Truth in Media Activism: Letters to Editors

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Aug. 30, 2000

To: The Wall Street Journal

Indeed, We Should Teach Young Russians the Value of NWO "Democracy"

Re. “As Clinton Courts Russia’s Autocrats, Russians Suffer” - a WSJ OpEd (Aug. 29, 2000)



Ned Crabb, Letters Editor


New York, NY

Subject: A letter to the editor re. “As Clinton Courts Russia’s Autocrats, Russians Suffer” - a WSJ letter (Aug. 30, 2000)

Dear Ned,

“Teaching younger Russians the value of democracy should be a priority,” urged one of America’s greatest Russophobes, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his Wall Street Journal OpEd piece, “As Clinton Courts Russia’s Autocrats, Russians Suffer” (Aug. 29, 2000).

For once, I agree.  If the younger Russians were ever to learn the real facts about Zbig’s New World Order “democracy.”

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that has reduced Russia’s once stellar health care system to the level of the poorest African countries;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that contributed to a disaster in which 118 Russian sailors lost their lives;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that has plundered Russia under the guise of "reforms," transferring more than half a trillion dollars of its assets into foreign banks;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that bombed Serbia last year, another Slavic country like Russia, killing over 2,000 people and destroying its civilian infrastructure (hospitals, trains, bridges...);

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that caused the deaths of dozens of innocent American citizens at Waco or Ruby Ridge;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that continues to kill innocent civilians to this day in Iraq and in Kurdistan;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that looked the other way when Turkey, another such "democracy," slaughtered tens of thousands of Kurds;

·        It is that kind of “democracy” that has now practically reinstituted “marshall law” in Belfast, Ireland’s Kosovo;

·        It is that kind of “democracy” that has disarmed Australians, and has proposed a legislation that  would allow its police to shoot Australian citizens on sight - should they disagree with their government;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that has impoverished hundreds of millions of people in Latin America and Asia so that globalist multinationals can take over local companies, driving them out of business;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that has illegally eavesdropped on its citizens using systems such as Echelon or Carnivore, sometimes for the benefit of globalist multinationals;

·        It was that kind of “democracy” that is in bed with the oppressive communist regime in Beijing which it is supporting both with western cash and with treasonous transfers of American military know-how.

I could go on, but I’ll stop here.  The young Russians have indeed much to learn from that kind of “democracy.”  So that they can avoid it.

  Which is why, for once, I agree with your Russophobic OpEd columnist. “Teaching younger Russians the value (of that kind of democracy) should be a priority” indeed.

  Lest they become victims of such “democracy” before they are old enough to vote.  As did some American children - at Waco or Ruby Ridge, for example. 

  Best regards,

  Bob Djurdjevic, Founder, Truth in Media

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Also, check out Djurdjevic's WASHINGTON TIMES columns: "Chinese Dragon Wagging Macedonian Tail,"  "An Ugly Double Standard in Kosovo Conflict?", "NATO's Bullyboys", "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved?", and "Ginning Up Another Crisis"

Or Djurdjevic's NEW DAWN magazine columns: "Blood for Oil, Drugs for Arms,"  "Washington's Crisis Factory,"  and "A New Iron Curtain Over Europe"