Truth in Media Activism: Letters to Editors

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July 3, 1999

To: The New York Times

Junk Food for Thought Served by Junkyard Columnist to Unsuspecting Americans

Re. Thomas Friedman's column, "Was Kosovo World War III?"


Toby Harshaw,Letters Editor


New York, NY

Subject: Letter to the editor Re. Thomas Friedman's OpEd, "Was Kosovo World War III?" (July 2)

Dear Mr. Harshaw,

Was your columnist, Thomas Friedman, inhaling as he wrote his "Was Kosovo World War III?"-column? (NYT, July 2). Or was he eating a Quarter Pounder made with Mad Cow beef? For, rarely has so much junk food for thought been compacted into so few words.

Take Mr. Friedman's self-aggrandizing Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention, for example "No two countries that both had a McDonald's had ever fought a war against each other since they each got their McDonald's," he quotes himself.

Mr. Friedman has obviously never been to Saigon. Or Baghdad. Or Panama City. Or Teheran. Or New Delhi and Karachi. Or London and Buenos Aires. Or Belgrade... to mention only some examples which send his junk food theory on foreign relations to the junkyard where it belongs.

I went to Belgrade during NATO's bombing of Serbia. One of the first things the Serb citizens shut down after NATO's attack on their country were the McDonald's restaurants. I took a picture of one of them. Instead of the Golden Arches, the building had huge TARGET signs plastered all over its facade.

In case you or Mr. Friedman haven't kept up with the Serb TARGET sign global mania, they were not ads for the Target stores. Perhaps you can explain that to your junkyard columnist? Once he recovers from inhaling or eating Mad Cow beef. Thank you.

I invite you and your junkyard foreign affairs columnist to visit our Web site and check it out for yourselves (http// And then maybe you can both quit serving junk food for thought to unsuspecting Americans.

Best regards,

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Bob Djurdjevic

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Also check out... "Kosovo: Another Vietnam?", "Banality of Bombings", "Greek Archbishop: Stop This NATO Attack,"  "You Were Wrong About Gen. Perisic", "New York Times' Kosovo News Manipulation",  "Plus, Another Kosovo News Cover-up""Embarrassed About Such 'Serbs',"  "Put the UN Justice on Trial""Another Wall Street Bailout, Another Main Street Sellout", "Does WSJ Dance to Wall St. Bankers' Tunes?""Clinton Fiddles While Milosevic Burns""Let the Bombing Begin?  Not!" , "What's Good for the Goose..."  and "Journal's Rotten Apples" (Wall Street Journal); and "Stock buybacks: Wall St.'s Duping of Main St.", Business Week).