic the German minister of foreign affairs Joschka Fischer writes jedwede apology of Belgrade on 20 January, became " in no case the execution of 45 unarmed persons, among them women and children, by whom security forces justify ". Later Fischer will say Racak " was for me the turning point ".

Dementi from Belgrade

The Yugoslav government denies the reproaches vehement. Belgrade speaks of a police action against UCK terrorists. The killing were in-collected in the evening 15 January of the UCK and presented as civilian victims.

On 22 January a court-medical team from Finland begins with the autopsy of the dead ones brought into the Kosovo capital. One week later terminated it the investigation. The public waits for the result. But the team under the direction of Dr. Helena Ranta takes itself first time for the analysis.

Meanwhile the Kosovo conflict sharpens itself ever more too. In Rambouillet with Paris still negotiate Western powers, Russia, Serbs and Kosovo Albanians about a peaceful regulation for the arguments. The Rambouillet discussions are in their crucial phase, when team boss gives a confusing press conference to Ranta in Pristina. Instead of publishing a test result, it indicates " comments ", which would against-give their " personal opinion ". Nobody suspects on this 17 March 1999 that Mrs. Ranta was pushed by the policy to go now to the public. Their analyses are neither finished up to this day nor them clear results brought.

On 22 January a court-medical team from Finland begins with the autopsy of the dead ones brought into the Kosovo capital. One week later terminated it the investigation. The public waits for the result. But the team under the direction of Dr. Helena Ranta takes itself first time for the analysis.

In misleading, wound records Mrs. Ranta tries to pull itself from the affair. It rejects it to speak of a " massacre " but it calls a " crime the tragedy against the humanity ". She explains that with the victims no ammunition and no uniforms were discovered, but that many several thick sweaters carried. It describes pedantically that powder-pure were not found, without saying exactly, where had been looked up. She criticizes the missing protection of the corpses and the proofs by the OSCE and refers on the long time interval between death and investigation. Both would make unique predicates more difficult

Most observers nevertheless lay the assertions out Helena Rantas as an acknowledgement of the statements of an execution. Important politicians permit no more doubts. US president Clinton speaks of the fact that " innocent men, women and children " from their houses were driven that they were forced to kneel " in the dirt and niedergemaeht ". In " internationally the Herald Tribune " report anonymous western government representatives beyond that that the most terrible details from the Finnish reports are still not at all published. One week later begins the war, which remains reports secretly

Demands with Mrs. Ranta

Now the " citizens of Berlin could see newspaper " copies of the autopsy documents. The result All these reports do not contain proofs for an execution scenario. With only one victim the Finnish forensic pathologists and their Yugoslav and Belorussian colleagues discovered tracks, which could point on a shot from " relative proximity ". In the other cases the result was negative.

Also the alleged absence of Schmauchspuren ("gun-powder?", pedja) at the hands did not document. With the fact a proof is missing that it concerned with the victims civilians. We asked Mrs. Ranta, why not. After short consideration it loosened the mystery The Finnish team did not look at all for it. With in the press conference from 17 March 1999 it concerned itself mentioned tests rather around the search for tracks of an execution by put or close distance shots. Were these tests, which ran negatively. " that was somewhat misleading in the press conference ", adds Mrs. Ranta today.

In the act this " misunderstanding " touches the substantial question of the case Racak nevertheless. Were the dead ones actually all together unarmed friedfertige village inhabitant? Or did it concern at least with a section Albanian UCK fighters? Did it concern around an execution or combat? In all official statements of the OSCE, Hague the tribunal or the EU the second possibility is faded out

Against better knowledge. Already in the morning 16 January 1999 indicates the UCK in a first Kommunikee, with fights for Racak is eight of their fighters pleases. The names of this dead ones do not emerge in the list Hague of the tribunal. Strangely also Likewise on 16 January the UCK calls 22 executing in Racak with names. From them however only eleven on the dead list of the tribunal are logged. Only the number of 22 corresponds in for instance the dead ones on the hill behind Racak, found with the number. How were there many dead ones now really?

" the truth is ", says a French journalist Renaud Girard, " that Racak a fastened village with many contactor ditches was. " Of it one does not read a word in " special the report " the OSCE. Girard had hurried on 16 January 1999 for the workstation of the tragedy and experienced Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro mission boss Walker in internal message. " Walker is a professional, which concerns, says massacres " Girard. " each professional knows, what he has to do in such cases It locks the area off, so that the proofs to become secured to be able. Walker did not do such a thing to anything. It trampled even around and let the journalists at the corpses fummeln, to souvenirs collect and tracks smears. " Girard transmitted first a massacre report to its newspaper " Le Figaro " like all its colleagues. But then it came into the Gruebeln " I felt, there did not tune which not. "

Doubt with journalists

To his doubts a colleague of " Le moons " contributed. Christophe Chatelet had been at the vortag - on the day of the alleged massacre - in Racak. Together with Organization for Security and Cooperation in Euro representatives it entered the village in the late afternoon, when the Serbs had withdrawn themselves. The foreigners discovered four hurt and heard of a dead one. When it became dark, Chatelet returned to Pristina. In Racak nothing special occurred, indicated it its colleagues. On the next day, when Walker with a large press troop drove to Racak, Chatelet declined and remained in the hotel. Why the OSCE in the afternoon 15 January in the village of the Racak only a dead one registered, while the OSCE discovered suddenly at least 13, possibly even 18 corpses in the roads and yards in the morning after, Chatelet cannot explain itself " I cannot loosen the mystery. "

It is firmly that the 45 dead ones of Racak are victims of the Serbs. But if there were a mass execution why did the Serbian units take off, without undertaking the attempt to hush up the occurring and to let as much as possible corpses disappear? Light into the case could bring above all the UCK. Their boss Hashim Thaci explained recently the BBC " we had a code unit in the region. It was a savage fight. We had to deplore many victims. But the Serbs also. "

Article from 24 March 2000

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